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Respect “Never take a person's dignity: it is worth everything to them, and nothing to you.” Frank Barron quotes “A youth is to be regarded with respect.

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Presentation on theme: "Respect “Never take a person's dignity: it is worth everything to them, and nothing to you.” Frank Barron quotes “A youth is to be regarded with respect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Respect “Never take a person's dignity: it is worth everything to them, and nothing to you.” Frank Barron quotes “A youth is to be regarded with respect. How do you know that his future will not be equal to our present?” ConfuciusA youth is to be regarded with respect. How do you know that his future will not be equal to our present?

2 Respect is something that you earn. A. Strongly agree with this statement B. Agree with this statement C. Disagree with this statement D. Strongly disagree with this statement

3 Choose the quote on respect that resonates most with you! (You relate to most – Harmonious with or Agree with it) A “I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.” ― Albert EinsteinAlbert Einstein B "I'm not concerned with your liking or disliking me... All I ask is that you respect me as a human being." - Jackie Robinson C "The capacity for getting along with our neighbor depends to a large extent on the capacity for getting along with ourselves. The self-respecting individual will try to be as tolerant of his neighbor's shortcomings as he is of his own." - Eric Hoffer D "Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self- discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that's real power." - Clint Eastwood

4 From the student handbook, page 6! Respect The student maintains respect by applying him/herself seriously to his/her current responsibilities and preparing earnestly for his/her future role in adult society. The student should demonstrate the gradual achievement of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that make him/her a successful student. The student is also respected as an individual who is still in the process of growth and exploration of personal values. Tolerance and guidance are required during this period of experimentation. Both teachers and students must accept and respect the individual differences among people in personality, attitudes, philosophy, values, and goals. The diversity of the school population calls for respect and appreciation for the physically challenged, those of other cultures, religons, or race, as well as different socio-economic groups. Let’s break it down for more meaning …..

5 The student maintains respect by applying him/herself seriously to his/her current responsibilities and preparing earnestly for his/her future role in adult society. Please describe 3 specific actions that you can actually do and apply in this classroom to demonstrate what this means. Next ……

6 Meet with a partner, discuss what rules are expectations for behavior are necessary for learning and the relentless pursuit of excellence in Biology. You and your partner should come up with 5 of them, write them on your paper and hand them into me. I will combine your responses and we will create our class rules and expectations for Biology.

7 To be continued next class period and throughout the entire school year!

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