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Drawing the Line Learning About Reproductive Anatomy Lesson 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Drawing the Line Learning About Reproductive Anatomy Lesson 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drawing the Line Learning About Reproductive Anatomy Lesson 2

2 Ground Rules To create a safe environment: Do not use put downs. Be sensitive to others. You have the right to privacy/confidentiality. Use correct terminology. Do not divulge private information. There are no dumb questions. Talk to your parents for more information.

3 Introduction This lesson reviews reproductive anatomy, which is important for the discussion of STDs, contraception and self-exams. Anatomy refers to body parts. Physiology refers to how the parts function. You will listen and complete worksheets during these lectures on anatomy.

4 Male Reproductive Anatomy

5 9.__________ 4._________ 8.___________ 1._________ 3.__________ 2.___________ 6.___________ 7.___________ 5.___________ 10.__________

6 Male Reproductive Anatomy Penis Vas Deferens Urethra Testicle Epididymis Scrotum Prostate Gland Cowper’s Gland Seminal Vesicle Bladder 1. 2. 8. 7. 6. 10. 5. 4. 9. 3.

7 Male Side View 9. Penis 11. Anus 10. Bladder

8 Female Reproductive Anatomy

9 2.___________ 1.___________ 3.___________ 4.___________ 6.___________ 5.__________ 8.___________ 7.___________

10 Female Reproductive Anatomy Ovary Ova / Egg Fallopian Tube Uterus Vagina Cervix Labia Vulva 3. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 2. 1.

11 8. Bladder 9. Urethra 10. Anus 6. Vagina Female Side View 7. Clitoris


13 Stages of Sexual Response 1. 1.Excitement Stage Result of stimulation Genitals fill with blood and increase in size Increase in heart rate and blood pressure 2. 2.Plateau Stage Continuation of excitement stage Continuation of physical changes Varies in length

14 Stages of Sexual Response 3. 3.Orgasm Stage Climax/ejaculation Release of tension built up during Stage 1 Lasts a few seconds 4. 4.Resolution Stage Occurs after orgasm Heart rate and blood pressure decreases Genitals return to unexcited state

15 Self-Exams Understanding your body is the key to good health. You can learn about your body by performing self- exams. Self-exams provide a baseline for how your body should look when it is healthy. If you notice a change, including a growth or discharge, it is important to notify your doctor Self-exams do not replace exams by professionals.

16 Types of Self-Exams Genital Self-Exam (GSE) Monthly for males and females Look for swelling, sores, discharge, changes Breast Self-Exam (BSE) for females Perform one week after menstrual cycle Look for lumps, discharge, swelling, changes Testicular Self-Exam (TSE) for males After warm bath/shower Look for a mass or lump

17 Summary During the rest of the lessons you should use correct terms when discussing reproductive anatomy. As teens, you are responsible for your sexual health and should be knowledgeable about your body. If you have any concerns about your body you should talk to a medical professional.

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