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Process 3b 1 Evaluation of process models u Is it understandable? u Does it handle the task? u Is it manageable? I.e. can we evaluate how the process is.

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Presentation on theme: "Process 3b 1 Evaluation of process models u Is it understandable? u Does it handle the task? u Is it manageable? I.e. can we evaluate how the process is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Process 3b 1 Evaluation of process models u Is it understandable? u Does it handle the task? u Is it manageable? I.e. can we evaluate how the process is working?

2 Process 3b 2 L3bS2 Group Task u Evaluate the process model from another group. u Don’t try to correct the model. u List issues –Understandable –Handles the task –Manageable

3 Process 3b 3 Interactive Sessions – Pre-IS Team list Task statement Grading sheet Create teams Create task Create grading sheet Class list Class goals instructor student prepare IS info

4 Process 3b 4 Interactive Sessions - IS Task statement Grading sheet instructor Submit Answer by 10:15 Ask questions Message board Answer questions Draft answer Chat room dag’s email Team members & TL TL IS info Send partic msg before 7:15

5 Process 3b 5 Interactive Sessions – Post IS Team list Task statement Grading sheet instructor dag’s email grade Grade list

6 Process 3b 6 Uses of Process Models u Descriptive - how it was done –understanding and process improvement –process measurement u Prescriptive - how it should be done –management u Proscriptive - how it should not be done –management

7 Process 3b 7 PM Issues u Granularity –what level of details –too abstract - little guidance –too detailed - very constraining u Flexibility –how restrictive (are exceptions allowed?)

8 Process 3b 8 Management Goals u Control - knowing what is being done and who is responsible –SOP - standard operating procedures –e.g. there may be different procedures for a rarely used process u Training - new employees and current employees u Improvement - relating quality/productivity to process

9 Process 3b 9 Improving Software Development u Assumption - we can improve software development by improving the process that we use to develop software u Claim - before we can improve something, we have to understand what is actually going on u Thus - software process modeling is important

10 Process 3b 10 Software Lifecycle Models u E.g. Waterfall Model u claim - these are too high-level to have significant opportunity for improvement u claim - lower level (more detailed) models are important

11 Process 3b 11 Process Improvement u TQM approaches to process described by model u Analysis of measurement data

12 Process 3b 12 Automation of Process u A Process Model allows a system to know the sequence of tasks, required materials, required agents u Possible Automated Tasks –notifies everyone about tasks –routes artifacts to next task/agent –identifies critical paths

13 Process 3b 13 levels of process

14 Process 3b 14 L3bS14 – Process Model u Draw a process model for painting a room include acquiring supplies u Actors – painter, user (use stick figure) u Artifacts - ? (use rectangle) u Tasks - ? (use oval) u Group task – due Tuesday, June 19

15 Process 3b 15 Reading Assignments u Wednesday, June 20 th –Pp57-84 spi u Thursday, June 21 st –Pp 85-103

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