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School Year Session 1: September 18, 2013 Shopping for Student Engagement 1.1.

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Presentation on theme: "School Year Session 1: September 18, 2013 Shopping for Student Engagement 1.1."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Year Session 1: September 18, 2013 Shopping for Student Engagement 1.1

2 Agenda Introductions and administrative details Goals for the year Supermarket carts task Connecting to standards Break Cognitive demand Focal standards for mathematical practice Homework and closing remarks 1.2

3 Welcome Introduce yourself to your table partners: Where do you teach? What do you teach? What is your experience/background with the CCSSM? What was your most important takeaway from the CCHSM summer institute? 1.3

4 Professional Norms for Our Work Start on Time  End on Time Name Tags Attention signal Raise hand!! No sidebar conversations... Food Snack sign up Lunch $$$ Silence cell phones. No texting or Wi-Fi. Breaks Restrooms Common Core Leadership in Mathematics (CCLM), Milwaukee Project 1.4

5 Goals for the School Year Goal 1 Deepen content knowledge related to critical high school conceptual categories in the CCHSM Goal 2 Transform instruction through the Standards for Mathematical Practice Goal 3 Establish a collaborative professional community of Grades 8-12 teachers within and across the partnership districts. 1.5

6 Learning Intentions & Success Criteria Learning Intentions: We are learning to identify CCSSM standards and levels of cognitive demand in mathematical tasks. Success Criteria: We will be successful when we can describe specific CCSSM practice and content standards, and the level of cognitive demand, within a mathematical task. 1.6

7 1.7 Supermarket Carts Activity 1:

8 1.8 Supermarket Carts Referring to the handout, Create a rule that will tell you the length of storage space needed when all you know is the number of supermarket carts to be stored. Define any variables you use, and show how you built your rule; that is, show what data you drew upon and how you used it. Now show how you can figure out the number of carts that can fit in a storage space when all you know is the length of the space. Activity 1:

9 1.9 Connecting to Standards What one or two CCSSM content standards do you see as being addressed in the Supermarket Carts task? Activity 2:

10 1.10 Connecting to Standards Read the Overview from the Grades 6-8 Expressions and Equations progression document. Turn and talk: How does this document define the terms variable, expression, and equation? How are these definitions relevant to the Supermarket Carts task? Activity 2:

11 1.11 Connecting to Standards Individually reflect and answer the question on your reflection sheet: Which one or two of the Standards for Mathematical Practice were most evident in your work on the Supermarket Carts task? Activity 2:

12 Break 1.12

13 1.13 Cognitive Demand This set of 16 tasks are drawn from a variety of high school mathematics texts and resources. Sort the tasks into two categories: high level and low level With your small group, try to reach a consensus on the categorization of the tasks. When you have reached consensus, record your group’s responses at the front. Activity 3:

14 1.14 Cognitive Demand Are all high-level tasks the same? Is there an important difference between Tasks I and J? Are all low-level tasks the same? Is there an important difference between Tasks H and K? Activity 3:

15 1.15 Cognitive Demand Lower-level demands Memorization Procedures without connections Higher-level demands Procedures with connections Doing mathematics Activity 3:

16 1.16 Cognitive Demand Activity 3: Task A Find the smallest positive integer that has exactly 13 factors. Task O In 1919, Babe Ruth hit the longest home run ever recorded in major league baseball. In an exhibition game between the Boston Red Sox and the New York Giants, he sent the ball into a parabolic arc. The trajectory of the ball is given by the equation y = x – 0.0017x 2 where x represents the horizontal distance (in feet) and y the vertical distance (in feet) of the ball from home plate. Use your graphing calculator (the graph and calculate buttons) to answer the following questions: What was the greatest height reached by the ball? How far from home plate did the ball land? Task B Factor the following polynomials: a.x(x + 1) – 3(x + 1) b. x 2 + 5x + 6 c. 4x 2 – 25 d. 27x 3 + 8 Task K State the triangular and unit circle definitions for sin σ, cos σ, and tan σ.

17 1.17 Focal Standards for Mathematical Practice Reorganize into your district teams. With them: Consider and discuss the eight Standards for Mathematical Practice. Select one or two of the SMP that you would like to focus your reform efforts on across your district team this year. As you discuss, consider what you might collect as evidence of student engagement in your focal SMPs. Activity 4:

18 Learning Intentions & Success Criteria Learning Intentions: We are learning to identify CCSSM standards and levels of cognitive demand in mathematical tasks. Success Criteria: We will be successful when we can describe specific content standards, practice standards, and the level of cognitive demand within a mathematical task. 1.18

19 1.19 Homework & Closing Remarks Homework: Read the article Mathematics Performance Assessment: A New Game for Students, by Ann Shannon and Judith Zawojewski. Keep a collection of as many of the tasks you can that you use over the next two weeks in one class. In your set, identify one example of a high cognitive demand task, and one example of a low cognitive demand task, that you have used in your classroom between now and October 2. Be ready to justify your selections, and your evaluation of the cognitive demands of the tasks. Activity 5:

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