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1 JRC Information day Bucharest, May 2006 The future of GMES and the role of the JRC Alan Belward, Francesco Pignatelli Global Environment Monitoring Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "1 JRC Information day Bucharest, May 2006 The future of GMES and the role of the JRC Alan Belward, Francesco Pignatelli Global Environment Monitoring Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 JRC Information day Bucharest, May 2006 The future of GMES and the role of the JRC Alan Belward, Francesco Pignatelli Global Environment Monitoring Unit European Commission – DG JRC

2 2 JRC Information day Bucharest, May 2006 GMES overview By 2008, to establish an autonomous European Capacity to monitor the Earth to support management of the global environment and foster global security and provide reliable and timely information related to environmental and security issues to support policy makers’ needs Fulfills European Space Policy to make Space a tool to serve the policies of the Union, its Member States and its citizens –European Space Policy – Preliminary Elements COM(2005)208 final An EU initiative, where ESA implements the space component and the Commission identifies and develops services –GMES Communication - COM(2005)565 final

3 3 JRC Information day Bucharest, May 2006 GMES: why a Community approach? There is clear EU added value: Coherent monitoring of EU and MS policies Europe-wide compatible products for further use at all levels + Geospatial interoperability (INSPIRE) Data sharing (e.g. satellite images) by several applications (and several regions)

4 4 JRC Information day Bucharest, May 2006 GMES components Public Policy Local/regional authorities Governments, EU International Organisations Regulatory Bodies Industry General Public Solutions Needs User oriented service delivery Space observing systems In-situ observing systems Data integration & information management

5 5 JRC Information day Bucharest, May 2006 GMES implementation 2001 – 2003: “initial period” resulted in 2004-2008 Action Plan System definition 2004 – 2008: “putting the components together” Users/providers dialogue; service development; space component procurement; in-situ upgrading; data policy; funding: some 230 M€ from EC (6 th FP) and ESA (GSE) 2008 onwards: “operational phase” Services; the space component; expanding in-situ networks

6 6 JRC Information day Bucharest, May 2006 Coordinated EC– ESA GMES Service Implementation Status and Planning of Major Contract Actions Marine & Coastal Environment Polar Environment Land Cover Air Quality & Climate Change Risk Management Security Food Security Humanitarian Aid & Development Future services

7 7 JRC Information day Bucharest, May 2006 GMES Operational dimension: Services The “fast-track” approach Choice of pilot services based on existing and mature capacities and structures, on user uptake and on conditions for long-term sustainability The first three candidate pilot services (“fast track”) submitted to the GMES Advisory Council in June 2005

8 8 JRC Information day Bucharest, May 2006 GMES’ Fast-Track Services  Land Monitoring: Provide core land cover data for policy areas such as water, biodiversity, agriculture, urban…  Marine Core Services: National / European policies & International conventions on the marine environment/state of the oceans + marine resources exploitation, transport and offshore operations, hazards and pollutions, coastal management, seasonal climate prediction…  Rapid Mapping in Support to Crisis Management (INSCRIT): Enhance European capacity to respond to crises and emergencies associated with natural and man made disasters (e.g. floods, fires, earthquakes, landslides, tsunami, industrial accidents)

9 9 JRC Information day Bucharest, May 2006 An addition to the land fast track service… Europe increasingly needs to be permanently informed on the conditions and status of natural resources worldwide –land is a prime resource - and increasingly scarce* –land use determines access to food, water, forest products, ecosystem services, infrastructure –Resources can be a cause of conflict *Millennium Assessment report (2005) indicates that today 60% of the world ecosystems are loosing their capacity to provide good and services Developing a knowledge base on global use of natural resources is part of the precautionary approach to global stewardship

10 10 JRC Information day Bucharest, May 2006 … addressing the “G” of GMES Increasing Urbanisation Increasing timber demands Agricultural expansion Increasing grazing pressure Increasing water use Deforestation Land degradation Desertification Land availability Food shortages Disasters Water availability AFRICA: 795 million people in 2000 Growth rate of over 2.8% / yr …fastest in the world 5 million 4 million 7 million (Sources Environmental refugees; Norman Myers, 13 th Economic Forum, May 2005, Population UN Environmental refugees

11 11 JRC Information day Bucharest, May 2006 GMES: current Institutional dimension Users involvement (e.g. EEA, user DGs at EC, industry, workshop, diffusion, branding…) GMES Advisory Council EC and ESA joint programme Integration into EU space policy Establishment of GMES Bureau in DG ENTR - June 2006 International dimension – European Contribution to the Global Earth Observation System of Systems

12 12 JRC Information day Bucharest, May 2006 ESAGMESESAGMES EUPOLICYEUPOLICY ENTR AGRI JRC ENV RELEX EUSC INFSO EC Projects FP-JRC ESA GMES Projects EU National Missions Eumetsat Missions Current ESA Missions Non-EU Missions POLICIES  USERS  SERVICES  REQUIREMENTS  GAP ANALYSIS  SOLUTIONS MS GMES Projects EU+MS Users GMES Service Requirements Space Observation Requirements PROPOSALPROPOSAL REGIO ESTAT Gap analysis GMES: the Space component

13 13 JRC Information day Bucharest, May 2006 GMES-1: the gap-fillerServices GMES requirements drive the space component Global land

14 14 JRC Information day Bucharest, May 2006 GMES – Next steps Fast track services implementation with consolidation of requirements (Implementation Groups) Further developments of pre-operational services through ESA (GSE) and EC programmes (FP6) and FP7, together with ESA’s programme Operation of the GMES Bureau (June 2006) Setting up a GMES Governance/Management Structure (on-going discussions at EC level and with Member States) Providing continuity of key EU space missions (national missions, Sentinel development through ESA)

15 15 JRC Information day Bucharest, May 2006 DGs ENTR, ENV, REGIO, AGRI, DEV, AIDCO, RELEX, etc... & Delegations FAO, UNEP IGBP, GEO, GCOS, GTOS General Public Space Agencies Networks in Partner Countries European Research Networks Joint Research Centre SupplySupportDemand The JRC mission is to provide scientific and technical support to other Commission services Agriculture, Fisheries European Environment Global Climate Change Civil Protection Civil Security Development Humanitarian Aid Modelling, algorithm development, Cal/val & benchmarking Research & Applications Development DataInformationKnowledge Turning data from Earth Observing satellites into quantitative information serving EU Policies

16 16 JRC Information day Bucharest, May 2006 JRC’s contribution to GMES  Through FP6 and FP7 “direct actions” in support to a range of Community policies requiring GMES related information, e.g. in the areas of: –Natural Resources –Agriculture –Environment –Development and Humanitarian Aid –Global Change –Civil Protection –Security Indonesia seen by Spot/Vegetation satellite system over 1-year period Forest fire in Portugal (2005) illustrated in a sequence of satellite images A satellite radar image of the North Atlantic showing a formation of fishing vessels South Asia Tsunami – damage assessment in Banda Aceh Region Delta of Saloum in Senegal observed with a high-resolution satellite (agricultural and forest areas) Algae blooms in the Baltic Sea represented by a satellite image Using satellite for monitoring - Lukole refugee camp in Tanzania

17 17 JRC Information day Bucharest, May 2006 The JRC contribution to GMES  The JRC has been a catalyst in the GMES process since its inception  Participation in the overall GMES progress and evolution oGPO/GAC meetings and Workshops/Fora involvement oGMES Reports and Communications definition oFast-Track Services implementation  Support to the GMES Bureau oTechnical development of fast track/demo of future pilot services oEU Policies Requirements/User Needs assessment and update oContribute to drafting of high level mission document  Collaboration with ESA oSpecifications for the future space missions in support to GMES oSecuring long-term access to space data

18 18 JRC Information day Bucharest, May 2006 Useful Web addresses Cordis – FP6 – – GMES – Space – ESA – JRC –

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