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2.6 EbD Community Culture and Socioeconomic Demographics 1 ® ®

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1 2.6 EbD Community Culture and Socioeconomic Demographics 1 ® ®

2 Essential Question: ® What effect does the combination of the economic and sociological profile of my community impacts the potential projects and its needs? How will this information help me determine the needs of the neighborhood?

3 Lesson 2.6- Community Culture and Socioeconomic Demographics 3. Investigating the socioeconomic impact in my community and its needs 2. Investigating socioeconomic status and its impact on the community 1.Class Basics Notebook Line of Learning Standards 4. Reflection ®

4 Prepare your notebook Table of contents ®

5 Line of Learning Reflecting on the culture and socioeconomic factors of our community Lesson 2.6 Question: Looking back at the demographic information that you have already gathered, what socioeconomic factors do you initially see in the community? Date ®

6 Standards Statement ® Students will be using reading, writing and research skills to gather information about socioeconomic status and how that will impact members of the community. Standards: NGSS HS. Engineering Design HS-ETS1-1. ELA/Literacy – RST.11-12.7, ELA/Literacy – WST.11-12.2.

7 Engaging Prior Knowledge ®  Have you been able to determine one area in the community that has specific needs that a service-learning project might be able to be enacted?  How does socioeconomic status fit into this equation? Discussion:

8 Researching Socioeconomic Status ®

9 Questions: ®  What is one national statistic that you found to be most serious?  What is the trend of this issue in our country?  Do the national trends apply to your community?  What underserved faction of the population is most affected?  What statistics have you gathered that supports your claim?  How does income effect the targeted group within the community?  Cite specific reasons that have contributed to this population’s socioeconomic issue?  What resources do they lack?

10 Jigsaw activity ® What is socioeconomics and how does that impact a standard of living?  Read through the information  Each member of the groups will take one part of the information and become the “expert” Each group will have one of the fact sheets Create a poster about the facts of these different groups and the important information from that group.  Each member of the group will take one section of the document and determine the important parts of that section.  Students will take the important information and write that information on the poster. Data Included: Statistics Demographic trends Cultural implications Important issues

11 Share poster with the whole group ® Share in the group:  Have each member of the group share out the information that they have read from the document and what they have put on the poster.  Write important data and facts on the poster and in the notebooks for future reference. The needs in my community

12 In Groups: Compile your Information ® Use this document or update earlier documents with demographic information in a different color of ink to represent changes. Discuss in your groups

13 Compile the information of Socioeconomics ®

14 Discussion ® Create a team document that addresses the Culture of your community Social Interactions Everyday Traditions Community Rituals and Heroes Family Roles Leisure Activities Use of Media in the Home and Community

15 Rubric ® Review the rubric that you will use to evaluate the development of your Community Culture Narrative. This will be important for the development of your project!

16 Reflection: What did you learn about how the socioeconomics impacts the underserved in your community? ®

17 Questions?? ® ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

18 Reflection Have you..  Examined the socioeconomic information for their community?  Did this investigation give a fuller understanding of the needs of underserved members of the community?  Use researching skills and critical thinking skills to be able to synthesize the information from the data into a reflective document? ®

19 Notebook Check Student sheet 2.6 Entry in notebook and the Interview sheet Lesson Artifacts ®

20 Exit Slip Answer the Questions on the sheet If you have further questions write them on the back ®

21 2.6 EbD Community Culture and Socioeconomic Demographics 21 ® ®

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