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& 2012 American Library Association Annual Conference - RUSA History Section “Here, There and Everywhere: Library Engagement in National History Day”

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Presentation on theme: "& 2012 American Library Association Annual Conference - RUSA History Section “Here, There and Everywhere: Library Engagement in National History Day”"— Presentation transcript:

1 & 2012 American Library Association Annual Conference - RUSA History Section “Here, There and Everywhere: Library Engagement in National History Day”

2 What is the National Archives & Records Administration? As the nation's record keeper, NARA collects, protects and makes available permanently valuable records created by the Federal government. Our 23 billion records are housed across the nation in over 30 facilities, including presidential libraries. #ALA2013 #rusahs #nhd

3 ... A Letter about Elvis Being Drafted; The First Mad Magazine; A Telegram Announcing the Fall of Ft. Sumter; The Canceled Check for the Purchase of Alaska...

4 How does the National Archives at Chicago fit into this? We have: Federal agency records, including those of the Federal courts, created in the six Great Lakes states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Approximately 102,000 cubic feet Dating from 1800 to 1990s A variety of formats including paper records, maps, photos, and 3D artifacts “federal records created at the local level”

5 The National Archives at Chicago - in a snapshot

6 Resources and Events for NHD Teachers & Students from the National Archives DocsTeach YouTube Professional Development Topics & Our Holdings When a Student Researcher Arrives AND THE BEST WAYS TO DISCOVER THE “LATEST SCOOP”

7 DocsTeach –

8 YouTube -

9 Professional Development - Workshops

10 Professional Development – Extended Workshops


12 Our Holdings – Topical Guides

13 When a Student Researcher Arrives Researcher Orientation and Research Interview (Archives procedure for any researcher) Subject files for topics that prove popular Tour of Facility (if time and staffing allows)

14 National Archives – AFTER TODAY “be in the know” Receive the latest news about teaching tools, learning activities, and professional development from across NARA with our: Education Updates blog - Education Facebook page Questions, ideas... Kris Maldre Jarosik, Education Specialist, National Archives@ Chicago telephone: 773-948-9010 or e-mail: #ALA2013 #rusahs #nhd

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