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2006 Update Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Task Force Activities and Accomplishments Presentation to the California Integrated Waste Management.

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Presentation on theme: "2006 Update Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Task Force Activities and Accomplishments Presentation to the California Integrated Waste Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 2006 Update Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Task Force Activities and Accomplishments Presentation to the California Integrated Waste Management Board Prepared by Kathy Frevert January 17, 2007 Agenda Item 16

2 What presentation covers ► EPP highlights over the years ► Details of 2006 activities ► What to improve ► Goals for 2007 (tentative)

3 EPP = Environment + Price + Performance EPP incorporates human health and environmental concerns as part of the search for quality products and services at competitive prices. EPP incorporates human health and environmental concerns as part of the search for quality products and services at competitive prices.

4 EPP… a formal definition Procurement or acquisition of goods and services that have a lesser or reduced effect on human health and the environment when compared with competing goods or services …. Source: Calif. Public Contract Code, Section 12400

5 2002 EPP Highlights ► EPP Law Established *  DGS with Cal/EPA to : ► Promote EPP ► Protect human health & environment ► Consider cost, product performance, environment, life cycle impacts ► Create EPP Best Practices Manual ► Conduct training * Chapter 575, Statutes of 2002 (Chan, AB 498)

6 2003 EPP Highlights ► EPP Task Force Charter Signed ► Co-chairs:  DGS Deputy Director, Procurement Division  CIWMB Executive Director ► Purpose: Implement EPP Law ► 20+ agencies participate

7 2004 EPP Highlights ► EPP Survey of Local Governments ► Copier paper – White paper created ► Recycled paint – start on standards ► Carpet – work on standards

8 2005 EPP Highlights ► Develop EPP Brochure ► CIWMB Adopts EPEAT  Standard for computers & monitors ► Start/continue:  Large state contracts  EPP Best Practices Manual  Standards for recycled paint and carpet

9 2006 EPP Highlights Overview ► EP products more available ► Educate and train ► Policies ► Track and Report ► Partnerships Details follow…

10 ► EPEAT (computers and monitors)*  One Silver rated desktop unit on state contract ► California Gold Sustainable Carpet Standard* ► Green Seal Recycled Paint * List of products meeting the standard is available 2006 EPP Highlights Environmental Standards Established

11 Office supplies*Office supplies* Lamps*Lamps* Maintenance, Repair and Operations*Maintenance, Repair and Operations* Open Panel Office Furniture SystemsOpen Panel Office Furniture Systems Recycled latex paintRecycled latex paint Electric water dispensersElectric water dispensers Bidder’s instructions ref. recycled content lawBidder’s instructions ref. recycled content law * Contract has some products with environmental attributes 2006 EPP Highlights Language Added to State Contracts

12 ► Prison Industry Authority  Glass Cleaner  Multi-purpose Cleaner  Anticipate products available in 2007 ► Environmental standards under development 2006 EPP Highlights Develop New Green Products

13 ► Kick-off website & EPP BPM: ► EPP BPM - 42 detailed chapters * ► Covers most products the state purchases * EPP TF to consider additional sections 2006 EPP Highlights EPP Best Practices Manual (BPM) EPP Best Practices Manual (BPM)

14 ► EPP incorporate in DGS Procurement Contracting Academy Curriculum ► Overall training:  541 people trained in-person at 10 events  121 additional people trained via broadcast  830 minutes of EPP instruction time 2006 EPP Highlights Training and Events Training and Events

15 ► DGS Administrative Memo 06-04*  Reduce paper use  Purchase 100% PCC paper  Printers automatically duplex  Printers automatically duplex ► Management Memo 06-08  Carpet to meet California Gold Sustainable Carpet Standard * Impacts DGS, but not all state agencies 2006 EPP Highlights Policy to Support EPP Policy to Support EPP

16 ► No centralized automated tracking for state purchases ► Contracts: vendors report on environmental purchases ► Data fields for future e-procurement system 2006 EPP Highlights Track and Report Track and Report

17 ► New on-line list of EP products  State contracts  Prison Industry Authority ► Developed with assistance from Alameda County Waste Management Authority 2006 EPP Highlights Advance EPP Partnerships Advance EPP Partnerships

18 What to improve? ► Educate purchasers and specification writers in state government and beyond ► Comment on service agreements in addition to commodity contracts

19 What to improve? ► Evaluate products/services to incorporate environmental standards and climate change considerations ► Track and report  Will remain a challenge without automated systems ► Create lasting changes

20 2007 Goals To be discussed at next EPP TF meeting ► Maintain and possibly add new sections to EPP Best Practices Manual ► Research/review standards and contracts  Incorporate climate change considerations ► Look at a scorecard to help monitor progress on contracts

21 2007 Goals ► Broaden training and outreach ► Track purchases on selected contracts  Template language ► Incorporate policies into State Administrative Manual, if regulatory process engaged


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