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Go Bearcats! World History JEOPARDY JEOPARDY click here to PLAY.

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Presentation on theme: "Go Bearcats! World History JEOPARDY JEOPARDY click here to PLAY."— Presentation transcript:


2 Go Bearcats! World History JEOPARDY JEOPARDY click here to PLAY

3 $300 $200 $100 $300 $100 $200 $100 $200 $300 $100 $200 $300 $100 $400 $500 $400 $500 $400 $500 $400 $500 $400 $500 $200 $300 The Industrial Revolution Inventions Changes Miscellaneous City Life Go to Final JeopardyGo to Double JeopardyReplayEnd Round

4 Most people living during the Industrial Revolution worked as? next

5 Farmers $100

6 Besides men, what other two groups were forced to work during the Industrial Revolution? next

7 Women and Children $200

8 Time period when the Industrial Revolution occurred? next

9 Late 1700s to the 1800s $300

10 Term that means a period of time when new inventions were created and machines improved peoples’ living… next

11 Industrial Revolution $400

12 Problems citizens faced before the Industrial Revolution? next

13 Poor Education, No Communication, No Transportation, Famine, Poverty $500

14 City streets during the Industrial Revolution had no …to carry away water and garbage next

15 Drains $100

16 Most people moving into cities lived in what kind of buildings? next

17 Apartment Buildings $200

18 Term that means people began moving out of the country side and into cities… next

19 Urbanization $300

20 Problems people faced in their living conditions when they lived in cities during the Industrial Revolution? next

21 Disease, Overcrowding, adequate housing, limited education, no police protection $400

22 Every city in Britain faced this is more and more people moved into cities and could not find a place to live… next

23 Overcrowding $500

24 Roads during the Industrial Revolution changed from being dirt to being what? next

25 Paved Roads $100

26 Instead of using sails and wind power, what new invention did boats use to help them move? next

27 Steam Engine $200

28 This invention used steam to run boats and would later be changed to fit into vehicles… next

29 Steam Engine $300

30 This invention helped farmers and businesses move items they made around the country faster and farther… next

31 Railroad $400

32 What was the first industry in Britain to use machines to make items for people? next

33 Textile (Clothing) Industry $500

34 New machines during the Industrial Revolution allowed business to make products? next

35 Faster and Cheaper $100

36 Why was it important for all family members to work during the Industrial Revolution? next

37 All family members contributed to family income $200

38 Despite having negative impacts, the Industrial Revolution had what kinds of positive impacts? next

39 New Technology, Better Communication and Transportation, Improved Living and Working $300

40 Problems workers faced during the work day? next

41 Long Hours, Unhealthy working conditions, Serious Injury, 6 day work weeks, little pay $400

42 Because of the Industrial Revolution, what three areas were negatively impacted by the revolution? next

43 Cities, Working Conditions, Living Conditions $500

44 Why did most people leave farming and move to cities to work in factories? next

45 Money $100

46 Urbanization of cities caused population and city size to? next

47 Double $200

48 “Only” country where the Industrial Revolution began? next

49 England (Britain) $300

50 This invention during the Industrial Revolution allowed people to make clothing faster? next

51 Loom (Sewing Machine) $400

52 This term (word) means that children work instead of adults… next

53 Child Labor $500

54 Daily Double next

55 Final Jeopardy Today’s Category: Congress next

56 The Industrial Revolution could have started in other countries, however, what reasons made England the only country where it began? next

57 Resources (Coal, Wood, Iron), People Willing to Work, Geography that allowed for travel and movement, Inventors next

58 Go Bearcats! global history JEOPARDY JEOPARDY Thanks for PLAYING! Go to Double Jeopardy

59 Go Bearcats! global history JEOPARDY JEOPARDY Double Jeopardy

60 $600 $400 $200 $600 $200 $400 $200 $400 $600 $200 $400 $600 $200 $800 $1000 $800 $1000 $800 $1000 $800 $1000 $800 $1000 $400 $600 Constitution Constitutional Convention Founding Fathers Miscellaneous Bill of Rights Go to Final JeopardyGo to Regular JeopardyReplayEnd Round

61 next

62 $200

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64 $400

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66 $600 $600

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68 $800

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70 $1000

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84 $400

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100 $1000

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102 $200

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104 $400

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106 $600

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108 $800

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110 $1000

111 Daily Double next

112 Final Jeopardy Today’s Category:

113 Answer next

114 Question

115 Go Bearcats! global history JEOPARDY JEOPARDY Thanks for PLAYING!

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