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Alliances Germany was part of the Triple Alliance, along with Austria- Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria This action was a response to the alliance.

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3 Alliances Germany was part of the Triple Alliance, along with Austria- Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria This action was a response to the alliance between France and Russia

4 German foolishness to support Austria- Hungary after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand led to conflict between all of Europe

5 Failure of Diplomacy The idea of “realpolitik” wasn’t a solid idea It caused Germany to constantly be threatening other countries as their means of Diplomacy

6 Created an enemy in Britain when it tried to out do Britain’s navy The German attack on France enforced all treaties in place between the Allied powers leading to an all out war

7 Bibliography Zahora, Renee. World War I Reading Packet. 2007. Zahora, Renee. Student Help Powerpoint. 2007 Zahora, Renee. Countries Links. 2007

8 Head to head Germany went head to head with Great Britan to see who was the master of the seas Admiral Tirpitz lead the Germans

9 Schlieffen Plan Alfred von Schlieffen was the German Army Chief of staff He said: Defeat France Early, no one would want to fight 6 weeks for Russia to organize their army images%3Fq%3DAlfred%2Bvon%2BSchlieffen%2B%26gbv%3D1%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den AlfredGrafVonSchlieffen.jpg&imgrefurl= plan&h=277&w=180&sz=14&tbnid=LCaQOWe8u-xjTM:&tbnh=114&tbnw=74&hl=en&start=1&prev=/

10 Arms Race Germany gave the most money to their navy. They wanted to be the best The even widened the Kiel canal to let the great battleships to pass through All of this led to a great expansion in the power of each navy

11 Dreadnaughts Germany and Great Britain tried to develop a new class of ships. They were to be the best ship A ship that could defeat any other ship Britain developed the Dreadnaught class first 80&hl=en&start=1&tbnid=0dTb2c4rJhvhPM:&tbnh=102&tbnw=141&prev=/images%3Fq%3DHMS%2Bdreadnought%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX

12 U-boats The First Submarines Designed to be stealthy Could take out Ships from under the water Key German asset Raided commerce 896510BDF94F2D8E.jpgLarge.jpg&imgrefurl= rev=/images%3Fq%3DU-boat%26gbv%3D1%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG

13 Bibliography “Teachers Net." 21 Mar. 2007. 28 Mar. 2007.

14 What Germany wanted in the war France had large parts of Africa which they used squeezed the natural resources out of them. Britain had colonies in five continents, this land increased as the war started up. Germany needed colonies, they had some in colonies spread over the world this was not enough to supply them for the war.

15 What Germany had Germany did not have very many colonies before they started to imperialize Africa. Germany had a couple colonies in Africa and a tiny colony named Papa New Guinea. Except for a few colonies spread through out the world, Germany was out of luck for natural recourses from their colonies.

16 Why did Germany want to imperialize Germany’s reasons for imperialisation were like every body else's, they wanted natural recourses, slave labor and gold for personal gain. The other reason that Germany needed to imperialize is that the war was going to run their economy dry if they did not have a steady source of recourses

17 Bibliography German Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaGerman Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Student help Causes Pwrpt.ppt orksheets/ww1/Causes_WWOne.doc

18 Wilhelm II led German Empire Wanted to show world his injury did not make him weaker Had a desire to show he was the best, even with an injury German_Emperor#World_War_I

19 Germany attempted to be the best by outracing everyone in military and naval power This let Germany feel it was getting the respect it deserved from the rest of the world mages/German_Army_Battle_L eadershiip.jpg

20 Wanted to control the Ottoman empire to feel strong Made them have a strong defense of Alsace & Lorraine wwi_map.jpg

21 Bibliography Book Farah, Karls. World History, The Human Experience. National Geographic Society, 1999. Packet/Notes Zahora, Renee. World War I Reading Packet. 2007. Zahora, Renee. Student Help Powerpoint. 2007 Website Unknown. “Causes of World War I”. 320-8-167-22210701-0607- YR/content/_4306301_1/Countries%2 0links.htm 320-8-167-22210701-0607- YR/content/_4306301_1/Countries%2 0links.htm Unknown. “World War One; Causes”. History on the Net. Otober 3, 2007. /causes.htm#Nationalism /causes.htm#Nationalism Metcalf, Adam. “World Wars”. Regents Prep Global History. Oswego City District Regents Exam Prep Center. Date unknown. bl/themes/conflict/worldwars.cfm bl/themes/conflict/worldwars.cfm

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