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MyOn Setting Up Classes & Groups

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Presentation on theme: "MyOn Setting Up Classes & Groups"— Presentation transcript:

1 MyOn Setting Up Classes & Groups
Originally MyOn 3.0 – PLC September 9, KBentley

2 Essential Question: What are the basic steps to using myON 3.0?

3 TKES Performance Standards addressed by using myON 3.0
Performance Standard 2: Instructional Planning Performance Standard 4: Differentiated Instruction Performance Standard 6: Assessment Uses Performance Standard 8: Academically Challenging Environment

4 Activator: Advertising myON 3.0
Monthly myON videos for elementary, middle, & high schools myON Videos on PSD website by schools Please show in your classrooms

5 Teacher Logins Go to Enter your School Name
Username-PSD Password-myon Choose Sign In

6 Student Logins Go to Enter your School Name
Username-lunch number Password-myon Choose Sign In

7 Important Pieces Teachers: Set Up Classes & Groups, Create Projects & Contests, Monitor Lexile Media Specialist: myON contact for each school, Responsible for adding students Mobile Minds Specialist: Provides support on using myON for instruction

8 myON 3.0 Basics Step One- list of new students to media specialist Step Two-Set-up classes Step Three-Set-up groups as needed

9 New Students Ask each student to try to login to myON (send a list of anyone who cannot to Media Specialist) Media Specialists add any new students (student first & last name, lunch number) Media Specialist will you back when the student/ students have been added

10 Setting Up Classes Set up classes for your homeroom
Set up classes for blocks/ periods that you teach

11 Setting Up Classes Get out your class roster Login to myON
Select CLASSROOM at the top of your screen Then Select the STUDENTS tab

12 Setting Up Classes Go to Classes>Add Class
Complete the blank fields as needed Choose SAVE

13 Setting Up Classes Now your class will appear
Choose Assign to add students

14 Setting Up Classes Type students name>
Check the box by the students name>Click APPLY

15 Setting Up Classes As you add students, the number will increase & the student’s name will appear.

16 Setting Up Groups Set up for differentiated instruction, reporting, & assignments

17 Choose Classrooms>Students
Setting Up Groups Choose Classrooms>Students

18 Setting Up Groups Create groups just as you create classes
Choose Groups>Add Group Fill in blank fields Choose Assign Enter students>Apply

19 Creating Contests

20 Summarizer

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