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EPICT THE EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL ICT LICENCE Andrea Kárpáti, Anna Szirmai Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) Centre for Multimedia in Education (MULTIPED) Balázs.

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Presentation on theme: "EPICT THE EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL ICT LICENCE Andrea Kárpáti, Anna Szirmai Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) Centre for Multimedia in Education (MULTIPED) Balázs."— Presentation transcript:

1 EPICT THE EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL ICT LICENCE Andrea Kárpáti, Anna Szirmai Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) Centre for Multimedia in Education (MULTIPED) Balázs Török, Institute for Higher Education Research, Budapest BRIDGES OVER TROUBLED WATER - The Effects of Personality Traits and ICT Skills on Changes in Teaching Style of Experienced Educators

2 EPICT THE EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL ICT LICENCE http://www.epict.org2 Key philosophy The role of ICT in the realisation of new educational paradigms Development of ICT competencies Planning for computer-supported learning Usage of digital tools, teaching aids and resources School management and communication All themes of the course have a pedagogical rationale.

3 EPICT THE EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL ICT LICENCE http://www.epict.org3 Content 6+ months

4 EPICT THE EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL ICT LICENCE http://www.epict.org4 Contents A.Compulsory modules The Internet Texts and writing processes Communication and collaboration C.Compulsory School development and innovation B.Optional modules (select 4) Digital images Numbers and spreadsheets The genre of presentations Producing and using educational websites A head start with databases Models and simulations Using the media: Layout and DTP Educational software ICT, learning styles and classroom management ICT as a compensatory tool Games and learning Reading and ICT

5 EPICT THE EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL ICT LICENCE http://www.epict.org5 Module = personalized learning Module assignment Chapters LinksLibrary Articles Cases Best practice Special needs manuals Exercises ICT manuals Team based Individually

6 EPICT THE EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL ICT LICENCE http://www.epict.org6 Delivery 1.Written material –“enough to get started” 2.Web-portal –Module chapters –Articles –Links –Platform dependent ICT manuals 3.Conference system 4.Administrative tools –Access according to roles

7 EPICT THE EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL ICT LICENCE http://www.epict.org7 Evaluation and assessment, 1 EPICT - No fixed level of competence All teachers raise their competences

8 EPICT THE EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL ICT LICENCE http://www.epict.org8 Assessment: documentation of learning scenarios –The team of teachers completes 8 modules and thus 8 learning scenarios (with the ICT skills of a particular module) –Facilitators challenge the team to go further than they could do on their own Impact studies, long-term in Denmark, Greece and Italy Pilot evaluation: Australia, UK, Cameroon, etc. (10 countries) Pilot evaluation in Hungary: factors influencing the development of educational ICT skills –Background variables: age, discipline, professional rank, personality traits –Evaluation tools: ICT Attitudes and Use Questionnaire, California Personality Profile Test, evaluation of communication within the distance learning environment, Group Dynamics Task, Digital Portfolio for Groups


10 EPICT THE EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL ICT LICENCE http://www.epict.org10 E-learning environment:

11 EPICT THE EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL ICT LICENCE http://www.epict.org11 Module O8 Parts: Intro text Exercises Module task Manuals Module library

12 EPICT THE EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL ICT LICENCE http://www.epict.org12 Course page Online questionnaires

13 EPICT THE EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL ICT LICENCE http://www.epict.org13 Pedagogical Strategies Questionnaire

14 EPICT THE EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL ICT LICENCE http://www.epict.org14 Fore – important support for start and evaluation tools for individual activity level

15 EPICT THE EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL ICT LICENCE http://www.epict.org15 E-mail by group leader accompanying module task submission

16 EPICT THE EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL ICT LICENCE http://www.epict.org16 Facilitators’ forum

17 EPICT THE EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL ICT LICENCE http://www.epict.org17 Frequency of use documented in the Moodle DLE Statistics per module for facilitator / group / student

18 EPICT THE EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL ICT LICENCE http://www.epict.org18 Log file analysis, all participants

19 EPICT THE EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL ICT LICENCE http://www.epict.org19 ICT Competency Inventory (ICT-CI) A self report questionnaire piloted in a project measuring ICT readiness in about 150 schools of a district in Budapest. The ICT-SI is an index based measuring tool. (The concept of indexing is used for the data reduction method employed: several variables are composed in one index.) Our test comprises the following indices: Index (1) – School access to ICT Index (2) – Home access to ICT Index (3) – ICT related attitudes Index (4) – ICT related competencies Index (5) – Educational use of ICT

20 EPICT THE EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL ICT LICENCE http://www.epict.org20 Four domains for every index: „low” (value range: 0,01–1), „medium” (value range 1,01–2) „high” (value range 2,01–3) 0 value, indicating the non-existence of any interpretable data for the index. (E. g., low level ICT access means sporadic, rare access while 0 level indicates no access to a PC). Items correlated with the presence / absence of certain personality traits measured by the California Personality Inventory to identify teacher profiles that tend to success or fail with ICT.

21 EPICT THE EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL ICT LICENCE http://www.epict.org21 Strong correlation between personality traits and ICT skills, attitudes and competence 1. School ICT access 2. Home ICT access 3. ICT attitudes 4. ICT compe- tences 5. Educa tional use of ICT Sociability0,154-0,1040,1530,222*0,123 Social skills0,1200,0900,1390,275**0,015 Self respect0,0590,0390,0550,0940,034 Gen. wellbeing (Wb) 0,219*-0,0570,218*0,256**-0,074 Self control0,133-0,0310,222*0,120-0,064 Tolerance0,1780,0000,354**0,351**0,007 Establ. good relationships 0,179-0,0300,233*0,262**-0,149 Building a community -0,0930,200*-0,118-0,1390,230*

22 EPICT THE EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL ICT LICENCE http://www.epict.org22 Intellectual efficiency (Ie) 0,1830,0160,238*0,332**0,002 Flexibility (Fl)0,1630,0140,1620,306**0,126 Feminine qualities (Fm -0,0670,076-0,020-0,1030,114 Extraversion (Ex) 0,151-0,0330,1620,271**0,052 Reliability (Re)0,1470,0530,1340,228*0,055 Emotional stability (Es) 0,114-0,0300,1150,226*0,046 Intellect (In)0,150-0,0160,1420,208*0,029 1. School ICT access 2. Home ICT access 3. ICT attitudes 4. ICT com- petences 5. Educa- tional use of ICT Pearson two-tailed correlation, significance levels: *: 0.05, **: 0,01

23 EPICT THE EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL ICT LICENCE http://www.epict.org23 Correlation analysis of CPI and ICI findings, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews, show personality features that are associated with success and failure to acquire ICT skills on a level sufficient for educational use Some of these variables may be affected by specially targeted mentoring methods, teaching environment course content (best practice examples) custom-made skills training. Based on our results, in-service training of teachers may be improved to suit not only the initial level of ICT skills but also the mindset and personality of teachers.

24 EPICT THE EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL ICT LICENCE http://www.epict.org24 New content in F2F Day: Collaborative activities training Group building / management Workflow management techniques New modules 2006-2007 Optional – Moving stories Optional – Data collection Optional: Digital Learning Repositories / Hungarian team

25 EPICT THE EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL ICT LICENCE Andrea Kárpáti, Anna Linda Szirmai Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) Centre for Multimedia in Education (MULTIPED) Balázs Török, Institute for Higher Education Research, BRIDGES OVER TROUBLED WATER - The Effects of Personality Traits and ICT Skills on Changes in Teaching Style of Experienced Educators

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