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FY14 NRS, Updates and Reminders Technical College System of Georgia Office of Adult Education Intake Assessment Form ■ Assessment Policy ■ National Reporting.

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Presentation on theme: "FY14 NRS, Updates and Reminders Technical College System of Georgia Office of Adult Education Intake Assessment Form ■ Assessment Policy ■ National Reporting."— Presentation transcript:

1 FY14 NRS, Updates and Reminders Technical College System of Georgia Office of Adult Education Intake Assessment Form ■ Assessment Policy ■ National Reporting System

2 Training Topics FY14 Intake Assessment Form Verification of Eligibility for Public Benefit (VOEPB) FY14 Assessment Policies and Procedures Classes in GALIS Georgia Adult Learners Information System (GALIS) Updates NRS Reminders and Technical Training Overview FY14 NRS, Updates and Reminders2

3 FY14 Intake Assessment Form No major changes All new and returning students must complete an IAF each fiscal year Sign in ink Approved and added TABE CLAS-E Review the Directions and Definitions IAF Tutorial has been updated for FY14 (new employees or for review) FY14 NRS, Updates and Reminders3

4 Verification of Eligibility for Public Benefit (VOEPB) Summary of submissions to the state Affidavit, directions, and training materials will be updated for FY14 and posted by June 10, 2013 Restricted Visas (section 2.1 of OAE P&P Manual) B1 (business visitor) B2 (pleasure visitor) BBBCV (B1/B2 Border Crossing Visa) F1 (student who must pay tuition to attend school) Note: A review of the FY14 VOEPB training is suggested for all employees FY14 NRS, Updates and Reminders4

5 VOEPB, cont. Georgia Senate Bill 160 Effective July 1, 2013 18 year-olds within 30 days (GALIS Report AL290) Foreign Passport w/ 1-94, I-94A, I-94W, others Do’s and Don’ts Handout for FY14 FY14 NRS, Updates and Reminders5

6 VOEPB Do’s Collect a copy of a secure and verifiable document from all applicants and make sure it is on the list Collect supporting documentation from Qual. Aliens Increase the size of documents when photocopying Check the overall quality of copies Become aware of changes in VOEPB for FY14 Assign one person as the point of contact for VOEPB matters who will review forms before submitting Use checklist to review documents before submission Pull GALIS report AL290 at least every 30 days FY14 NRS, Updates and Reminders6

7 VOEPB Don’ts Collect affidavits from applicants younger than 18 Accept foreign passports without I-94, I-94A, or I-94W or other federal document for lawful presence Submit U.S. Citizen or Legal Permanent Resident Affidavits to OAE Do not accept Consulate cards or International Drivers’ licenses as Secure and Verifiable documents Enroll persons with B1, B2, F1, or BBBCV (B1/B2 Border Crossing Visa) statuses (per OAE policy in section 2.1 of the P&P Manual.) FY14 NRS, Updates and Reminders7

8 Assessment Policy Manual Added TABE CLAS-E ESL Assessment 2 forms and 4 levels Listening/Speaking or Reading/Writing Composite scores are entered into GALIS Published by CTB/McGraw-Hill ( Made minor language clarifications Approved Khan Academy for DE proxy contact hours ( FY14 NRS, Updates and Reminders8

9 Classes in GALIS Classes should: Match the time and effort of the teacher (direct instruction and instructional support) Show the direct instructional time – segmented morning, afternoon, or evening Reflect the actual start and end date Examples: July 7 – October 1; July 7 – June 15 Be built on a quarter, semester, or term basis rather than an entire fiscal year, if possible FY14 NRS, Updates and Reminders9

10 Classes in GALIS, continued Classes should not: Be built to block the whole day Example: 8:00 am – 8:00 pm Have instructors teaching more than one class during the same time period – GALIS will restrict this Be designated to one teacher when there are multiple teachers working with the group of students. The class should be divided and each teacher should be assigned certain students FY14 NRS, Updates and Reminders10

11 Rollover in GALIS Most data rolls over. These fields do not: Student labor force status Used for Enter Employment and Retained Employment goals Staff years of experience FY14 NRS, Updates and Reminders11

12 Other GALIS Changes Added fields for TABE CLAS-E Updated program list for FY14 grantees VOEPB Complete or new student record will not save Staff tab fields were updated “Primary Assignment” to “Primary Funding Source” 225 Correctional/Institutional, 231 ABE/ASE/ESL, EL/Civics, State, Local, Misc. Contract, and Unpaid FY14 NRS, Updates and Reminders12

13 GALIS info vs. Table 5 Reports Explanation of Student Goals page data Meeting Table 5 Criteria Follow-up Measure matching processes NRS Cohorts Enter Employment – Unemployed and looking for work Retain Employment – Employed GED – Take all parts Postsecondary – GED, HS Diploma or higher at entry, achieve GED while enrolled, enrolled in transition class FY14 NRS, Updates and Reminders13

14 Adult Basic Education/Adult Secondary Education (ABE/ASE) Educational Functioning Levels FY 2014 ABE 1Beginning ABE Literacy Negotiated Percentages 45% ABE 2Beginning Basic Education45% ABE 3Low Intermediate Basic Education47% ABE 4High Intermediate Basic Education39% ASE 1Low Adult Secondary Education41% ASE 2High Adult Secondary EducationNA FY14 NRS, Updates and Reminders14

15 English as a Second Language (ESL) Educational Functioning Levels FY 2014 ESL 1Beginning ESL Literacy Negotiated Percentages 40% ESL 2Low Beginning ESL46% ESL 3High Beginning ESL50% ESL 4Low Intermediate ESL48% ESL 5High Intermediate ESL40% ESL 6Advanced ESL30% FY14 NRS, Updates and Reminders15

16 NRS Core Outcome Follow-up Measures FY 2014 Enter Employment Negotiated Percentages 26% Retain Employment31% Obtain a GED69% Enter Postsecondary25% FY14 NRS, Updates and Reminders16

17 Technical Training Overview FY2014 Technical Training schedule Tutorials, walkthrough videos, teleconferences, face- to-face training BEST Plus, BEST Plus Refresher, and BEST Literacy Training dates TBA Technical Training Handout FY14 NRS, Updates and Reminders17

18 FY14 NRS, Updates and Reminders18

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