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University of Wisconsin System HRS Project Unclassified Employee TL/AM Entry (Employee Self-Service)

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Presentation on theme: "University of Wisconsin System HRS Project Unclassified Employee TL/AM Entry (Employee Self-Service)"— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Wisconsin System HRS Project Unclassified Employee TL/AM Entry (Employee Self-Service)

2 Agenda ESS/MSS Overview Absence Reporting Report Absences No Leave Taken Half Day Absence request Full Day Absence request One Week Absence request Employee Best Practices Review Absence Submissions Frequently Asked Questions Additional Resources 2

3 Welcome What is HRS? UW System's Human Resource System (HRS) An integrated system for all human resources, benefits and payroll operations for UW System Went live on April 18, 2011 TL/AM – Time & Labor / Absence Management Full implementation of Employee & Manager Self Service 2012/2013 3

4 4 What is ESS/MSS? Employee Self-Service, or ESS, is an HRS capability that enables employees to report time worked and/or leave electronically, which is then sent to a supervisor for review and approval online. Manager Self-Service, or MSS, is an HRS capability that enables supervisors to review their employee’s electronic time and absence entries for validation and approval online. 4

5 Benefits of ESS/MSS Improved time and absence reporting transparency for supervisors and employees. Increased management in time/absence entry for supervisors. Minimized duplicate time & absence entry from a paper form to the online form. Reduced paper timesheets and paper leave reports Secured method to enter time and absences. 5

6 Who are Considered Unclassified? Employees paid on monthly basis:  Faculty  Academic Staff - Instructional  Academic Staff - Non-Instructional  Limited Appointments (i.e. Directors, Administrators, etc.) 6

7 Absence Reporting Considerations You must establish a standard work week for reporting purposes. Your official schedule should total 40 hours per week (pro-rated for part-time) including: Classes Office hours Other regularly scheduled obligations Time for research or other self-directed work required by your appointment. Default schedule for all unclassified employees is Monday through Friday, 7:45 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. With the approval of your supervisor you may file an alternate schedule. A leave report is due monthly, regardless of whether any leave time is used during the month. 7

8 Absence Reporting Whether you are a new or existing employee, it’s important to recognize that: Sick leave, vacation and personal holidays are important elements of the UW System total compensation package. Accountability for proper leave use and reporting are essential to ensure the on-going availability of these valuable benefits. 8

9 Earned Leave – Twelve-Month Employees Full-time, twelve-month employees earn 22 days (176 hours) of vacation per year. Institutional guidelines concerning unused vacation carryover provisions vary, as do departmental guidelines. Thirty-six hours per year of personal holiday leave are granted. You have until the end of the fiscal year to use them or they are lost. Nine legal holidays NOTE: If you are employed on a part-time basis, your leave time is pro-rated consistent with your percentage of employment. 9

10 Types of Leave Sick Leave (UNC) Vacation Leave (UNC) Personal Holiday Hours (UNC) Vacation Carryover Hours (UNC) ALRA (UNC) Processed through the payroll office only Legal Holiday Hours – Not reported by Employee Leave of Absence – Processed through the payroll office only. Sick Leave Hourly (UNC) DO NOT USE. Note: UNC means Unclassified 10

11 Reporting Time Away 11

12 Reporting Leave Each division/department will continue to use its current method of “requesting” an absence. HRS’ ‘Request Absence’ screens are used the same as “reporting absences” on your leave sheet and should be updated as they are taken for best work practices. 12

13 Login to My UW system Located on For Faculty and Staff > My UW System

14 “Reporting” Leave Click on ‘Enter Absence’ in the ‘TIME AND ABSENCE’ box No more paper leave statements! (Except for past missing ones.)

15 Reporting Leave Employee Self-Service (ESS) Enter No Leave Taken 15

16 Absence Name: No Leave Taken 16 Where do I go to report an absence?

17 Absence Name: No Leave Taken (Cont’d) 17

18 Absence Name: No Leave Taken (Cont’d) How to enter “No Leave Taken” for the month: Follow the 4 steps below: 1.Start Date: Enter the first of the month that you are reporting for (Ex. 10/1/2012, 11/1/2012). Both the start and end date (if it pops up) should be the same. A Basis (12 month employee) set to the first day of the month. If new to the position this month, enter your first day (Hire/Transfer Date). (Hint: Use calendar button to select date) 2. Absence name - “No Leave Taken” 3.End Date: Enter the first of the month that you are reporting for again. The End Date must equal the Start Date (use the first day of the month). 4. Click the Submit button and Confirm. * NOTE: Filter by Type – (Field is not used) 18

19 Example: No Leave Taken (Cont’d) Select “No Leave Taken (UNC)” 19

20 Complete Form and Submit (Cont’d) 20

21 Example of No Leave Taken 21

22 Reporting “Half Day Absence” Employee Self-Service (ESS) Enter Half Day Absence 22

23 Reporting Absences – Half Day Example Enter Start Date Select appropriate Absence Name: Screen will change based on type of absence taken 23

24 Completed “Request Absence” for a Half Day leave Enter: 1. Start Date 2. Absence Name 3. End Date 4. Entry Type (Click Down Arrow) (Select Hours Per Day) 5.Hours Per Day (Appears) 6.Enter Number of Hours (Fill in Hours Per Day Box; Do Not Touch Duration Box) 7. Click “Calculate End Date or Duration” 8. Click “Submit”

25 Example of Entering Full Day Absence Employee Self-Service (ESS) Enter Full Day Absence 25

26 Reporting Absences – Full Day Example Enter Start Date and Absence Name. Then complete the rest of the fields before clicking “Submit”. 26 For one Day: Enter Start/End Date the same “Duration” field should default to ‘8’ after “Calculate” button is clicked Be sure to click “Submit”

27 Example of Entering Half Day Absence Employee Self-Service (ESS) Enter Full Week Absence 27

28 Example of Full Week Entry Before Submission 28 One week Monday – Friday Do not include Weekend Clicking “Duration” calculated 40 hours Click “Submit”

29 Absence Management Supervisor/ Chair/Manager Approval 29

30 MSS Absence Approval Sign into ‘My UW System’. to enter your Portal site Login using user name and password Locate the ‘Manager Time and Approval’ box. A list of employees with absences ready for approval will be seen by clicking on the ‘Absence’ tab. Only employees who have entered absences will be listed. Click on ‘Approve Absence’. 30

31 Manager Time and Approval 31

32 Reported Absence Approval This will bring you to the ‘Absence Requests’ screen. The list of employees and requests changes based on the “*Show Requests by Status” selected. Default status is ‘Pending’ All Staff (Classified/Unclassified) appear To review and approve an absence request, click on the employee’s name. This opens a “Request Details” page. Click on the appropriate action to take on this request (Approve, Deny, or Push Back). Approve – Verify the employee has enough leave time available Deny – Not to be used at this time Push Back – Used when the date/time/type requested does not match prior approved request 32

33 “Absence Request” Page 33

34 “Request Details” Page 34

35 Employee – Verification & Push Back 35 APPROVAL PROCESS

36 Employee – Verify Absence Approvals Check for Absence approvals at My UW System Verify all absences have been ‘Approved’ Rework shows an Absence was “Push Back” 36

37 Handle a “Push Back” 37 Click Enter Absence Towards the bottom is View Absence Request History Click the Edit button to the far right on the absence that says “Push Back”

38 Edit the Absence Change what was incorrect and resubmit 38

39 Employee Best Practices Enter Absences as taken – After the fact! ALL absences must be entered and approved by supervisor by the 5 th day of the next month Be sure to post a “No Leave Taken” using the first day of the month All absences must be submitted or sick leave will be reduced Communicate to your supervisors if you are unable to enter absences Take your time and be patient NOTIFY HR and Payroll of any/all Supervisory changes! Contact your Payroll Coordinator to record any leave without pay transactions. 39

40 Supervisors Approval Best Practices Approve Absences as submitted (weekly) Approve ALL absences by the 5 th of the following month Approve Absences after the fact only! Work with employees to correct errors Approvals are necessary so employees’ leave is correct Take your time and be patient NOTIFY your Payroll Coordinator of any/all Supervisory changes! 40

41 When to Request Assistance from: Audrey Beckwith, Payroll Coordinator - COOP-Extension. Sreekumari Nair, Payroll Coordinator - all other Divisions. Missing an Employee? If you are unable to see one of your employees, email your Payroll Coordinator. Not Sure on Approval? If you are unsure about anything regarding absence approval, please email your Payroll Coordinator. 41

42 FAQ’s Employee Self-Service (ESS) Frequently Asked Questions 42

43 43 Will HRS Warn Me If I Do Not Have Enough Leave Left? 43 HRS will NOT warn you if you do not have enough leave.  Current balance for a particular leave type is displayed on the Absence Request Page when requesting an absence.  Link on the Absence Request Page titled ‘View Absence Balances’ which displays available hours for each of your leave types.

44 How Do I Report Legal Holidays? Legal Holidays are loaded for all Unclassified Employees by the UW Service Center the month following the legal holiday, to align when other leave is reported by employees. For example, the Memorial Day holiday will be loaded in June, before the June payment is processed. Employees do not report leave for a Legal Holiday. Managers do not need to approve the Legal Holiday absence. When UW Service center loads Legal Holiday, it will be automatically approved. Balances will adjust if there is a change in FTE. 44

45 What is the difference between Floating Holiday and Personal Holiday Paid holidays which occur on a non-scheduled work day currently noted as a Floating Holiday, will be treated as a Personal Holiday. The HRS Payroll System recognizes the term Personal Holiday hours for all hours taken as Personal Holidays or Floating Holidays. 45

46 How are Legal Holidays Counted If I Work an Alternate Work Schedule? Full-time, twelve-month pay basis employees earn 8 hours of holiday time for each paid holiday. If you work four 10-hour days/week, you will need to make up the additional 2 hours of time during the remaining week or take 2 hours of vacation on the holiday. 46

47 How do I Report Leave If I Work Part Time? If you are a less than full time Unclassified employee, your time is reported according to your work schedule. If you are a less than full time Unclassified employee, your time is reported in actual time in increments of quarter hours. 47

48 Why do I Have to Report the First Day of the Month for “No Leave Taken”? It is the UW Service Center policy to use the first day of the month for the Start Date and End Date for “No Leave Taken”. The End Date must be equal to the Start Date. 48

49 What If I Have a Missing Leave Report at the End of the Fiscal Year? Reduction of Sick Leave Accrual for Failing to Report Monthly Absences. If you fail to report your absences for one or more months during a fiscal year, your sick leave balance may be reduced at the end of the fiscal year. Unclassified Personnel Guideline #10 49

50 What Happens to My Unused Vacation at Termination ? Faculty, Academic Staff and Limited Appointees are entitled to be paid for any unused vacation, personal holiday and ALRA upon termination from eligible UW Extension employment. Supervisors, however, have the right to require the employee to use the vacation prior to termination (provided there is sufficient time to do so). All monthly absences must be reported and approved by your supervisor before any leave payout is done. Payment for unused paid leave may be made as a lump sum or by extending the employee on the payroll – at the discretion of the department. 50

51 When do I Receive my Leave Payout? All monthly absences must be reported and approved by your supervisor before any leave payout is done. All absences must be entered into HRS before any payout is entered. All Payouts/Paybacks should be on the last active paycheck. If not, the UW Service Center has to be contacted to initiate additional steps. 51

52 What If I Overuse Any Paid Leave? Faculty, Academic Staff and Limited Appointees are liable for ‘overuse’ of vacation, sick leave, personal holiday, and legal holiday for the fiscal year, they must repay any negative balances upon termination. Overused leave is generally repaid by reducing the final paycheck. All monthly absences must be reported before the final paycheck is processed to ensure the dollars owed are paid back in full upon leaving employment. 52

53 What is a Leave of Absence? Leave Of Absence (LOA) Payroll status changes to “leave of absence” which is unpaid. A leave of absence for consecutive days. This type of leave is granted for Medical purposes. Partial Leave of Absence (LOA) Payroll status remains “active” A reduced work schedule (FTE change) - consistently reduced hours. Sporadic or Intermittent unpaid leave is used in lieu of paid leave. 53

54 How Does “Unpaid Leave of Absence” Affect Me? Unpaid Leave of Absence (LWOP) Payroll status changes to “leave of absence” which is unpaid A leave of absence for one pay period or longer This will trigger a recalculation of Vacation, Sick Leave and Legal Holiday Under FMLA we are required to allow sporadic or Intermittent leave Military Injury in the Workplace 54

55 When Do I Report Sick Leave? Except for the initial entitlement, sick leave may be taken only after it has been earned. You are not required to use sick leave for doctor’s appointments, illnesses… You can substitute other paid leave (vacation, personal holiday…) if you do not want to use your sick leave. If you miss work due to illness for 5 or more consecutive days, you must provide a written physician’s certification (not required if leave is taken under the State or Federal Family Medical Leave Act). Medical certification records are maintained in Human Resources. 55

56 What is the difference between Allocated and Earned balances? Allocated Balances are the amount of Vacation and/or Legal Holiday given to an employee at the beginning of the fiscal year based on employee data. Employees are entitled to use their allocated leave through the end of the fiscal year, assuming they do not go on an extended leave or depart from their position. HRS allocates your entire years’ legal holiday hours at the beginning of the fiscal year. Best Practice is not to use those hours in advance of the holiday to avoid running out of legal holiday before the end of the fiscal year. Once your full Vacation and/or Legal Holiday Allocation buckets are empty, they will not be filled up again until the new fiscal year. Earned balances are the amount of Vacation and/or Legal Holiday that an employee earns per pay period based on paid hours or hours worked. 56

57 How Do I Report Leave If I Have Multiple Jobs? Multiple appointments Within the same Institution/Campus a separate leave report for each appointment will be located on your portal. In different Institutions/Campuses, you may or may not be live with Employee Self Service so please review your portal and contact appropriate campus if necessary. 57

58 What are Your Responsibilities for Reporting Leave Usage? Full-time employees report paid leave (vacation, personal holiday and sick leave and ALRA) in half and full-days (4 hours and 8 hours). Part-time appointees report actual hours missed. Submit your monthly absences to your supervisor or backup approver, whichever is applicable, no later than the 5 th of the following month. A leave report is due monthly, regardless of whether any leave is used during the month. Reporting is explained in Unclassified Personnel Guideline (UPG) #10, Note: Some institutions may have different reporting requirements. 58

59 Resources Available - HRS Online Tutorials General Information about Self-Service: UW-Extension – Payroll & Benefits Training website: 59

60 Available Resources- HRS Knowledge Base HRS Online Knowledge Base: Searchable Step by step documentation on time entry Step by step documentation on time approval Supported by the UW-System HRS project General HRS support documentation 60

61 Your Impact It is important to remember that you are a part of a larger community and your actions can impact not only you but also your colleagues and your institution. 61

62 Absence Management Terminology Absences: Absences from work must be taken as paid or unpaid leave. Use of leave must be approved by the employee's supervisor. Leave benefits vary by employee type. Absence Request: In HRS, Absence Request is not meant to be used for asking for time off from your supervisor, but as a means of “Reporting” an absence after it has been taken. Actual hours worked: The time actually worked by an employee, as opposed to scheduled hours or leave hours. Allocated Leave Balance: You are allocated your entre years’ vacation and Legal Holiday balance at the beginning of the fiscal year. Annual Leave Reserve Account (ALRA) The benefit allows eligible unclassified University of Wisconsin employees, who participate in the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) with 10 or more years of service, to bank a portion of their annual vacation entitlement each fiscal year. 62

63 Absence Management Terminology- Cont. Annual Leave (Vacation Leave) All unclassified, and professional staff earn annual leave hours for each full month of their employment. Employees working less than a full time schedule accrue annual leave hours on a prorated basis. Approvals: Each employee must have a Supervisor (Time Approver) designated, as he/she cannot approve absences for him/herself. Catastrophic leave: A program that allows employees to donate specified types and amounts of leave to. employees who have been granted unpaid leaves of absence for catastrophic need. While some employees who are eligible to receive contributions of paid leave under this program may be on authorized state or federal family or medical leave, the determination of catastrophic leave is entirely separate from those laws and should not be confused with them. See s. ER 18.15, Wis. Adm. Code; and WHRH Ch. 660. Earned Leave Balance: The amount of Vacation/Legal Holiday that is earned per pay period based on hours worked/paid. 63

64 Absence Management Terminology- Cont. Employee ID (EmplID): A unique 8 digit (Ex: 00890012) employee number that identifies the employee within the HRS Time and Labor/Absence system. Employee Self Service (ESS): ESS is an acronym for Employee Self Service. Unclassified employees will enter absences worked via ESS. Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA): Federal and state laws establishing certain minimum benefits relating to an employee’s right to unpaid leave of absence for personal or family serious medical conditions, and/or for maternity, paternity or adoption of a child. Full time equivalence (FTE): The amount of hours budgeted for a position. A position budgeted for 80 hours in a bi-weekly pay period would be 1 FTE; a position budgeted for 40 hours in a bi-weekly pay period would be.5 FTE. In Pay Status: On payroll receiving regular salary for working that day or having used paid leave, including shared leave (i.e. catastrophic) to remain on payroll. 64

65 Absence Management Terminology- Cont. Leave of Absence With Pay (LOA): An absence from employment with pay (in pay status) granted at the employee's request following the approval of a high authority due to illness, disability, etc. Leave of Absence Without Pay (LWOP): Unpaid leave which may be allowed for time that an employee is absent for such reasons as disability, parental leave, child care emergencies, and education. Manager/Approver: An employee who is authorized to certify absences/information for employees who report to him/her. Responsible for ensuring that only appropriate absences/time is approved. Manager Self Service (MSS): MSS is an acronym for Manager Self Service. Supervisors and Back Up Approvers will review and approve time entered via MSS. Military Leave With Pay: The employee must be under military orders, a copy of which must be given to the department at the time of the leave request. This leave is in addition to vacation/sick leave and does not result in any reduction of accrued leave balances, benefits, performance ratings, privileges, or pay. 65

66 Absence Management Terminology- Cont. Military Leave Without Pay): Under federal and state law all UW employees are entitled to military leave of absence without pay for active service in the uniformed services of the United States or the state of Wisconsin. The employee is also entitled to reinstatement to the former position with restoration of seniority and adjustment of salary for missed increments, if applicable. Personal Holiday: Annual pay basis unclassified employees who accrue a paid vacation entitlement are eligible to receive 4.5 days (36 hours) of personal holiday each fiscal year (or a prorated number of days for staff employed less than full-time).,. The scheduling of such a day shall be by mutual agreement between the supervisor and employee. The personal holiday shall be taken in the fiscal year in which it is earned or it is lost. Resignation: A separation action initiated by the employee to leave employment. 66

67 Absence Management Terminology- Cont. Sick Leave: Paid leave granted to employees to be used for illness or injury or as otherwise allowed by University policy. All full-time unclassified staff earn 8 hours of sick leave for each month of full time employment. Employees working less than a full-time schedule accrue sick leave hours on a prorated basis. Take: Take is the HRS term for all the different types of absence request, i.e. Vacation, Sick, Personnel Holiday etc. Termination: Cessation of employment. 67

68 Absence Management Terminology- Cont. Work Schedule: Scheduled work days and hours. Each position is assigned to one of three work period designations (see note below for Research Technologists): 1.Scheduled: a.The Regular Scheduled work period for full-time staff consists of five consecutive and uniformly scheduled 8-hour days in a 7-day period. This is a daily repetition of the same working hours and a weekly repetition of the same working days. For part-time staff, a regular scheduled work period consists of the same number of consecutive and uniformly scheduled work days consistent with the percent FTE, and a weekly repetition of the same work hours and work days. b.An Alternate Scheduled work period is a consistent schedule per day/week of other than five uniform and consecutive days in a 7-day period. This schedule may be due to operational necessity or employee convenience but is determined by the department. 2.Nonscheduled: The "Nonscheduled" work period is varied and inconsistent. It applies to those positions for which hours cannot be consistently scheduled, but which reflect the required percent FTE per week. Assignment of a position to the non-scheduled work period designation requires approval by the department's Human Resources..Consultant. 68

69 Questions

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