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Andrew Faulkner1 SKADS and SKA 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon SKADS and SKA Andrew Faulkner.

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Presentation on theme: "Andrew Faulkner1 SKADS and SKA 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon SKADS and SKA Andrew Faulkner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Andrew Faulkner1 SKADS and SKA 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon SKADS and SKA Andrew Faulkner

2 Andrew Faulkner2 SKADS and SKA 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon Aperture Arrays are Important to the SKA Performance

3 Andrew Faulkner3 SKADS and SKA 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon SKA Science Requirements AA

4 Andrew Faulkner4 SKADS and SKA 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon AA in all scenarios <500MHz WBF+ Dense AA SKA Memo 100

5 Andrew Faulkner5 SKADS and SKA 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon.. Sparse AA Dense AA.. Mass Storage TimeStandard Central Processing Facility - CPF User interface via Internet... To 250 AA Stations... DSP... DSP To 2400 Dishes... 12-15m Dishes Correlator – AA & Dish 16 Tb/s 80 Gb/s Control Processors & User interface Post Processor SKA Structure Digital Signal Processing Data Time Control 70-450 MHz Wide FoV 0.3-1.0 GHz Wide FoV 0.8-10 GHz

6 Andrew Faulkner6 SKADS and SKA 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon Demonstrator: EMBRACE

7 Andrew Faulkner7 SKADS and SKA 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon I/F Board Signal Conditioning Rack LNA Gain & Drive Reg Cat-7 Clock distribution PSU ADC Memory Analog Cond.Digital acquisition Power supplies Mid-Plane Distribu- tion PSU ADC Memory Processing Rack Cyclops Processor FPGA I/F Board Cyclops Processor FPGA Power supplies Beamforming processing Backplane 10Gb links HSS links Bunker wall FPGA Digital Pre- processor FPGA Digital Pre- processor Coax External Analogue only Antenna Array Control System I/F Board I/F Board Cooling Systems Demonstrator: 2-PAD

8 Andrew Faulkner8 SKADS and SKA 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon Demonstrator BEST

9 Andrew Faulkner9 SKADS and SKA 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon Challenges Cost: Processing ability, power requirements and cost Digitisation implementation Internal & external communication data cost Ability to perform back-end processing Technical: Reducing T sys Limiting self-induced RFI Mass manufacturing Reducing systematics: …Dynamic Range! Calibration methodology Environmental: heat, bugs, lightening etc

10 Andrew Faulkner10 SKADS and SKA 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon Deliverables (just DS3 and 4!)

11 Andrew Faulkner11 SKADS and SKA 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon Deliverables (just DS3 and 4!) DS3-T1 1. Report on COTS technology for data links 2. Report on component-based technology for data links 3. Prototype phase transfer links over various span lengths 4. Report on performance of phase transfer system over real installed fibre links 5. Report on prototype data links over short and long spans 6. Detailed cost models for COTS and component-based data applicable to various network and processing architectures DS3-T2 1. Processing architectural design documents 2. Software design documents 3. Cost and power usage evaluations for the various processing architectures 4. Cost evaluations for the software architecture 5. Technology assessment and road mapping overview reports DS3-T3 1. Initial report on conceptual issues concerning the SKA network, data flow and processing 2. Delivery of functional simulator 3. Report on analysis of performance of the SKA using the simulator DS3-T 6 1. Spec. of a prototype control and data processing system 2. Specification and implementation of constructs, interfaces and components 3. Platform specific composition/deployment of control and data processing software for several alternative hardware platforms 4. assessment of the readiness for scalabilit with MDA 5. rec. guideline for scalable design and implementation DS4-T1 1. Establish benchmark LNA simulations to provide performance feedback for device process development 2. RF on wafer (RFOW) measurements on device wafers fabricated 3. Design, fabrication and testing of SiGe band pass filter using PIC Technology 4. LNA design techniques simulation study 5. ADC Design rule established and recommend ADC architectures 6. ADC building blocks design, fabrication and performance 7. Design, manufacture and test of hybrid LNA using novel discrete devices developed in programme (two iterations) 8. Fabricate and test Integrated ADC circuits 9. Fabricate and test of advanced integrated interconnect technologies with Si and GaAs technologies. 10. Fabricate and test further LNA technologies – iterations 2 and 3 11. Fabricate and test further ADC technologies - iterations 2 and 3 12. Final report on different semiconductor technologies DS4-T2 1. Wide band, high dynamic range A/D blocks 2. Digital Down Converters 3. Sizing of the digital word at different levels of system 4. Low cost Poly-Phase filter banks 5. Data distribution and synchronization 6. A quasi-perfect reconstruction equi-spaced filter bank DS4-T3 1. Develop RFI mitigation strategies for the phased-array concept of SKA, at a station level and for the instrument as a whole; 2. Assess the influence of these methods on data quality; 3. Assess the cost effectiveness of these methods for the RFI environment of the selected SKA site; 4. Demonstrate practical RFI mitigation techniques for the EMBRACE and BEST SKADS demonstrators DS4-T4 1. Wide band integrated antenna, dual polarization 2. Low cost antenna technology 3. Low cost packaging solutions 4. Low cost analogue photonic link 5. Reports on all of the above deliverables 6. Publications and PhD thesis DS4-T5 1. Analogue beamformer in GaAs for EMBRACE. 2. Prototype of a lower cost analogue beam-former in Silicon (not in time for EMBRACE.) 3. Prototype digital beamformer for 2-PAD. 4. Architecture design for the whole digital beam-forming system for 2-PAD. 5. A final report on the trade-offs and cost-effectiveness of analogue and digital beam-forming systems. DS4-T6 1. Dual polarization all-digital tile 2. Design documentation package for all-digital tile 3. Test environment for prototype all-digital tile. 4. Evaluation report of tile performance. 5. Tile cost estimates projected for SKA volumes and timescales. 6. Reliability analysis report. All to be completed

12 Andrew Faulkner12 SKADS and SKA 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon Technology Readiness Levels

13 Andrew Faulkner13 SKADS and SKA 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon Technology Readiness Levels Ref: NASA SKA in operation SKA Phase 1 Target for AAVP PrepSKA & SKADS SKADS Mostly pre-SKADS work Basic Technology Research Research to Prove Feasibility Technology Development Technology Demonstration System/Subsystem Development Full System Test & Operations

14 Andrew Faulkner14 SKADS and SKA 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon

15 Andrew Faulkner15 SKADS and SKA 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon System Group Purpose:Focussed advisory group to DS8 to prepare final SKADS report Timing:Continue work from Design and Cost team Deliverable:Core report and ‘arguments’ for SKADS end March 2009 Starting:Autumn 2008 Discussion:With DS8 team

16 Andrew Faulkner16 SKADS and SKA 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon System Group - Members Andrew Faulkner (Chair)Peter Wilkinson Steve TorchinskyArnold van Ardenne Andre van EsPaul Alexander Dion KantStelio Montebugnoli Mike JonesSteve Rawlings Rosie BoltonJan Geralt bij de Vaate

17 Andrew Faulkner17 SKADS and SKA 4 th SKADS Workshop, Lisbon DS8 Deliverables… 1. Scientific and technical specification for the SKA (T0+47); 2. Overall System Design (T0+48); 3. Costing and budget assessment paying attention to the civil works required for the overall array to be included in the Preliminary SKA plan(T0 to T0+48); 4. Preliminary SKA plan including a study of funding sources (T0+48); 5. Square Kilometre Array “White Paper” to be submitted to the International SKA Steering Committee, to the EC and to the national funding agencies which contributed to SKADS (T0+48). Now the responsibity of PrepSKA WP6 SKADS “Final Deliverable” This has been embodied in SKA Memo #100. This memo or its derivative is the deliverable We are working on the SKA AA scenario from SKA memo #100 The cost modelling is in the System Group remit. We cannot work on budget or civil works

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