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Meta- Heuristic Algorithms Ant Colony Genetic Algorithm Simulated Annealing.

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Presentation on theme: "Meta- Heuristic Algorithms Ant Colony Genetic Algorithm Simulated Annealing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meta- Heuristic Algorithms Ant Colony Genetic Algorithm Simulated Annealing

2 Ant Colony Optimization

3 ACO Concept Ants (blind) navigate from nest to food source Shortest path is discovered via pheromone trails –each ant moves at random –pheromone is deposited on path –ants detect lead ant’s path, inclined to follow –more pheromone on path increases probability of path being followed

4 ACO System Virtual “trail” accumulated on path segments Starting node selected at random Path selected at random –based on amount of “trail” present on possible paths from starting node –higher probability for paths with more “trail” Ant reaches next node, selects next path Continues until reaches starting node Finished “tour” is a solution

5 ACO System, cont. A completed tour is analyzed for optimality “Trail” amount adjusted to favor better solutions –better solutions receive more trail –worse solutions receive less trail –higher probability of ant selecting path that is part of a better-performing tour New cycle is performed Repeated until most ants select the same tour on every cycle (convergence to solution)

6 ACO System, cont. Often applied to TSP (Travelling Salesman Problem): shortest path between n nodes Algorithm in Pseudocode: –Initialize Trail –Do While (Stopping Criteria Not Satisfied) – Cycle Loop Do Until (Each Ant Completes a Tour) – Tour Loop Local Trail Update End Do Analyze Tours Global Trail Update –End Do

7 Background Discrete optimization problems difficult to solve “Soft computing techniques” developed in past ten years: –Genetic algorithms (GAs) based on natural selection and genetics –Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) modeling ant colony behavior

8 Background, cont. Developed by Marco Dorigo (Milan, Italy), and others in early 1990s Some common applications: –Quadratic assignment problems –Scheduling problems –Dynamic routing problems in networks Theoretical analysis difficult –algorithm is based on a series of random decisions (by artificial ants) –probability of decisions changes on each iteration

9 Implementation

10 Ant Algorithms


12 Implementation Can be used for both Static and Dynamic Combinatorial optimization problems Convergence is guaranteed, although the speed is unknown –Value –Solution

13 The Algorithm Ant Colony Algorithms are typically use to solve minimum cost problems. We may usually have N nodes and A undirected arcs There are two working modes for the ants: either forwards or backwards. Pheromones are only deposited in backward mode.

14 The Algorithm The ants memory allows them to retrace the path it has followed while searching for the destination node Before moving backward on their memorized path, they eliminate any loops from it. While moving backwards, the ants leave pheromones on the arcs they traversed.

15 The Algorithm The ants evaluate the cost of the paths they have traversed. The shorter paths will receive a greater deposit of pheromones. An evaporation rule will be tied with the pheromones, which will reduce the chance for poor quality solutions.

16 The Algorithm At the beginning of the search process, a constant amount of pheromone is assigned to all arcs. When located at a node i an ant k uses the pheromone trail to compute the probability of choosing j as the next node: where is the neighborhood of ant k when in node i.

17 The Algorithm When the arc (i,j) is traversed, the pheromone value changes as follows: By using this rule, the probability increases that forthcoming ants will use this arc.

18 The Algorithm After each ant k has moved to the next node, the pheromones evaporate by the following equation to all the arcs: where is a parameter. An iteration is a completer cycle involving ants’ movement, pheromone evaporation, and pheromone deposit.

19 Steps for Solving a Problem by ACO 1.Represent the problem in the form of sets of components and transitions, or by a set of weighted graphs, on which ants can build solutions 2.Define the meaning of the pheromone trails 3.Define the heuristic preference for the ant while constructing a solution 4.If possible implement a efficient local search algorithm for the problem to be solved. 5.Choose a specific ACO algorithm and apply to problem being solved 6.Tune the parameter of the ACO algorithm.

20 Applications Efficiently Solves NP hard Problems Routing –TSP (Traveling Salesman Problem) –Vehicle Routing –Sequential Ordering Assignment –QAP (Quadratic Assignment Problem) –Graph Coloring –Generalized Assignment –Frequency Assignment –University Course Time Scheduling 4 3 5 2 1

21 Applications Scheduling –Job Shop –Open Shop –Flow Shop –Total tardiness (weighted/non-weighted) –Project Scheduling –Group Shop Subset –Multi-Knapsack –Max Independent Set –Redundancy Allocation –Set Covering –Weight Constrained Graph Tree partition –Arc-weighted L cardinality tree –Maximum Clique

22 Applications Other –Shortest Common Sequence –Constraint Satisfaction –2D-HP protein folding –Bin Packing Machine Learning –Classification Rules –Bayesian networks –Fuzzy systems Network Routing –Connection oriented network routing –Connection network routing –Optical network routing

23 Genetic Algorithms

24 Part I: GA Theory What are genetic algorithms? How to design a genetic algorithm?

25 Genetic Algorithm Is Not... Gene coding...

26 Genetic Algorithm Is... … Computer algorithm That resides on principles of genetics and evolution

27 Instead of Introduction... Hill climbing local global

28 Instead of Introduction…(2) Multi-climbers

29 Instead of Introduction…(3) Genetic algorithm I am not at the top. My high is better! I am at the top Height is... I will continue

30 Instead of Introduction…(3) Genetic algorithm - few microseconds after

31 GA Concept Genetic algorithm (GA) introduces the principle of evolution and genetics into search among possible solutions to given problem. The idea is to simulate the process in natural systems. This is done by the creation within a machine of a population of individuals represented by chromosomes, in essence a set of character strings, that are analogous to the DNA, that we have in our own chromosomes.

32 Survival of the Fittest The main principle of evolution used in GA is “survival of the fittest”. The good solution survive, while bad ones die.

33 Nature and GA... Nature Genetic algorithm ChromosomeString Gene Character Locus String position Genotype Population Phenotype Decoded structure

34 The History of GA Cellular automata –John Holland, university of Michigan, 1975. Until the early 80s, the concept was studied theoretically. In 80s, the first “real world” GAs were designed.

35 Algorithmic Phases Initialize the population Initialize the population Select individuals for the mating pool Perform crossover Insert offspring into the population The End Perform mutation yes no no Stop?

36 Designing GA... How to represent genomes? How to define the crossover operator? How to define the mutation operator? How to define fitness function? How to generate next generation? How to define stopping criteria?

37 Representing Genomes... RepresentationExample string 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 array of strings http avala yubc net ~apopovic tree - genetic programming > bxor or c ba

38 Crossover Crossover is concept from genetics. Crossover is sexual reproduction. Crossover combines genetic material from two parents, in order to produce superior offspring. Few types of crossover: –One-point –Multiple point.

39 One-point Crossover Parent #1 Parent #2 0 1 5 3 5 4 7 6 7 6 2 4 2 3 0 1

40 One-point Crossover Parent #1 Parent #2 0 1 5 3 5 4 7 6 7 6 2 4 2 3 0 1

41 Mutation Mutation introduces randomness into the population. Mutation is asexual reproduction. The idea of mutation is to reintroduce divergence into a converging population. Mutation is performed on small part of population, in order to avoid entering unstable state.

42 Mutation... 11010100 01010101 10 01 Parent Child

43 About Probabilities... Average probability for individual to crossover is, in most cases, about 80%. Average probability for individual to mutate is about 1-2%. Probability of genetic operators follow the probability in natural systems. The better solutions reproduce more often.

44 Fitness Function Fitness function is evaluation function, that determines what solutions are better than others. Fitness is computed for each individual. Fitness function is application depended.

45 Selection The selection operation copies a single individual, probabilistically selected based on fitness, into the next generation of the population. There are few possible ways to implement selection: –“Only the strongest survive” Choose the individuals with the highest fitness for next generation –“Some weak solutions survive” Assign a probability that a particular individual will be selected for the next generation More diversity Some bad solutions might have good parts!

46 Selection - Survival of The Strongest 0.930.510.720.310.120.64 Previous generation Next generation 0.930.720.64

47 Selection - Some Weak Solutions Survive 0.930.510.720.310.120.64 Previous generation Next generation 0.930.720.640.12 0.12

48 Mutation and Selection... Phenotype D D D Selection Mutation Solution distribution

49 Stopping Criteria Final problem is to decide when to stop execution of algorithm. There are two possible solutions to this problem: –First approach: Stop after production of definite number of generations –Second approach: Stop when the improvement in average fitness over two generations is below a threshold

50 GA Vs. Ad-hoc Algorithms Genetic Algorithm Ad-hoc Algorithms Speed Human work Applicability Performance Slow * Generally fast Minimal Long and exhaustive General There are problems that cannot be solved analytically Excellent Depends * Not necessary!

51 Problems With Gas Sometimes GA is extremely slow, and much slower than usual algorithms

52 Advantages of Gas Concept is easy to understand. Minimum human involvement. Computer is not learned how to use existing solution, but to find new solution! Modular, separate from application Supports multi-objective optimization Always an answer; answer gets better with time !!! Inherently parallel; easily distributed Many ways to speed up and improve a GA-based application as knowledge about problem domain is gained Easy to exploit previous or alternate solutions

53 GA: An Example - Diophantine Equations Diophantine equation (n=4): A*x + b*y + c*z + d*q = s For given a, b, c, d, and s - find x, y, z, q Genome: (X, y, z, p) = x yzq

54 GA:An Example - Diophantine Equations(2) Crossover Mutation ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) ( 5, 6, 7, 8 ) ( 1, 6, 3, 4 ) ( 5, 2, 7, 8 ) ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) ( 1, 2, 3, 9 )

55 GA:An Example - Diophantine Equations(3) First generation is randomly generated of numbers lower than sum (s). Fitness is defined as absolute value of difference between total and given sum: Fitness = abs ( total - sum ), Algorithm enters a loop in which operators are performed on genomes: crossover, mutation, selection. After number of generation a solution is reached.

56 Some Applications of Gas GA Internet search Data mining Software guided circuit design Control systems design Stock prize prediction Path finding Mobile robots search Optimization Trend spotting

57 Part II: Applications of GAs GA and the internet GA and image segmentation GA and system design

58 Simulated Annealing

59 Simulated Annealing(1) What is annealing? Process of slowly cooling down a compound or a substance Slow cooling let the substance flow around  thermodynamic equilibrium Molecules get obtimum conformation contraction : cause stress

60 Simulated Annealing(2) What is simulated annealing? –Stochastic optimization method –Simulates slow cooling of annealing process –Implemented by Metropolis algorithm, Monte Carlo step –Analogy Current thermodynamic state = solution Energy equation = objective function Ground state = global optimum Temperature T = ???

61 Simulated Annealing(3) Charateristics –Take some upnhill steps to escape the local minimum –Instead of picking the best move, it picks a random move –If the move improves the situation, it is executed. Otherwise, move with some probability less than 1.

62 Simulated Annealing(4) Simple Iterative Algorithm 1. find a path p 2. make p’, a variation of p 3. if p’ is better than p, keep p’ as p 4. goto 2 Metropolis Algorithm –3’ : if (p’ is better than p) or ( within Prob), then keep p’ as p Simulated Annealing –T is reduced to 0 by schedule as time passes

63 Simulated Annealing(5) Algorithm function Simulated-Annealing(problem, schedule) returns a solution state inputs: problem, a problem local variables: current, a node next, a node T, a “temperature” controlling the probability of downward steps current  Make-Node(Initial-State[problem]) for t  1 to infinity do T  schedule[t] if T=0 then return current next  a randomly selected successor of current DE  Value[next] – Value[current] if DE>0 then current  next else current  next only with probability e DE/T

64 Simulated Annealing(6) Schedule Determines rate at which the temperature is lowered Lowers T slowly enough, the algorithm will find a global optimum Temperature T : control parameter Used to determine the probability High T : large changes Low T : small changes

65 Simulated Annealing(7) p EE 0 1 e  E/T Probability distribution

66 Simulated Annealing(8) moves T0 Tf n T(n) Schedule example

67 Simulated Annealing(9) higher probability of escaping local maxima Little chance of escaping local maxima, but local maxima may be good enough in practical problmes.

68 Simulated Annealing(10) To avoid of entrainment in local minima –Anealing schedule : by trial and error Choice of initial temperature How many iterations are performed at each temperature How much the temperature is decremented at each step as cooling proceeds

69 Simulated Annealing(11) Difficulties –Determination of parameters Schedule T # of moves at each temperature –If cooling is too slow Too much time to get solution –If cooling is too rapid Solution may not be the global optimum

70 Simulated Annealing(12) Application –VLSI layout –Signal and image processing –Task allocation –Network design –Molecular analysis

71 Application in CSP Can be solved by IIA –Allow states with unsatisfied constraints operators reassign variable values Heuristic repair method –Assigning values to all the variables –Applying modification operators which simply assign a different value to a variable Min-conflicts heuristic –Choose value that violates the fewest constraints i.e., hillclimb with h(n) = total number of violated constraints –Surprisingly effective (ex:million-queens in less than 50 steps)

72 Min-conflicts heuristics Example : 4-Queens –States : 4 queens in 4 columns(4 4 = 256 states) –Operators : move queen in column –Goal test : no attacks –Evaluation : h(n) = number of attacks h = 5 h = 2h = 0

73 Summary Iterative improvement algorithms –Keep only single state in memory –Can get stuck on local maxima –Simulated annealing to escape local maxima Complete, optimal given a long enough cooling schedule For CSP –Variable and value ordering heuristics can provide huge performance gains –Current algorithms often solve very large problems very quickly

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