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Wah Chiu Action Plans. Table Leaders Table 1: Karen Ethun Table 2: John Oghalai Table 3: Tony Eissa Table 4: Mat Baker Table 5: Eva Sevick Table 6: Matteo.

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Presentation on theme: "Wah Chiu Action Plans. Table Leaders Table 1: Karen Ethun Table 2: John Oghalai Table 3: Tony Eissa Table 4: Mat Baker Table 5: Eva Sevick Table 6: Matteo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wah Chiu Action Plans

2 Table Leaders Table 1: Karen Ethun Table 2: John Oghalai Table 3: Tony Eissa Table 4: Mat Baker Table 5: Eva Sevick Table 6: Matteo Pasquali Table 7: Vicki Colvin Table 8: Richard Sifers

3 Action Plan Items 1-2 pages write-up from the table leaders Identify the cross cutting themes and form collaborative teams Executive committee –to influence institutional programmatic investments (shared resources etal) –to find industrial sponsors Identify grant opportunities Develop regular seminars Training program in nanomedicine at undergraduate, graduate and postdocts

4 Action Items Select appropriate nano-objects and translate them into products for clinical application Research items –Toxicity/biocompatibility –Delivery –In vivo nano-particles Characterizations –GMP –Surface chemistry –Chemical and physical tools to characterize nano-particles in solution state inside the cell –Standardization –Informatics and simulations –Visualize biological processes at every step

5 Action Plan Items Influence cultural change in the academic reward criteria for team work Educate the community as a whole about nanomedicine What can we make collectively to use CRC or equivalent location as a intellectual hub for nanomedicine research and training ? Web-based survey feedbacks from the participants

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