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The One Taste. Why Sit? Calm the Mind Energize the Body Connect the Spirit.

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Presentation on theme: "The One Taste. Why Sit? Calm the Mind Energize the Body Connect the Spirit."— Presentation transcript:

1 The One Taste

2 Why Sit? Calm the Mind Energize the Body Connect the Spirit

3 Administrative Details Be On Time (Do not enter if you are late) If you need to leave, leave (coughing fit, discomfort, too sleepy etc.) it is fine, no one will judge you. Leave quietly Don’t talk outside. If you leave do not return to the session. Try the next session.

4 Before You Sit Make sure you are Wide-Awake Brush your teeth Wash your face (shower if available) Wash your feet Do some physical energization, stretching, or chi gong

5 We are all Masters of Doing Sitting is designed to focus us on Being Sitting Meditation = Being Present while Not Doing

6 Mind will Practice Doing Anyway Techniques to Outsmart Mind Mantra—Sacred Word Breathing—watch the breath Mandala –gazing (geometric shape, icon, or sacred object) Mantrum—Vocalized Mantra (Chant) All of these techniques have the same purpose--to bring you to the present moment

7 Mantras (one or two syllables is best) BillimoriaHere Now GenericPeace; Health; Vitality, Purity UniversalOm ChristianJesus JewishAbba Zen BuddhistNam Myoho Renge Kyo HinduOm Mani Padme Hum I encourage you to discover your own sacred word

8 The Present Moment Here Now Empty Thought No Ego No Judgment No Witness No Self (Stillness is not the absence of movement, Stillness is the absence of self)

9 Physiology Structure Sit with back Straight Chin down spine aligned Feet flat knees bent Body relaxed but straight Mingmen Open Shoulders Open but relaxed Arms Relaxed Tongue Relaxed

10 Mental Focus Open Aware Relaxed/Alert Extended Awareness (Not Relaxed/Retracted Awareness which leads to sleep) Here/Now

11 Use Power Steering As thoughts come in, casually notice them and gently let them go. Do not wrench the wheel or berate yourself. Do not judge the quality of your meditation.

12 Levels to Aspire To Calm (park the race car in the mind) Relaxed—Extended Awareness Comfortable Open Peace

13 Levels to Aspire To Bliss Peace plus light Peace plus pure energy Peace plus vibrant body

14 Levels to Aspire To The Void The One Taste, The Undifferentiated Field, Universal Unconditional Love The space between the archer and the target No space between the archer and the target

15 Progress in Meditation There is no progress, There is only practice Remain disciplined to the practice Let go of the desire to judge your meditations Appreciate the fruits but do not chase them or get attached to them Keep coming back

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