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World War I, 1914-1918 Daniel Acosta Zamir Borja Helen Cai.

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1 World War I, 1914-1918 Daniel Acosta Zamir Borja Helen Cai

2 Events Leading to World War I June 28, 1914, Sarajevo- Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie July 23, 1914, Vienna- Austrian government threatens war upon Serbia and invades the country 4 days later August 1, 1914, Berlin- Germany, Austria-Hungary's ally. declares war on Russia, Serbia's ally August 3, 1914, Berlin- Germany declares war on France, Russia's ally, and invades neutral Belgium August 4. 1914, London- Great Britain, France's ally, declares war on Germany Wilson declared U.S. neutrality, later realizing the difficulties it presented

3 Neutrality European nations prevented supplies from reaching the enemy Great Britain blockaded Germany and seized U.S. ships Germany blockaded British Isles ("war zone") and developed new weapon, the submarine Submarine Warfare Lusitania crisis- May 7, 1915 Arabic crisis- August 1915 → Sussex Pledge -Sussex- March 1916

4 Economic Links with Britain and France One-Sided Economic Support Economic recession in America before the war, however rebounded due to orders for war supplies to Britain and France British blockade prevented shipping to Germany Wilson tolerated British blockade while restricting Germany's submarine blockade Trade between U.S. and Allies quadrupled while trade between U.S. and Germany nearly vanished Loans J.P. Morgan and other bankers extended up to $3 million to the Allies Maintained U.S. prosperity while sustaining Allies' war effort

5 Public Opinion British War Propaganda Britain controlled war news that was sent to U.S. newspapers Realized the potentials of American public support Supplied press with sensational stories of German soldiers committing inhumane crimes in Belgium and Eastern France Ethnic Influences 30% of U.S. population consisted of European immigrants who were sympathetic to the war Italian-Americans supported the Allies when Italy joined German Americans and Irish supported Central Powers Native-born Americans wanted Britain and France to win Positive relationship since 1800s Shared democratic governments

6 The War Debate Lusitania Crisis Preparedness Opposition to war The election of 1916 Peace efforts

7 Decision for War Unrestricted submarine warfare Immediate causes Zimmerman telegram Russian Revolution Renewed submarine attacks Declaration of war

8 Mobilization Industry and labor Bernard Baruch Herbert Hoover Harry Garfield Finance

9 Public Opinion and Civil Liberties Espionage and Sedition Acts Case of Schenck v. United States Armed Forces Selective Service Act (1917) African Americans Effects on American society More jobs for women Migration of Mexicans and African Americans

10 Fighting the War Naval operations American expeditionary force Last German offensive Drive to victory U.S. casualties

11 Wilson’s Fourteen Points Recognition of the Freedom of the Seas An end to the practice of secret treaties Reduction of national Armaments Self-determination- the right for a country to govern itself An international peace association (League of Nations)

12 The Treaty of Versailles Germany lost its colonies and had to take full responsibility of the war New Nations formed and were given self- determination A League of Nations The Big Four (Wilson, Clemenceau, George, Orlando)

13 Opponents of the Treaty of Versailles Election of 1919- Republican Dominated Congress Irreconcilables Reservationists Reservationists: No Lodge’s Reservations, No League of Nations Wilson’s Western Tour and Breakdown

14 Postwar Problems Demobilization Unemployment increased as soldiers came home War production decreased Prices of Crops fall for Farmers Recession leading to the Great Depression Red Scare An Increasing fear of Communism Began with Hearings of Russian Revolution May Day, 1920 riots never took place Thousands were arrested as “Communists” and illegal immigrants

15 Postwar Problems Labor Conflict-Strikes of 1919 Police Strike in Boston Police Officers on strike MA Governor Coolidge called the National Guard to break the strike Race Riots African Americans went to the North in search of jobs during the War They were in competition with whites for jobs and housing Ku Klux Klan Cities like St. Louis and Chicago had many riots between whites and blacks

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