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61st German Winegrowers‘ Congress Technology – Services – Politics – Market Dr. Rudolf Nickenig, Secretary General German Winegrowers‘ Association 23 August.

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Presentation on theme: "61st German Winegrowers‘ Congress Technology – Services – Politics – Market Dr. Rudolf Nickenig, Secretary General German Winegrowers‘ Association 23 August."— Presentation transcript:

1 61st German Winegrowers‘ Congress Technology – Services – Politics – Market Dr. Rudolf Nickenig, Secretary General German Winegrowers‘ Association 23 August 2012, Niagara

2 An unique information package: Exhibition of the INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA 2013 61st German Winegrowers‘ Congress Conferences of the Fruit growing, Fruit juice and Distillers industries Machine Demonstrations „Wine“ Tasting Workshop 2

3 Impressions Machine Demonstrations: „Wine“ Tasting Workshop: Conferences: 3

4 4 Impressions

5 Principle: The INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA INNOVATION AWARD is a prize for technical progress. The INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA INNOVATION AWARD 2013 will be given for processing methods, technical products and services in the following four categories: Cultivation and harvesting technology for grapes and fruit Processing and process control for wine, fruit juice and spirits Filling and packaging technology Marketing and organisation Innovation Award 2013 5

6 Schedule Exhibition: INTERVITIS INTERTRUCTA Wednesday, 24th to Saturday 27th of April 2013 61st German Winegrowers‘ Congress: Tuesday, 23rd to Saturday 27th of April 2013 6

7 The 61st German Winegrowers‘ Congress on the occasion of INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA is organised under the patronage of International Organisation for Vine and Wine (OIV) Patronage 7

8 „Responsibility today for the future viticulture“ Topics: The complete process chain, commercialisation of wine, wine law and wine policy Main Subject 8

9 Entitlement: International and academic standards as an outstanding criterion in comparison with other events (German/English interpretation) Target Group: Stakeholders of the wine sector (researchers, consultants, experts from public authorities as well as from companies, winemakers, future-oriented practitioners) Basic Information 9

10 Tue 1: International day of wine marketing „Successful Wine Marketing: The Role of Personality and Packaging “ Organizer: DWI Tue 2: Oenology „Management of alcohol, acidity and other ingredients“ Organizer: DWV, FDW and BDO Tue 3: Plenary Session of the European wine regions Organizer: AREV DGT (daily get-together) Tuesday, 23 April 2013 10

11 Wed 1: Wine market policy „Impact of CMO reform on the wine sector“ Organizer: BMELV Wed 2: Viticulture technology „Soil and water management“ Organizer: DWV, ATW and BDO Wed 3: Microbiology and Analytics „Microbiological and analytical advances in must and wine treatments “ Organizer: DWV, FDW and BDO DGT (daily get-together) Wednesday, 24 April 2013 (opening of INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA exhibition) 11

12 Thursday, 25 April 2013 Thu 1: Wine, Tourism and Architecture „Vineyards as a tourist attraction “ Organizer: DWV und LVWO Thu 2: Sustainable viticulture „Focus on energy management “ Organizer: DWV, ATW and RLP AgroScience Thu 3: proFructa-Conference „Future market fruit and beverages” Organizer: confructa medien GmbH DGT (daily get-together) 12

13 Fri 1: Organic fruit growing „Latest developments in organic fruit growing“ Organizer: Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. and MLR Fri 2: Organic viticulture „New challenges in organic viticulture“ Organizer: DWV and ECOVIN DGT (daily get-together) Friday, 26 April 2013 13

14 Sat: Distillers conference Organizer: Bundesverband der Kleinbrenner Saturday, 27 April 2013 14

15 Political Event The 60th German Winegrowers‘ Congress 2010 was opened by: Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel 15

16 16 Market Facts Global development EU-Market German-Market Canadian-Market

17 17 Global Development of Wine production 2000 - 2011 EU

18 Development of the World Wine Trade Volume (OIV Data, Basic Export) 18

19 19 % Percentage of World Wine Trade Volume on gobal Wine production

20 20 Top 12 Wine Export Nations %

21 21 Development of the EU Wine Exports and Imports (extra-EU trade; EU DG AGRI) Mio. hl

22 Trade Balance 22

23 23 Share of German Wine Imports

24 24 Mio. hl White wine Red wine Development of German Wine Imports

25 25 German Still Wine Imports June 2011- May 2012

26 26 Wine Country Germany in a global Context

27 German Wine Market 27

28 28 German Wine Exports from Germany to Canada

29 29 Share of German Wine Exports

30 30 Development of German Wine Exports

31 31 German Still Wine Exports June 2011 – May 2012

32 32 Development of German Still Wine Exports from Germany to Canada

33 33 Development of German Still Wine Exports from Germany to Canada

34 34 Development of German Still Wine Exports from Germany to Canada

35 35 Development of German Still Wine Exports from Germany to Canada

36 36 Development of German Still Wine Exports from Germany to Canada

37 Current Information Congress Programme: Congress Tickets: (from 1st October) 37


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