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INA826 EMI RR Testing.

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1 INA826 EMI RR Testing

2 Testing Methodology Signal Generator DMM LPF
A sine wave applied to the input to simulate conducted EMI 10MHz to 6GHz -10dBm power level (100mVp) This conducted EMI signal will cause a change in the output offset of the part DUT output is low-pass filtered Change in offset is measured by a 6.5 digit DMM Change in offset is input referred

3 Test Configurations Bipolar (+/-12V) supplies were used with the reference pin grounded Differential Measurement Signal applied to non-inverting input Inverting input grounded Common-Mode Measurement Signal applied to both inputs

4 Differential EMI RR of 3 Separate Units
The differential EMI RR performance is consistent across multiple INA826s

5 INA826 Differential EMI RR Gain Dependency
Differential EMI RR improves above 1GHz with increasing gain

6 Common-Mode EMI RR of 3 Separate Units
Low frequency common-mode EMI RR performance has more unit-to-unit variation than differential EMI RR performance

7 INA826 Common-Mode EMI RR Gain Dependency
Increasing gain generally improves CM EMI RR at high frequencies

8 Decoupling Capacitor Effects
Varying the decoupling capacitor size and type had negligible effect on EMI RR performance

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