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Chapter 2 Section 1 US History. Somewhere Over the Rainbow Marco… Polo 1271-1296 – traveled to Asia, traded with the Khans, and wrote “Travels” Fall of.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2 Section 1 US History. Somewhere Over the Rainbow Marco… Polo 1271-1296 – traveled to Asia, traded with the Khans, and wrote “Travels” Fall of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2 Section 1 US History

2 Somewhere Over the Rainbow Marco… Polo 1271-1296 – traveled to Asia, traded with the Khans, and wrote “Travels” Fall of the Roman Empire Led to the recognition of the Catholic Church’s power Rise of Islam Led to the conversion of most of Africa to the Muslim faith The fight for the Holy Land (in the middle) Nine different Crusades are fought for control of Jerusalem Taxes on trade from the West to the East by Middle East

3 Changing the West Trade with the East Perfumes, silks, stones, cinnamon, pepper, cloves, spices Taxed by land by the Middle Eastern Arabs Ports along the Mediterranean Sea thrive Genoa, Venice, and Pisa Shifting Ideas – change in worldviews Banking develops and Italian merchants are wealthy Learning about the Past Classical period – ancient Greek and Roman Focus on the individual, harmony and balance, and realism Renaissance – French word “rebirth”, renewed interest in classical Greek and Roman learning (all over Europe)

4 Western Nations Nation-states develop – no longer city lords, state governments begin to develop Spain, Portugal, England, and France Monarchs, national laws, courts, taxes, and armies Technology – the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. Maps – lines of latitude, ocean currents, geography sites Astrolabe – an instrument that measured the position of the stars Magnetic Compass – Chinese invention that determines direction Ships – long voyages, easier direction, and greater mobility Caravel – three-masted ship (faster, carried more, and in shallow water)

5 African Kingdoms Ghana – (400-1100) Between salt mines and gold mines; traded gold, ivory, and slaves Trading with Middle East resulted in conversion to Islam Conquered by the Almoravids Mali – (1250- 1400) One of the new states formed by the fall of Ghana Mansa Musa – greatest Mali king, pilgrimage to Mecca Pilgrimage – journey to a holy place Mosques – Muslim houses of worship Capital of Mali = Timbuktu

6 Still in Africa Songhai Empire– (1400-1500) revolted against Mali rule Built a Navy to control the Niger River and Timbuktu Askiya Muhammad – greatest king of Songhai Introduced laws based on the Quran (or Koran) Quran – the holy book of Islam Appointed Islamic judges to carry out laws Same system of weights and measurements across the empire Divided nation into 5 provinces Governor Tax Collector Court Judges Trade Inspector Morocco – with guns and cannons conquered the Songhai in the 1500’s

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