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Sensphysiology began with experience of Pack Chzhe Vu, who gave humankind the knowledge of Sue-Jock medicine by finding an answer to the question “Why.

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Presentation on theme: "Sensphysiology began with experience of Pack Chzhe Vu, who gave humankind the knowledge of Sue-Jock medicine by finding an answer to the question “Why."— Presentation transcript:


2 Sensphysiology began with experience of Pack Chzhe Vu, who gave humankind the knowledge of Sue-Jock medicine by finding an answer to the question “Why do humans have five fingers?”


4 I started looking for answers to the questions every doctor asks concerning not only HOW a disease has developed but also WHY IT HAS DEVELOPED?

5 And besides I also started looking for answers to the questions: “WHY it is this part (organ) of a human body that was created in THAT particular way?": WHY, for example, the nostrils of a Homo sapiens are created with holes down? WHY only superior eyelid blinks when an eye closes?

6 WHY of many living beings only a Homo Sapiens is capable of moving vertically on the surface of the Planet ?

7 WHY does a kidney or a gall bladder suddenly develop a stone?.. And suchlike questions.

8 My surprise was infinite when simple and logical answers were found to these unusual questions: -Nostrils are created with holes down so that water does not get into them and, consequently, lungs. Obviously so that a Homo sapience could Function Vertically under any conditions and move without any problems. …raise your nostrils up for a moment and you will feel that your breath can stop instantly… What a wise and reasonable protection of lungs!

9 “Only the upper eyelid blinks because it is faster this way to close an eye and protect it from damage and in this case gravitation force is used (how clever!).". “A kidney or a gull bladder develop a stone.. Obviously to make themselves heavier and to lower to required normal level in the body and relatively to the Planet (how clever!)…»

10 Once NASA published in a medical journal some information about an issue their scientists couldn’t solve: Why their astronauts very quickly developed stones in their kidneys? I sent them an e-mail, explaining WHY KIDNEYS DEVELOP STONES and gave them some recommendations from the standpoint of Sensphysiology as to how to help the astronauts. They even didn’t say “Thank you” or maybe didn’t read my message at all or, just like many other people didn’t believe in SIMPLICITY! DO YOU KNOW that of many living beings of the Planet only Homo Sapiens is capable of moving in upright position easily and freely. Your positive answer would acknowledge the following: if it is really SO, and as you know from your own experience it is, then the body of Homo Sapience is created taking into account Verticality and Gravitation! Thus, everything that has been created and functions, appears and works in our body does it to provide for mobile verticality as a fact of mastering ANTIGRAVITATION by Homo Sapiens....

11 LOGICAL CONCLUSION OF SENSPHYSIOLOGY : If a Body stops working perfectly, what people have called a disease, a Homo Sapience loses sense of ANTIGRAVITATION and at the same time the ability to move on the Planet in upright position. And since it is so we can place equal sign between Human health and Verticality!


13 And since it is homo sapiens who has mastered Vertical Mobility, the latter is not only a major health index but also that of Sanity Level of human population. And if the last conclusion is logically correct, and it is, You conscious has to acknowledge that: “By renovating the program of vertical mobility, which is set in each particle of Homo Sapiens’ Body, you can – BY THIS – renovate the Initial State, i.e. to renovate the Perfect Health State as well as Sanity State… and always maintain – BY THIS – the Initial State ad infinitum!”

14 I.E both Body and each of its Organs and even Particles have a program of Perfect structure as well as a program of Perfect function and a program of Perfect state of Health, necessary to protect the freedom of life existence of Homo Sapiens! But how can an average person make use of Logics of this knowledge? A person, who has ALWAYS got on a psyche level (and is inculcated everywhere) FEAR OF DISEASES! Sensphysiology states: “Infinity of life in the State of Continuous Health is formed by conscious retention of Antigravitation as a means to support Vertical Mobility!” My search and getting such simple logical Answers in combination with extensive practical experience of working in the area of preventive medicine, diagnosing and treatment, gave me a chance to feel the ALGORITHM OF BODY CREATION and make a major conclusion – about presence of CONSCIOUSNESS both in the body itself and in each of its constituents… Liver states: I’m clever!

15 We can’t help admitting that a person with such experience is always in the state of EXPECTATION OF POSSIBLE DISEASE! But Homo Sapience (his psychic energy) according to Logic of the Creator of the Body shouldn’t be concentrated on problems of the body and to lose a chance to see the world in all its beauty and for this reason to lose a chance of Broadening Outlook and Realizing the Goal and Mission of Human on the Planet! It is this structuring of Why questions and similar structuring of answers to these question – simple and logical – lead me to Developing a Technology of Renovation of Continuous Health Condition or RESUMPTION OF MEMORY OF THE INITIAL IN A BODY. I.e. the Initial PROGRAM according to which the Creator made such cybernetic machine as human body, and for that reason it must function perfectly.


17 The development of the Technology Of Continuous Health was assisted by such thinking, which logically developed from answers of this kind – a disease as well as a body and every functional part of the body are SEPARATE thinking beings, living their lives in the “state” called Body. And not only Thinking Beings with their own character, but also rather responsible for life of “their” Human. We just have to realize this and listen to conversations of organs and systems between themselves and with “their disease” and their messages for you as endogenous and exogenous disease-like onsets. We also have to realize the TASKS a disease has in the human body – not as an enemy, but as something, HELPING a Human to survive in aggressive environment.

18 It is realization of all the components of a Body, including diseases as SENTIENT BEINGS! - that are carrying out the only task all the time – protect my, Homo Sapiens’, Life as that of a Vertical Mobile System in the state of Antigravitation, that lead me to conclusion about existence of the entire layer of knowledge, and to characterize it I’ve introduced a term PHYSIOLOGICAL CULTURE. Philosophy and Practice of the Physiological culture is very SIMPLE:

19 The principles of Physiological Culture are surprisingly simple: stomach, for example, KNOWS what to do with food. A leg KNOWS how to walk so that not to stumble, and Ear KNOWS how to hear a song or a lecture, an Eye KNOWS how to look at the world and see this or that... They all have such Initial Individual knowledge, WRITTEN down in a notebook called FUNCTION PROGRAM....

20 They all, just like Homo Sapiens, live maintaining themselves together with a human, surrounded with a thin cover of Skin in the environment, where everything changes all the time and they are able to FEEL any changes and instantly ADOPT to them, PROTECTING THEMSELVES FROM ANY INVASION FROM THE OUTSIDE!!!

21 “Once God decided to create his own clone – Adam. He created a body. The body was well adapted to the conditions of the Earth. And he made the body such as to protect Adam and besides to move him fast wherever he wants… It even could fly! And for Adam not to have any troubles with his body God made it completely protected from exogenous – just like an astronaut, wearing an armor, who took to the outer space. And the God told Adam: Don’t ever take anything into your body, let it live its life and you live your own. And remember one more thing: all you need is already in your body. And if it lacks something it will breathe with air everything it needs, because the air around you contains water as air humidity, which contains EVERYTHING THE BODY NEEDS. So he said and…

22 Adam did not obey the Creator and crammed and apple into his body – he was interested “What will happen?” And now all children do this way – as soon as they start crawling or walking they take everything into their mouth!.. Because it’s interesting, WHAT WILL HAPPEN? And when they grow older they start experimenting with TV sets and even sockets, cramming things into them to see WHAT WILL HAPPEN.

23 That’s how the body lost its impermeability because of penetration of exogenous. That’s why body first lost the ability to fly. And then to live… If holes are being patched all the time… Body got fed up with it… and it became mortal. It’s good that Adam had children, otherwise there wouldn’t be us! Some time ago Jesus came from the Creator – he wanted to teach people how to get rid from Adam’s sin – they didn’t want it… And his disciples turned this knowledge into secret rituals



26 The video book structure is designed so as to develop your SKILLS of PHYSIOLOGICAL CULTURE. But the principle is different from traditional one: “do it this way”, first some answers to the question WHY we should do it THIS way in Real Life are given (theory). After that some Knowledge is shared as to the ways of recreation of the Initial Program of Body Self-protection to renovate your (Human) State of Continuous Health. It is by providing the knowledge of Cause and Effect as well as of the Technology of Body actions to eradicate Causes and Effects that the Video Book will allow you to get rid of the feeling of YOUR PARTICIPATION IN PROVISION FOR YOUR SAFETY (AND HEALTH) Sensphysiology states: the reason of early death of people in spite of their programmed longevity is… FEAR FOR THEIR BODY. And ageing starts from the moment… of experiencing fear of FALLING WHILE WALKING!!! Why would a Human feel fear in the moment of making a step on the Way of Mission?!

27 In this way by means of the Skills of Physiological culture, you will get rid of a BAD HABBIT to control your body and its components, telling by exercises, diets and the like, what they should do… And in this case you “having nothing else to do” will start doing your job – start thinking WHAT steps to make on the way of your Mission on the Planet. Having mastered at LEAST ONE Technology of renovation – for example, if you learn how to get “permit for penetration” – you’ll be able to put an and to harm, caused by Adam’s sin… One more task you are addressing now: this Video Book is a manual for Homo Sapiens on HOW TO TRANSIT TO HOMO SENSUS CIVILIZATION – i.e. an absolutely new generation of Humankind comprising people with continuous health state. The same task is addressed in my book called Reference book of Homo Sapiens or in-pocket Emergency, which familiarizes public with Sensphysiology and simple, safe and efficient methods of HEALTH RENOVATION, based on its philosophy Homo Sapiens Homo Sensus

28 Homo Sensus unlike Homo Sapiens always completely realizes the Goal and the Function of his own self and his Body. Homo Sensus clearly understands what his body wants to tell him either with a reaction, a disease or with a function. Your body instantly restores internal informational connections, destroyed by external conditions, when YOU DON’T INTERFERE, it keeps “order in the house”, i.e. Constant Peace Of The Internal that is health.

29 And if in this context you start looking for an answer to the question, Why tortoises live longer than any other animals? You’ll find simple and logical answer: “The moving parts are only head and lags and her internal is always in the state of peace!"

30 And now a very important question to you from the Creator: «Why don’t you stop interfering with your body?!» For example, to “clean” (a fashionable trend) liver or intestine? «Why don’t you stop interfering with your body?!» For example, with your medicines and diets or to mess everything in the “house” (i.e. Body) with gymnastics or running, or pound and damage with massage such protection structures as Hair and Skin, which constitute an environmental suite, protecting your life?!

31 When becoming a Homo Sensus you have to clearly realize one thing – each action of Body – walking, eating, drinking and even resting is adjusted and precise interrelation of Body functions and its components aimed to preserve your Freedom of Existence! And each of those actions has its Normal (relatively to a certain situation of Communication with the Environment) Program of Human Sustainment. And They – Organs, Systems, Cells – KNOW THEMSELVES, as I’ve already mentioned, WHAT, HOW, WHERE and WHEN to do to provide for efficiency of some Action! That’s why Homo Sensus sees his main task (in order to maintain the State of Continuous Health) in giving his COLLEGUES and DEFENDERS – through cognition of Sensphysiology – the right “to put the house in order”, i.e. to give Body freedom from himself!! Because Human Body, Like Earth, has all mechanisms for self-recovery. BOTH BODY AND THE PLANET HAVE ALL MECHANISMS FOR SELF-RECOVERY. CREATOR


33 Self-recovery (Renovation) cannot be perfect into primeval state of external elements of the Body – just like self recovery of plants, animals, rivers, seas, islands, mountains into primeval state on the Planet… But there’s always renovation of essential, i.e. of that the only SOMETHIG, on the basis, due to and for which Animals, Plants, Rivers, Seas, Islands, Mountains… keep living! I.e. a Perfect Model of Living and Coexistence HERE AND NOW. By the way, the only product a Human never gets fed up with is Bread!... It is BREAD that is needed by this SOMETHING, which renovates body to the original state.

34 By studying the possibility of achieving the State of Continuous Health from the perspective of Sensphysiology, I paid special attention to the fact that the majority of elements of ancient cultures, which went through the centuries in the form of Myths, Legends, Rites, Dances, Structures, Sculptures, Messages, Religious ceremonies, etc. is the information, PRESERVED IN SUCH WAY to remind next generations about Ability of Human Body to be in the State of Continuous Health!! Their Creation and their transmission through centuries was purposeful – to SHOW TECHNOLOGY of how Homo SENSUS can make use of these Abilities. It is the combination of this knowledge, spread all over the world, into a unified System that forms the Physiological culture of the Future, i.e. the Health of the Humankind.

35 It is the analysis of these Assets and Messages that allowed me to reveal for you Terms and Names like Technology of Continuous Health renovation, Physiological Culture, Sensphysiology. Physiological Culture is based on the Realization of the Goal and Necessity (Sense) of Changes in the Normal Program of Body Functionsto provide Healthy Quality of life. And realization of the Goal in its turn initiates Your Mental Reactions as a Personality (Reactions of Psychical Energy) to these Changes to prevent their turning into a HABBIT, which inevitably becomes a disease ! Physiological Culture, being mental and physical NECESSITY of HOMO SENSUS is at the same time a simple system of Sensphysiological i.e. Mental and Physical actions for Health Renovation. These actions in terms of their simplicity are analogous to hygiene procedures – just like actions we take, when using hygiene or daily use items, etc.

36 Physiological Culture skills, which are based on REALIZATION of Program and Function of Such Universal Protection System as The Body of Homo Sapiens - initiate your “breaking free for self-realization”, by freeing mind from fear of disease, from fear of disease threat an and from fear of “leaving our reality”. The only thing you need now is to Realize with the help of the Video Book, on the basis of which Laws the body of Homo Sapiens has been designed by the Creator… or to put it even simpler – what he was thinking of and what he wanted to achieve when creating, for example, your eyebrow or your lips…

37 We, coevals, should be happy, because we ALREADY live in the age of consciousness exhibition and we have no need to DISSECT Body into parts – to see what it is made up of or – just like Adam did – to see what it will lead to, - at the age, when all the answers are on the Surface of our Body!.

38 Let’s use an image of a small Child, who tears a doll apart or breaks a toy (here: Body) to see what is there, inside it? And when a Child grows older he/ she stops take Toys apart (but people keep doing this, breaking Bodies into microns!) When a child gets older he begins to MAKE USE of the toys – He plays with them!... Maybe he still throws and breaks them, but STOPS REACH INTO INSIDE!!

39 When children grow older, they begin to protect the Toy from their own actions and treat it with care – they don’t throw it up and down (like people do when exercising), they don’t add any bolts or screw-nuts into TV-set or computer, for example, (like people do with diets, medicines, vitamins, herbal infusions) and don’t hit the Toy with a hammer (like people do with massages)… After getting older children STOP DOING this, because they KNOW that neither a toy, nor a TV-set or Computer (to tell nothing about such a complicated device as human Body) need such extreme actions, they only DO HARM!!! And finally when a human is in the State of Complete Consciousness – he regards all Toys and Things (including Body) as a tool to Support own existence – and starts using them… via remote control

40 Answer a simple question – what is the difference between the body of homo sapiens and a toy, TV-set, computer etc.? – There’s no difference!!! Except for one thing: a Body just cannot be broken for a long time or break forever like other Toys do! The body has, just like our planet, its own doctors and pharmacies, its own repair stuff and repair shops… AND ITS OWN PROGRAM OF RENOVATION AND REGENERATION.

41 The idea of Unbreakability of Body is very simple – i.e. a Body develops inflammation FOR REASON (for example to get rid of splinter or microbe) or develops a stone FOR REASON in that particular organ (to lower it in accordance to its programmed level) or increased pressure FOR REASON (to lift above the planet the body and mind of the one who has descended!) According to logic of the Creator when a discrete situation disappears, the body KNOWS when, how and by which means to stop inflammation or dissolve the stone to bring pressure back to norm… it all will happen because Body NO LONGER NEEDS THEM FOR PROTECTION OF YOUR LIFE!


43 When toys, TV sets, Computers, and our body too, live their own life and the “children of the universe” use them only when they NEED them, then such “machine” as human body, which is CAPABLE of continuous self-recovery – cannot be worn out! Body treats Human just like a dog, who brings his master slippers notwithstanding that he is absorbed by his thoughts and when entering his house even doesn’t think about them… THAT’S THE WAY the Body of Homo Sapiens does its great job and takes you, like thought, to any destination on such an important way as your Mission and ALWAYS KNOWS and KNOWS IN ADVANCE, when “to bring slippers”.. PHYSIOLOGICAL CULTURE is Yu Culture (higher intelligence), i.e. a culture of Homo Sensus.

44 Professor Alexandr Kharchenko Lutsk, telephone: 80508760217 E-mail:

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