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Issues in sport Prof Leigh Robinson. Presentation content The sport industry Commercialisation Popularity of sport Integration into the health agenda.

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Presentation on theme: "Issues in sport Prof Leigh Robinson. Presentation content The sport industry Commercialisation Popularity of sport Integration into the health agenda."— Presentation transcript:

1 Issues in sport Prof Leigh Robinson

2 Presentation content The sport industry Commercialisation Popularity of sport Integration into the health agenda Engaging youth Funding elite sport Sporting legacy Drugs and doping Security

3 The sport industry Highly competitive ‘Closed’ pool of customers Little opportunity for differentiation A discretionary industry

4 Sport is a business…. ‘ Bosman’ ruling Fina’s decision to consider costumes as technical equipment Competition for world events Australia to sue FIFA if World Cup date changes Australia have a ‘fast track’ visa system for potential medal winners

5 Commercialisation

6 The popularity of sport If it is to be played or watched sport will have to be popular – The televising of the sport – Access to facilities and equipment – The duration of the event – The competition – the ‘event’!

7 Integration into the health agenda To receive money sport will have to be associated with the ‘health agenda’ – Declining participation – Increase in desire to spectate – Physical activity – NOT sport

8 Engaging young people There is a generation of youth who have become disenfranchised from organised sport or who are physically illiterate – ‘Youth’ sports – Opportunities for activity – Mentor and role models

9 Funding elite sport Given the rising costs of elite sport there will be a number of challenges to its continued funding

10 Sporting legacy The impact of sport events in terms of legacy will drop from the agenda of politicians and sporting providers

11 Doping and drug culture Anti-doping is an expensive process Yet if sport is to retain its high moral ground it has to continue to invest in detection and to take a strong unwavering stance against drugs – Should this just be competitive sport?

12 Security Sport events are the perfect vehicle for terrorist action as it is often uncontrolled, brings crowds of people and often happens in a public place

13 Summary Sport is a fantastic industry to work in, now matter what you do. However, it changes and is changing rapidly and we will always have to adapt!


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