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ISYS 562 Microcomputer Business Applications David Chao.

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1 ISYS 562 Microcomputer Business Applications David Chao

2 Course Objective Training Students To Become Developers Regular user: –one table or unrelated tables –simple query Simple condition –Using form wizard Creating forms with one table Power user –Database with related tables –Advanced queries Calculated field, subtotal, complex condition –Creating forms with many tables –Customizing Access menus and tool bars –Solving problems using the menu options provided by Access Developer –Solving problems using the tools beyond the menu options VBA programming Advanced queries with full relational algebra Creating forms that handle events Integrated with other systems

3 Potential Career Opportunities Small business application development Work group user support –Research group –Attorney office –Small organization Consulting

4 Database Application Database application is a program that interacts with the database at some point in its execution. It consists of an organized set of menus, forms, reports, business rules, and the database it operates on.

5 The three components in a database application 1. Presentation – user interface Menus, forms, reports, etc 2. Processing logic Business rules 3. Database

6 Categories of Database Applications One-Tier –Legacy online transaction processing –PC database application Two-Tier client/server –Client-based presentation. –Processing logic is buried either inside the user interface on the client or within the database on the server, or both. Three-Tier, N- tier –Processing logic is separated from the interface and database.

7 Access’s Role One-tier PC database application As a server of a client/server database application –Windows-based or web-based system As a client of a client/server database application As a prototyping tool in developing new system –Rapid application development tool

8 Access Integrated with Other Systems Other data sources Access Database ADO/SQL Excel/ Decision Support

9 System Development Life Cycle Definition Requirement Evaluation Design Implementation Final documentation and testing Maintenance

10 Definition Phase Understand exactly what the client wants. Determine project scope –Expertise, software tools, estimated cost and time Determine feasibility –Can you satisfactorily complete the project within the expertise, time and budget available Document problem definition, scope, feasibility

11 Requirement Phase Determine exactly what the system must do and how well it must perform. Interview a representative sample of all stakeholders and formulate system requirements that all stakeholders can agree upon. Create a users’ data model. Create a formal statement of requirements and obtain client signoff. –State exactly what data will store and process –Describe user interface: Forms, reports –Describe a required level of performance.

12 Evaluation Phase Choose the best development tools. Create job descriptions for team members

13 Design Phase Database design –Translate users’ data model into a ER model –Translate the ER model into a relational model Database application design –User interface –Application’s flow of control Business logic –Design error trapping –Design security features –Prototyping Document the design and obtain client signoff

14 Implementation Phase Build the database Write the database application program Fill the database with data

15 Testing Phase Employ a professional tester Employ regression testing –The practice of returning tests from the beginning after the correction of a problem is called regression testing. Test the system for functionality, performance, unexpected user behavior and compatibility –Computer, operation system, printer Produce final documentation and obtain client acceptance and signoff

16 Maintenance Phase Fixing latent bugs Providing enhancements and updates.

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