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What is Big Data? ….. Is the exponential growth and availability of data, both structured and unstructured, because of the Internet & fast growing technology.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Big Data? ….. Is the exponential growth and availability of data, both structured and unstructured, because of the Internet & fast growing technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Big Data? ….. Is the exponential growth and availability of data, both structured and unstructured, because of the Internet & fast growing technology advancements

2 3 Key Characteristics of Big Data Volume – from Giga to zetta bytes Velocity – speed of data streaming in near real time Variety – heterogeneous data and databases in different formats, structured and unstructured Variability – inconsistent data flows and loads Complexity – in linking, matching, cleansing and transform data from multiple and mix media sources

3 Big Data Trend Forecasted to grow by 45% annually to reach $25 billion by 2015

4 Impact on Enterprises – 2.09 minutes 2.07 minutes 1.Getting valuable information from using the Internet to create Competitive Advantage 2.Analysing data to enable strategic decision making that leads to agile & targeted actions taking

5 How does BIG Data affects EA work? Volume Variety VelocityVariability Complexity

6 STARTED with Five Super trends 1.Complex system engineering Designing agile systems 2.Location independence abstraction of location in services 3.Global cubicle anyone in the world can interact on a personal level in a chat space 4.Democratization of ICT anyone in the organisation can purchase, configure, and use any technology appropriately 5.Deep Interoperability disparate pieces of technology work together dynamically

7 PLUS More Super trends 1.Dev/Ops, 2.Big Data Visualization, 3.Hypermedia-Oriented Architecture, 4.Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) 5.…….. Plus more

8 BIG Data challenges for Enterprise Architects Do Enterprise Architects have the capacity to understand and deal with: 1.Structured & unstructured data, including human oriented semantic data 2.The business impacts of BIG Data in terms of changing strategy and business product/service offerings on the go, and what else? 3.The scope of BIG data architectures – should EA be modelling universal data landscape or something else – what’s that? 4.The scalability of technology requirements 5.Collaborative IT activities & decision making, linked to the democratization of enterprise IT 6.Etc  your literature findings ……………………… including Janson chapters 6 & 7

9 What have we actioned so far? BIG Data Definitions eg Data Volume, Velocity, Variety, Variability & Complexity Understand key impacts on enterprise Big Data Trends Creating Big Data to create competitive advantage Agile decisions that change business strategies and capacity to response to dynamic opportunities & threats Understand key impacts on enterprise Big Data Trends Creating Big Data to create competitive advantage Agile decisions that change business strategies and capacity to response to dynamic opportunities & threats Big Data Challenges for Enterprise Architects How Big Data affects an enterprise strategy, business and technology components & integration, ie EA views? What appropriate EA planning adjustments are needed to provide coordinated & agile EA blueprints that continuously accommodate these BIG data influences Big Data Challenges for Enterprise Architects How Big Data affects an enterprise strategy, business and technology components & integration, ie EA views? What appropriate EA planning adjustments are needed to provide coordinated & agile EA blueprints that continuously accommodate these BIG data influences Analysis is about identifying the components to answering a Q Analysis is assembling the components in a logical structure that can written clearly to provide a structured answer to a Q ie the impact big data on EA trend of practice – so how do you design your answer logic structure? What Why How

10 Option 2 Qs’ Contexts Q2 This is about showing your understanding and application of EA basic concepts in planning / documenting an outsourcing service for a make believe org’s IT help desk. It also requires you to demonstrate strong research skills in finding case study examples to help you construct the business case, in addition to understanding what is in a business case report, especially understanding the constructs of 1.Case method analysisCase method 2.Cost benefit analysis, including RoI calculation modelsCost benefitRoI In your answers development. Q1 (Future) Scenario planning involves EA planning views for a forecasted future situation. The views to be documented are: Business processes Human factors Technology. Each scenario has assumptions about the future situation, which set the scope boundary of your EA modelling work. You need to (at least) apply the concepts of Bernard’s Chapter 8 (as approach guide) & Jason’s Chapters 6 & 7 ( to figure out future assumptions)

11 Option 2 Q1 IT Help Desk Case Study Since Q2 refers to developing an IT Help Desk case study, you may want to base your future scenario developments on the same case study When modelling the business process, you may want to use UML Use Case diagrams to draw the current & 2 future EA views. The Use Case will give you some leads into identifying the actors, their roles and responsibilities, and other aspects of HRM requirements eg skills competencies & training reqs. You may want to consider the use of mobile technology or cloud computing technology solutions in the outsourcing solution, which can be assumed different from current PC & LAND used ICT in current EA views.

12 If you use the Living EA documentation approach Business process documentation Technology documentation can be any combination of these views Human Factors documented in either or both BP spec HRM Spec HRM Spec ICT Design Spec ICT Design Spec Project Plan Strategies’ Deployment Portfolios, Programs & Project Plans Strategies’ Deployment Portfolios, Programs & Project Plans Used in May update

13 Option 2: Q2 There are many references you can find using building business cases for ICT outsourcing Examine them to select one that can help guide you to address the questions part (a) to (c) You may want to read this >180 pages guideline on “outsourcing best practice step by step guide” to get some ideasoutsourcing best practice step by step guide cheat sheet: How to write a business case If you work, you can refer to work documentation to guide you develop an ICT outsourcing business case that address part (a) to (c).

14 Quality of Critical Analysis Evidence Most of you wrote a summary of your research readings when addressing the questions in Assignment 1 – that do not show critical thinking & writing which involves the process of: 1.Recalling and understanding what you have selected from your research as relevant information for use – P level 2.Applying the research information to connect and relate how it can be used in analysis – P+ level 3.Analysing, which involves identifying the underlying concepts of the research and using them to structure the contents for addressing the answers to the questions – C level onwards 4.Evaluating & Synthesis – which shows your evaluation and decision making skills, and using existing concepts to create a new theory, innovative solution or product/service proposition etc – High HD level onwards Blooms Taxonomy of Critical Thinking & Writing Competencies

15 Quality of Critical Analysis Evidence You need to show evidence of your understanding, application and analysis of the basic concepts and expanded research findings to build the logic structure and contents of your answers. To ensure the reader understands the structured details you written, you also show clarification of your analysis outcomes by using visual graphic techniques such as using tables and different types of diagrams to summarize your answers’ highlights and have a conclusion that abstracts the key essence of your answers to address the Qs. 2 1 Apply to practical situations 2 Breaking research into conceptual details and rearranging concepts to assemble answers’ logic structure & content paragraphs 3 Visualisation of answers to increase clarity of writing 4 A conclusion that summarizes key message connected to Qs

16 Critical analysis is firstly a thought process …. Planning your writing requires to think critically first. Then you decide how to organise your ideas logically into a writing plan, before writing the details. If you cannot see the logic of ideas in your plan, redesign until the plan tells the answers’ stories So the message is PLAN first, then WRITE

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