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Phil = love Definition: the desire to help humankind, as seen in charitable works.

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Presentation on theme: "Phil = love Definition: the desire to help humankind, as seen in charitable works."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phil = love Definition: the desire to help humankind, as seen in charitable works.

2 Word: philanthropy

3 Definition: instruction in exercise Phys = body, nature

4 Word: physical education

5 Path = feeling Definition: lack of feeling, remorse, shame. Often impulsive and prone to violent behavior.

6 Word: psychopath

7 Pod/Ped = foot Definition: the three legged support

8 Word: tripod

9 Ma = mother Question: When a working woman takes a break to take care of her newborn it is called? Pa = father Question: When a man stays home after his wife has had a baby it’s called?

10 Word: maternity leave Word: paternity leave

11 Fra = brother Definition: an organization of “brothers”. Based on university ties for social purposes or an organization of laymen for religious or charitable purposes.

12 Word: fraternity

13 archaeo = ancient/primitive Definition: really, REALLY old.

14 Word: archaic

15 Arch = chief, primary, first Definition: ordered from most important to least important

16 Word: hierarchy

17 Aster/astr = star Definition: the study of the stars and space

18 Word: astronomy

19 Audi = hear Definition: loud enough that it can be heard

20 Word: audible

21 Bene = good/well Definition: a person who gives help, especially financial help.

22 Word: benefactor

23 Bio = life Definition: The earth’s crust, water and atmosphere that sustains life

24 Word: biosphere

25 Brev = short Definition: the shortening of words/phrases Northwest NW U R GR8

26 Word: abbreviation

27 Derm = skin Definition: doctor who specializes in the skin

28 Word: dermatologist

29 Chloro=green Definition: the green pigment found in plants.

30 Word=chlorophyll

31 Chrono=time Definition: a history of facts arranged in the order in which they happened.

32 Word: chronicle

33 Dic/dict = speak Definition: a ruler with absolute power

34 Word: dictator

35 Fer = to carry Definition: a boat that carries people and cars over water to another point of land

36 Word: Ferry

37 Fix = fasten Definition: to direct all attention at something; unwillingnes s to let something go

38 Word: fixate/fixation

39 Gen = birth Definition: to create something from scratch— energy or ideas

40 Word: generate

41 Geo = earth Definition: The study of the earth and its physical and cultural properties

42 Word: geography

43 Graph = write Definition: famous person’s signature

44 Word: autograph

45 Hemo = blood Definition: the escape of large amounts of blood from a blood vessel; heavy bleeding

46 Word: hemorrhage

47 Herb = plant Definition: plant based remedy

48 Word: herbal

49 Hydro = water Definition: to add liquid to the body

50 Word: hydrate

51 Jur/just = law Definition: a group of people sworn to hear the evidence and judge the facts in a case to give a decision.

52 Word: jury

53 Log/logue = word/thought Definition: a long speech in a play by one character

54 Word: monologue

55 Luc = light Definition: letting light pass through

56 word: translucent

57 Manu = hand Definition: to make by hand or by machine

58 Word: manufacture

59 Meter/metr = measure The standardized measuring system of most of the world

60 Word: metric literally translated from Greek/Latin—related to measure

61 Neg = no Defition: the opposite of positive 4-7=-3 Take your medicine No!

62 Word: negative

63 Ocu = eye Definition: two small telescopes mounted side by side for personal viewing

64 Word: binoculars

65 Path = feeling Definition: the projection of your personality onto someone else to understand that person. Feeling for someone else. If I were you, I’d feel sad. I love my dear doggy. My dog died this morning.

66 Word: empathy

67 Path = feeling Definition: lack of emotion; lack of interest

68 Word: apathy

69 Olig = few Definition: a government in which a few are in control— often selfish and corrupt

70 Word: oligarchy

71 Osteo=bone Definition: the disease of brittle bones

72 Word: osteoporosis

73 Op/Oper = work Definition: in use, currently working

74 Word: operational

75 Ped = child Definition: Doctor who specializes in children.

76 Word: pediatrician

77 Phil = love Definition: literal translation— someone who loves wisdom. A seeker of truth and knowledge

78 Word: philosopher

79 Phys = body, nature Definition: a medical doctor

80 Word: physician

81 Pod/Ped = foot Definition: a low platform serving as a pedestal, a place from which to give a lecture or conduct an orchestra.

82 Word: podium

83 Proto = first The first version of an item or model

84 prototype

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