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Peru Part 1. Bellwork: Define Terms Siku---panpipes Calliope—carousel organ Bombos—large bass drum Cajas—snare drum provides a driving beat Arpa—diatonic.

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Presentation on theme: "Peru Part 1. Bellwork: Define Terms Siku---panpipes Calliope—carousel organ Bombos—large bass drum Cajas—snare drum provides a driving beat Arpa—diatonic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peru Part 1

2 Bellwork: Define Terms Siku---panpipes Calliope—carousel organ Bombos—large bass drum Cajas—snare drum provides a driving beat Arpa—diatonic harp

3 Announcements Test on Peru Thursday March 27 th Reading outline #20 due Tuesday March 25 th

4 Outcomes Scholars Will: Grammar: Learn basic facts about Peruvian music Logic: Re-create a Peruvian string game

5 Pre-knowledge Name as many South American countries as possible. What is the climate of South America like? What are the main exports? Name two languages spoken there. What European country conquered much of South America?

6 Siku-video

7 Bombos

8 Cajas

9 Arpa-video

10 Lake Titicaca— Aerial view

11 Lake Titicaca-Sikuti (pan-pipe) ensembles are commom amoung Aymara peoples of lake Titicaca- the highest navigable lake in the world at 12, 500 feet above sea level.

12 Guided Notes In ancient Peru, music did not exist for its own sake—it was created for supernatural supplication. A shaman is a practitioner who reaches altered states of consciousness in order to encounter and interact with the spirit world and channel transcendental energies into this world. The shaman uses short descending musical motives to cure. These songs feature a decrescendo. The ascending musical crescendo line is used to curse or inflict harm. Melodic units consist of two notes a whole step away. Spirit communication conducted in free rhythm.

13 Active Listening #1 Curing Song Listen for: Repetition of the initial motive: The descending melodic line The decrescendo of the melodic line

14 Just the facts #1 Curing Song First, the shaman whistles to alert his spirit helpers. He enlists the help of the Jaguar and boa constrictor spirits to help suck the sickness out.

15 Curing Song: Lyrics I am like Tsungi ’therefore I know how to cure. (Then he asks for an infusion made by steeping green tobacco leaves in water. He swallows this to feed his tsentsak. An onlooker then exhorts him to have strength) You will not die I will make you well There are my tsentsak which are ocelots But this Jaguar lives below the water And this Jaguar never gets sick ever thus also am I There is a boa constrictor of the forest which never gets sick and which doesn't have feeling Like a human body (announces: Now I have taken it out)

16 Healing objects High fever=sun Chills=Orinoco river Breathing trouble= bone/metal collar Speech problem=stuttering foreigner, chattering birds Silent=silence of the twilight, moon Deer meat sickness=jaguar feed on deer Sore throat=howler monkey has good voice Bad Health=boa constrictor is healthy

17 CFU: Music Battle Sing a simple chant: “I am tsungi” or “I am supay” Divide the class in half—some will choose cards and act out the ailment on the card until the good Shaman comes and heals them with whatever object is appropriate. Shaman’s must whistle before creating a chant to call the spirits. The good shaman will be given a bag of healing objects to call upon when healing ailments. His chant is “I am tsungi” and the melody starts on a high note and descends to a low note. The evil shaman will be given a bag of cursing objects. This shaman will say “I am supay” starting on a low note and ascending to a higher note. The role of the evil Shaman is to infiltrate the other tribe and put a curse on someone by giving them an object. The first team to heal everyone wins a point and holds up the all is well sign.

18 Map Quest: : ID Peru, Ecuador, Columbia, Cuzco, Brazil, Bolivia

19 Active Listening #2 Animal Sacrifice What are the names of the instruments in this track? Describe the mood of this piece, is it: Celebratory or solemn? Reserved or excited? Hopeful or distraught?

20 Just the facts #2 Animal Sacrifice The flute uses a pentatonic scale. This song is an integral part of the Andean coming of age ceremony.

21 CFU: String Game Mosquito

22 Ocarina demonstration

23 Scale/Magalina Zoula

24 CFU: Whiteboards Please answer the following questions on your whiteboards:

25 Q1 What is the name for a snare drum that provides a driving beat?

26 Q2 Name the two animals the shaman asks for assistance in curing his patient.

27 Q3 Are the melodies the shaman uses to cure ascending or descending?

28 Q4 What do you call a diatonic harp?

29 Exit Ticket What is a calliope? What event was the animal sacrifice celebrating? How does the shaman alert his spirit helpers? Short answer: In 2-3 complete sentences, describe the differences in the shaman’s singing style depending on whether he is healing or cursing his people.

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