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Computers: Tools for an Information Age Chapter 1.

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2 Computers: Tools for an Information Age Chapter 1

3 Information Age  Evolving more rapidly than Industrial Age  Will continue into the current century

4 Cornerstones of our Economy  Land  Labor  Capital  Information Forging a Computer-Based Society:

5 The Nature of Computers Characteristics  Speed  Reliability  Storage capability Results  Productivity  Decision making  Cost reduction

6 Where Computers Are Used Education  Teaching and testing aid  Learning by doing  Computer-based instruction

7 Where Computers Are Used Retailing  Bar codes for pricing and inventory  Shipping

8 Where Computers Are Used Law Enforcement  National fingerprint files  National files on criminal  Computer modeling of DNA

9 Where Computers Are Used Bank  Account maintenance & Transaction  Online Branches  Internet Banking  SMS Banking  ATM,POS etc

10 Where Computers Are Used The Home  Educational tool  Record keeping  Letter writing  Budgeting  Drawing and editing pictures  Newsletters  Connecting with others

11 Where Computers Are Used Health and Medicine  Monitor patients  Electronic imaging  Diagnose illnesses

12 Where Computers Are Used Robotics  Perform jobs that are dangerous for humans  Factory work

13 Where Computers Are Used The Human Connection  Assist the disabled  Assist athletes by monitoring their movements

14 Where Computers Are Used The Sciences  Research  Simulation Connectivity Communication Telecommuting

15 Where Computers Are Used Training  Airline pilots  Railroad engineers Paperwork Junk mail Term paper Record keeping

16 Computers are all around!  Grocery store  School  Library  Bank  Mail We interact with computers everyday! We interact with computers everyday!

17 Computer System People Software Hardware

18 People  Computer programmer – person who writes programs  Users or End-users – make use of the computer’s capabilities

19 Software  Programs  Set of instructions that directs the hardware to do a required task and produce the desired results

20 Hardware Basic Components of a Computer

21 Computer  A machine that can be programmed to accept data (input), process it into useful information (output), and store it away (in secondary storage device) for safekeeping or later reuse  Process is directed by software but performed by the hardware

22 Function of Computer System Data handling IInput PProcess OOutput SStorage

23 Input devices  Accept data or commands and convert them to electronic form  Getting data into the computer  Typing on a keyboard  Pointing with a mouse  Scanning with a wand reader or bar-code reader  Terminal

24 Output devices Monitor or screen  Text  Numbers  Symbols  Art  Photographs  Video Printer  Black and white  Color Convert from electronic form to some other form May display the processed results Usable information

25 The Processor Central Processing Unit (CPU)  Converts data to useful information  Interpret and execute instructions  Communicate with input, output and storage

26 Two Types of Storage  Secondary storage long-term storage  Primary storage or memory temporary storage

27 Memory / Primary Storage  Temporary storage  Holds input to be processed  Holds results of processing  Contains the programs to control the computer and manipulate input into output  Volatile

28 Secondary Storage  Long-term storage  Non-volatile

29 Secondary Storage Examples  Magnetic disks – read and written by magnetic disk drive  Hard disk  Diskette  Optical disks – read and written by optical disk drives  CD-ROM  DVD-ROM  Magnetic tape – read and written by magnetic tape drives  Primarily used for back-up

30 Classifications of Computers  Use the computer that fits your needs  Based upon  Size  Speed  Cost  Portability  Number of simultaneous users supported  Available software  Typical use

31 Personal Computers  Other names  PC  Microcomputer  Home computer  Categories  Low-end functional  Fully powered  Workstations  Net computer or net box (Web TV)  Desktop Models

32 Notebook Computers  Portable  Lightweight  Fits in a briefcase  Battery operated  Laptop  Larger  Heavier  More expensive that desktop models

33 Handheld Computers  Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)  Scheduling  Addresses  Handwritten input  May offer wireless e-mail and fax  Pocket  More power than PDA  Runs basic productivity software

34 Other Types of Computers Mainframes  High speed  More expensive  Used to process large amounts of data quickly  Support multiple users  Does server tasks Supercomputers  Fastest speed  Most expensive

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