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Asperger Syndrome M4Ck M4Ck.

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2 Asperger Syndrome

3 M4Ck M4Ck

4 Asperger’s Syndrome (This is a monotone presentation, no emotion or variation in voice should be expected an/or heard.)

5 Why is it called that? In 1944, an Austrian doctor noticed basically the symptoms of Asperger Syndrome in some kids he was treating. The doctors name was Hans Asperger. Because it was some Austrian, it wasn’t until recently that the same things said where published in English.

6 What happens? The child doesn’t react socially, and doesn’t feel empathy or sympathy often. Many things can easily frustrate him, and many refuse to do anything that doesn’t interest them. Be lucky that I am being forced to do this, so you can hear this. Sometimes an extra-curricular activity can help them along, and when I learned that, I wanted to quit writing club due to the website saying that. The kids can take things very literally. Many of them tell the blatant truth.

7 My point of view? I don’t really care about Asperger syndrome, so long as it doesn’t interfere with my own world. When I read the articles about how to really treat Asperger Syndrome, I must say, If that is the best cure we have, WHY HAVN’T I GOT IT?! It all says, “Don’t try and stress them!” BUT I HAVE BEEN STRESSED EVER SINCE I GOT INTO THE 9 TH GRADE! (anger should be heard here.) Sorry about that outburst. Maybe. I really don’t think it is all that big a deal, but apparently some teachers think it is. I think it’s nice that they try to help, but sometimes it feels a bit like pity. UNLIKE SOME TEACHER WHO CLAIMS SHE IS DOING A GOOD JOB WHERE IN FACT SHE IS FORCEING WORTHLESS PROJECTS TO BE DONE FOR WHAT SHE CLAIMS IS “FOR A GOOD CAUSE!”

8 How it affects my school life? It doesn’t really affect it much. Before school, I sometimes get some computer time to try and get happy. :) 1 st hour all that happiness is drained by the teacher I mentioned earlier. :( 2 nd hour it starts to return.._. 3 rd hour, its coming back! :) 4 th hour, I CAN FEEL IT! :3 Lunch, IT’S HERE! :D 5 th hour, same teacher drains it all again. >:( 6 th hour, don’t bother. >:-( 7 th hour, go away humans. >:o And that is basically my schedule. Although I do sometimes have trouble taking notes, especially seeing how I just did the work that has all the notes in it.

9 Can you ask questions? no

10 Can I please ask you about your world labeled previously? Sure, just let me revise the NO HUMAN SCUM IN TIDERA manuscript ok? Ok, says you can ask questions, but in the small print it says “if you try to get me to open up through Tidera, there is no guarantee about your safety when the Antoran armada reaches earth.”

11 Resources – Facts and Statistics 1 percent of the population of children in the U.S. ages 3-17 have an autism spectrum disorder. Prevalence is estimated at 1 in 110 births. 1 to 1.5 million Americans live with an autism spectrum disorder. Fastest-growing developmental disability; 1,148% growth rate. 10 - 17 % annual growth. $60 billion annual cost. 60% of costs are in adult services. Cost of lifelong care can be reduced by 2/3 with early diagnosis and intervention. In 10 years, the annual cost will be $200-400 billion. 1 percent of the adult population of the United Kingdom have an autism spectrum disorder. The cost of autism over the lifespan is 3.2 million dollars per person.

12 Resources – Books – Jackson Whole Wyoming – Joan Clark (Elementary) – student perspective Marcelo and the Real World - Franciso Stork (High School) – student perspective OTHER AUTHORS: (information gathering) Tony Attwood, Temple Grandin – Adult with Asperger Syndrome, also well known among the farming community

13 Resources services/resource-library services/resource-library

14 Strategies for the Principal Get to know students before intervention is needed. Social Skill breakfasts Getting copies of pictures and IEP’s before the school year starts Connecting with the student’s special interest.

15 Understanding IEP – (individual educational plan) – legal document stating the goals, accommodations and modifications Accommodation – changing the format in which the curriculum is taught Modification – changing the curriculum that is taught

16 Common Accommodations – Examples Extended time Quiet area Frequent Breaks Changing the layout of an assessment Copies of notes provided

17 Big Bang Theory FIzg&feature=related FIzg&feature=related

18 Questions??

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