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Exploration & Colonial Period

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1 Exploration & Colonial Period
1. What two beliefs did most Native Americans groups have in common? 2. How did the coming of Europeans lead to the population decline of the Indians? 3. What is the name of the cultural exchange of goods that occurred between Europeans and Indians? 4. What was the first European settlement in the U.S.? 5. Where was the first attempt by the English to establish a colony? 6. Where and when was the first successful English colony established? 7. Who was the leader of the colony that organized an efficient system of labor? 8. What was the House of Burgesses? 9. What valuable export led to the success of the English colony? 10. Describe the headright system? 11. What is an indentured servant? 12. Why were slaves used to replace indentured servants? 13. Who led the first American rebellion against an unresponsive government? 14. Why were Pilgrims also called Separatists? 15. Explain the Mayflower Compact? 16. Where did the Pilgrims begin their colony? 17. Where did the Puritans begin their colony? 18. Who was the leader of the Puritans? 19. What did he mean when he said they should be a “city on a hill”? 20. What belief caused Roger Williams to leave and start Rhode Island? 21. Why was Anne Hutchinson put on trial and banished from the Puritans? 22. Which colony was originally a Dutch colony? 23. What is significant about the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut? 24. Who founded Pennsylvania? 25. What Pennsylvania city was known as the City of Brotherly Love? 26. What group was given a safe haven in Maryland? 27. Why is the Toleration Act important in our history? 28. Which colony was created as a place for English debtors? 29. What is the system of trade with a nation’s colonies called? 30. What types of goods did the colonies send to England? 31. What type of goods did the colonies buy from England? 32. What is salutary neglect? 33. Describe the economy of the southern colonies? 34. What is the Triangular Trade? 35. Describe the Middle Passage? 36. Describe the economy of the northern colonies? 37. Describe the status of women in the colonies? 38. Where did religious fervor and false accusations lead to innocent people being executed? 39. What important rights did philosopher John Locke write about? 40. Describe the Social Contract between citizens and their government? 41. Who was Jonathan Edwards? 42. Describe the status of education in the colonial period?

2 Exploration & Colonial Period Exploration & Colonial Period
What period of time led to European expansion? List major Port Cities. Why are these areas important? Where is the “lost colony”? What is the significance of “Croatoan”? Who founded Connecticut? What is the other name for Pilgrim? List important Enlightenment thinkers and their major achievements. Who was the first English child born in America? Why did the colonists settle close to water? What is the meaning of: Enlightenment, Reformation, Renaissance, Great Awakening, Glorious Revolution? Georgia was a protective colony. What does this mean? What is the contribution of a joint stock company to the colonies? Exploration & Colonial Period

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