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The class will be learning about our own families! We will learn about who is in our family and the history of our family We will learn some new vocabulary.

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2 The class will be learning about our own families! We will learn about who is in our family and the history of our family We will learn some new vocabulary words We will learn about our own time line We will create a power point presentation to present to the class WE WILL LEARN AND HAVE FUN!!!

3 How is your family important to your existence? Have you ever wondered, “Why is my family so important?” In this unit we will learn the importance of our families and how they are important to our “existence”. We will also be able to answer questions like: –Who are your family members? –How are families similar and different? –Why is your family important? –What does your family tree show? –Why is your time line important? –What have you learned about your family?

4 Here we GO! 1.We will read three new stories in our orange anthologies each week- We love reading! 2.A student worksheet will be sent home to be completed as homework with your family. 3.You will make your very own power point presentation in computer lab- Way Cool! 4.You will present the power point to the class and get a loud cheer

5 Power Point Pledge ( please stand and repeat after me ) I (state your name) will learn how to make a power point presentation, I will learn lots of cool stuff about my family, and I will NOT panic since Mrs. Myler will help me because she is nice! Mrs. Myler said, “DON’T PANIC”!

6 All In The Family Marilyn Myler January 25, 2007 2 nd Grade

7 ancestors: The people that came before us in our families are our ancestors. Our grandparents, great grandparents, great, great grandparents time line: A visual organization tool that shows some important events in a person’s life. family tree: a visual organization tool that shows my family members and their connection to me.

8 ABOUT ME July 24, 1971 35 years old 2 nd grade Pink is my favorite color I have two dogs and one cat

9 MY FAMILY Mom and Dad –Alfredo and Maria Veikalas 1 sister –Roxane 1 brother –Elvis

10 MY TIME LINE Sept. 1, 1978 Born Learned to walk Rode a bicycle Started Kindergarten Started 2 nd grade 1 years old Sept. 1, 1976 4 years old July 24, 1971

11 MY FAMILY TREE Marilyn Myler July 24, 1971 Nicholas Wilhelm Mariana Pohle Estanislau Veikalas Helena Me mom dad grandpagrandma grandpa grandma Elvis Veikalas 1977 Roxane Veikalas 1973 Alfredo Veikalas 1939 Maria Wilhelm 1945 brothersister

12 My first language was Spanish When I started Kindergarten I didn’t speak English I was named after a movie star - can you guess who? I have a brother named Elvis-for reals Every family is unique

13 WORK CITED California Department of Education nprojects/index.htm Intel Teach Program

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