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Slide 1 Celebration & Awareness of Diversity Presentation for the Migrant Friendly Hospitals European Conference Saturday 11 December 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1 Celebration & Awareness of Diversity Presentation for the Migrant Friendly Hospitals European Conference Saturday 11 December 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1 Celebration & Awareness of Diversity Presentation for the Migrant Friendly Hospitals European Conference Saturday 11 December 2004

2 Map of NHSSB Slide 2

3 Overview Slide 3 Setting the Scene Identification of Problem Objectives and how these were Implemented  UHIP  MUMBAW  ACE – Catering Promoting Awareness Outcome & Results Conclusion & Recommendations

4 Slide 4 Setting the Scene Northern Ireland Act 1998 – Section 75 The Trust’s approved Equality Scheme The Trust’s New Targeting Social Need Action Plan 2003/04 NHSSB Health Improvement Plan - 2003 – 2008 The “Racial Equality in Health & Social Care Good Practice Guide” The Trust’s Mission Statement

5 Slide 5 Identification of Problem  Communication difficulties due to language barrier  Lack of Information in Accessible Formats  To address dietary requirements of people from ethnic minorities  Funding

6 UHIP (United Hospitals Interpreting Project) Slide 6 Objectives - How These Were Implemented Objective - To improve access to service by removing communication barriers Evaluation of Trust’s Interpreting Services Training Producing Awareness Information “Accessing the Trust Interpreting Services” leaflet - guidance for staff “Need an Interpreter”? Poster & CD Established Central Point for Referral of Interpreting Requests Monitoring requests for Interpreters

7 Slide 7 United Hospitals Trust Anne McCormill Equality Monitoring Manager Total – 160 As at 30/11/04 Location Analysis of All Interpreter Requests August 2003 to Present

8 Interpreter Request Form Slide 8

9 GP Referral Form Slide 9

10 Slide 10 Objective - To address the gaps in translation of Information provided by the Trust Radiology Leaflet Copies available in 5 languages: English, Chinese (Traditional), Portuguese, Arabic, Romanian. Also available in Braille & Audio tape Trust Accessible Information Formats Project MUMBAW - Radiology Project

11 Slide 11 ACE - Catering Project Objective - To address dietary requirements of people from ethnic minorities Patients’ menus - available in 8 different languages Halal & Kosher meals Awareness materials:  Catering Services Poster  Catering Services CD

12 Slide 12 ACE - Catering Project (Contd.)  Revision of Existing Information leaflets:  Hotel Services & Corporate Services Leaflets  Poster on Display with Restaurant Catering Services Display Panel  Dietary Awareness Requirements for People from Ethnic Minority Communities - Guidelines for staff  Training

13 Slide 13 Promotion of Initiatives  Circulation to Heads of Department  Celebration & Awareness of Diversity Exhibitions  Articles  Circulation of affected Community Groups  Circulation of Statutory Organisations  Conferences

14 Slide 14 Outcome and Results Successful application for Funding Bridging the Communication Gap Enhancing the Quality of Trust Services Development of Community Networks Cascade ACE - Catering Initiatives Interpreters/Signers - Significant Increase in Requests Interpreter Requests – Statistics Good Practice Initiatives

15 Slide 15 “These projects made such a valuable initial contribution to concretely addressing some of the real concerns of Ethnic Minority communities that have been identified in consultation with the Forum members.” (Ballymena Inter-Ethnic Forum) “My confidentiality is maintained through the services of a Professional Signer as proposed to informally by members of my family.” (Patient) Some Quotes:

16 Slide 16 “We would not be able to communicate effectively with the patients without the use of an Interpreter arranged by the Equality Monitoring Unit.” (Maternity Out-Patients Department, Mid Ulster Hospital) “It was so nice to see staff so open minded and understanding to the whole Ethnic Minority issues and so willing to help. I was so touched after all we have been through.” (representative of the Muslim Community) Some Quotes: (Contd.)

17 Slide 17 Future Developments Continued Partnership Working Funding Proposal - Bi-lingual Worker Continued Working Well for Interpreting Training for frontline staff Continue Monitoring of Awareness Information Continue rolling forward Orientation Programme for International staff Thank you Contact Details Email: Tel No: 028 94 424859/424872

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