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Welcome to First Grade We invite you to take a look at our day together here at school!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to First Grade We invite you to take a look at our day together here at school!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to First Grade We invite you to take a look at our day together here at school!

2 First Grade Info Our day begins at 7:45 A phone call is appreciated, but a note is required for an absence Please call front office for ride change by 2:00 Lunch is at 11:15-11:45, Please join us anytime! Visitors-Background checks Send all medications to school nurse Please visit or team webpage, or individual teacher webpages

3 First Grade Info Cont. * Boot Binder *Mandatory Parent Conferences -The week of October 5 th. We will send sign up sheets. * Homework -Reading nightly; not logging books or minutes -Spelling/Sight Words -Creative reading homework

4 GRADES Numerical Grades will begin the Second Six Weeks Check grades online-contact the office if it isnt working Some work will be sent home, other grades will be in your child’s Notebooks You are welcome to come visit us anytime and look in their notebooks at their work!

5 Our Schedule 7:15-7:45 Arrival 7:45-8:05 Morning Meeting/ Skills Block 8:05-9:00 Readers Workshop 9:00-9:55 Writers Workshop 9:55-10:45 Guided Reading/Centers 10:45-11:15 Science 11:15-11:45 Lunch 11:45-12:15 Recess 12:15-12:50 Math Problem Solving 12:50-1:45 Specials (Teacher’s conference) 1:45-2:45 Math 2:45 Dismissal

6 Reading is what it’s all about!

7 Reading Goals/Readers Workshop * DRA Testing 4-16 (D-I) Beginning, Middle, and End of Year * Level D-I What does it look like? * Comprehension Make connections, predictions, checking for comprehension, retelling in detail, inferring, questioning * Fluency- pace, expression -Reading just right Guided Reading Group- Books will be sent home in a book bag. Must return daily to school with your child. We will change out the oldest book once they have 4-5 in their bag. -What if they have the book memorized? -Your child might go to a different teacher for their reading group. -Check the rocket in your child’s boot binder to see them move up reading levels!

8 The challenge is on!! We are no longer logging minutes read or books read. We want to create a love for reading! The expectation is your child reads at list 15-20 minutes every night. Incentives: -Top Reader of the week chosen each week in your child’s class. Their picture will be displayed in the classroom and they will be recognized among their peers. -The top reader will also be highlighted on the 2 nd page of the weekly newsletter that goes out to all parents. -The top reader will receive an in class reward to acknowledge their love of reading and hard work. -Teachers will pick the top reader based on different criteria (not the most books read). This could be a child who has improved, is using reading strategies, has met their reading goal, is doing their weekly creative book homework, has had good book discussions in class, etc.

9 Writers Workshop *The Workshop Model: Opening, Work Period, Closing * The writing process -Planning -Drafting -Editing/ Revising -Publishing *Story Ideas *Narratives, Response, Persuasive, Letters, How To’s, Report of Information, Poetry *Punctuation/Capitalization, Handwriting *Inventive Spelling is good! -mi kat iz cut

10 Math -Numbers and counting to 120 -Comparing and ordering numbers -Addition and subtraction word problems (single and double digit up to 20) -skip counting: 2’s, 5’s, 10’s -Time to the hour and half hour -Money: coins and value -2D and 3D shapes How can you help at home? *How many am I hiding, Make ten, story problems

11 Science Ongoing Process Skills- collect data, measure, sort, predict Process, Inquiry, and Physical Systems – Parts of a whole, record changes in size, shape, mass, color Earth Systems- Rocks, soil, water Space- change occurs Life Systems- parts of plants and animals, living/non-living Chicks!!!!

12 Social Studies * Citizenship/Rules *Communities * Authority Figures * Traditions, Customs, Celebrations * Geography/Mapping * Texas Symbols * US Symbols

13 First Grade Behavior Here at Clara Love we want to create a positive reward system (no colors)! Fun Friday *Boot Scootin Celebration- for making good choices *Character Lessons- Super hero tickets School wide Expectations

14 Late Work According to the District Grading Policy Guidelines: For every day an assignment is late passed the deadline, there will be a penalty of 10 points for each day- up to 30 points maximum off. The teacher will put a note on that child’s work showing that it took longer and will make contact with the parent if the problem is continuous. Tardies The tardy bell rings at 7:45AM each day. Please make sure that your child is dropped off in enough time to be settled and in his or her seat by the 7:45 bell. -After 2 tardies your child will owe 5 minutes per tardy at the weekly Fun Friday celebration and we will add up 5 minutes per tardy for the whole 6 weeks to be owed at the Boot Scootin Celebration.

15 A Parents Guide to Elementary Education in NISD


17 What does it mean to be a Title I School? Being a Title I school means receiving federal funding (Title I dollars) to supplement the school’s existing programs. These dollars are used for… –Identifying students experiencing academic difficulties and providing timely assistance to help these student’s meet the State’s challenging content standards. –Purchasing supplemental staff/programs/materials/supplies –Conducting parental Involvement meetings/trainings/activities –Recruiting/Hiring/Retaining Highly Qualified Teachers

18 IInterested in learning how to read with your first grader? Interested in learning how to help other children read so you can help out with reading groups at school? Sign up and return the sheet -Workshop with Ms. Scales coming soon

19 Thank you for coming to Curriculum Night!! Feel Free to Ask Questions!

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