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Chapter 11 Pointers ( 指针 ) §11.1 Pointer Basics §11.2 Some Special Pointers §11.3 Pointer in Function §11.4 Pointer and String §11.5 “struct” and Linked.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 11 Pointers ( 指针 ) §11.1 Pointer Basics §11.2 Some Special Pointers §11.3 Pointer in Function §11.4 Pointer and String §11.5 “struct” and Linked."— Presentation transcript:


2 Chapter 11 Pointers ( 指针 ) §11.1 Pointer Basics §11.2 Some Special Pointers §11.3 Pointer in Function §11.4 Pointer and String §11.5 “struct” and Linked List §11.6 Function Pointer

3 2 §11.1 Pointer Basics  Memory space A “continuous” space Three regions  Memory address Each memory unit has an address  Variable address The initial address of the memory allocated for the variable int i=0; Code Region Static Region (Static variables, global variables,...) Dynamic Region ( local variables, parameters,...) Memory Space Heap ( used by programmer) Stack (used by system) … 0xF5B089A0 … 0xF5C08A75 … 0xF5D18995 0xF5E20000 …

4 3 What’s a Pointer?  Pointer: the variable to hold memory addresses as its value 30 30606 ptr …… 30606 32820 Pointer ’ s name Pointer ’ s addr. Pointer ’ s value Value Pointed

5 4 Declare a Pointer  Pointer is a composite data type  Syntax: dataType * pointerName;  For example, a pointer named pCount that can point to an int value: int *pCount; Pointer type Pointer symbol “ * ” Pointer name

6 5 Initialize a Pointer  Implicit initialization A local pointer is assigned an arbitrary value A global pointer is assigned to NULL (pointing nothing)  NULL is in fact “00000000” Not recommended! May cause fatal runtime error or accidental data modification!

7 6 Initialize a Pointer  Explicit initialization (recommended) int count=5; int *pCount = &count; int *ptr = NULL; Address-of operator “&”. The value of “&i” is the address of i. TestPointerRun

8 7 Indirect Reference  Indirection: referencing a value through a pointer. For example: int count=5; int *pCount = &count; count++; //direct reference (*pCount)++; //indirect reference Indirection operator “*”. The value of “*ptr” is the valued pointed by ptr.

9 8 p vs. *p vs. &a int age; int *age_ptr = &age; Then, age_ptr  &age *age_ptr  age *age_ptr = 50  age = 50; (*age_ptr)++;  age++;  \ *age_ptr++;  *(age_ptr++);

10 9 Operations of Pointer  Operations on the address, not the value pointed  Several specific operations Assignment Movement Subtraction Comparison  The pointer type determines the unit of the operation results For example: p±n;// move n*sizeof( pionter type)

11 10 Examples void main() { int a =10, b = 20; int *pa, *pb; pa = &a; //Assign the address directly pb = pa+2; cout <<"a in: "<< &a <<endl; cout <<"b in: "<< &b <<endl; cout <<"pa is: "<< pa <<endl; cout <<"pa points to: "<< *pa <<endl; cout <<"pb is: "<< pb <<endl; cout <<"pb points to: "<< *pb <<endl; if(pa != pb) cout <<"pa and pb are not equal!"<<endl; cout<<"pb - pa is "<<pb-pa<<endl; }

12 11 Cautions  The type of the address assigned to a pointer must be consistent with the pointer type. For example, int area = 1; double *pArea = &area;  The white space besides “*” is optional int*ptr; int *ptr; int* ptr; int * ptr;  One “*” for one pointer int *ptr1, *ptr2; //two pointers int* ptr1, ptr2; // one pointer, one integer

13 12 §11.2 Some Special Pointers  Constant Pointer ( 指针常量) A pointer whose value can not be changed double radius = 5; double * const pValue = &radius; (*pValue) = 3.0; pValue ++;  Pointer of Constant (常量指针) A pointer that points to a constant double radius = 5; const double * pValue = &radius; (*pValue) = 3.0; raidus = 3.0

14 13 Pointer vs. Reference  Reference is alias No separate memory, address Bound with the variable Must be initialized  Pointer is variable Memory, address (of itself) Independent of the variable pointed Can be reassigned different values

15 14 Pointer and Array  The name of an array represents the starting address  An array variable is essentially a pointer Address 0xF5B089A0 … 0xF5B089A1 … 0xF5B089A4 “myList”  &myList[0] myListmyList+1myList+2…

16 15 Pointer and Array You can access city or pCity using the array syntax or pointer syntax. For example, ArrayPointer Run PointerWithIndex Run char city[5]=“GZ”; char *pCity=city;//char *pCity=&city[0]; cout << city[1] << endl; cout << *(city + 1) << endl; cout << pCity[1] << endl; cout << *(pCity + 1) << endl;

17 16 Pointer and Array  Array variable is different from a pointer Array name is a constant (not variable) address int array[10]; int*ptr=array; for (k=0; k<5; k++){ cout<< *(ptr++); cout<< *(array++); }

18 17 §11.3 Pointer in Function  Pointer as parameter The address stored in the pointer is passed to the function A kind of pass-by-reference TestPointerArgument Run void swap(int *p1, int *p2) {int *temp; temp = p1; p1 = p2; p2 = temp; } void swap(int *p1, int *p2) {int temp; temp = *p1; *p1 = *p2; *p2 = temp; }

19 Pointer as parameter b, 0028F814 main(){ int *pt1, *pt2; … myswap(pt1, pt2); … } 0028F814 … 0028F820 … 0028F814 … 0028F820 … 8 … 5 … a, 0028F820 pt1, 0028F808 pt2, 0028F7EC void myswap(int *p1, int *p2){ int *temp; temp = p1; p1 = p2; p2 = temp; } p1, 0028F51D p2, 0028F711 BottomofStack 栈底 对指针本身来讲,是 “ 值传递 ” ; 对指针指向的目标来讲,是 “ 引用传递 ” 。 0028F814 0028F820 8 5

20 19 Pointer as Return Value  The address stored in a pointer is returned int max=0; int *getMax(); void main(){ int *p; p=getMax(); cout<<"Max is "<<(*p); } int *getMax(){ int tmp=max, i; for(i=0;i<3;i++){ cout<<"Please enter No. "<<i<<endl; cin>>tmp; if(tmp>max) max=tmp; } return &max; } Don ’ t return a local pointer! --it becomes invalid after the return! WrongReverse

21 20 Dynamic Memory Allocation  The method allowing programmers to allocate storage Dynamically (during the execution time) and “Manually” (using explicit statement)  “new” operator: to allocate memory int *pValue = new int; int *mylist = new int[10]; CorrectReverse Allocate memory for an int variable; The address is assigned to “pValue”. Allocate memory for an array of 10 int elements; The address is assigned to “mylist”.

22 21 The “delete” Operator  The memory allocated by “new” remains available until you explicitly free it or the program terminates.  “delete”: to free memory reserved by “new”. delete pValue; delete [] mylist;  Memory leak The memory space becomes inaccessible due to the loss of pointing int *p = new int; p = new int; It’s good manner to always explicitly free memory allocated by “new”. (0x00001234) p (0x00001267) delete p;

23 22 Case Study: Counting the Occurrences of Each Letter CountLettersInArrayRun  Generate 100 lowercase letters randomly and assign to an array of characters.  Count the occurrence of each letter in the array.

24 23 §11.4 Pointer and C-string  Two ways to process strings To treat strings as arrays of characters  known as pointer-based strings or C-strings To process strings using the string class  The string class will be introduced in Chapter 9

25 24 C-string  Two ways to declare C-string Using an array variable char city[7] = "Dallas"; char city[] = {'D', 'a', 'l', 'l', 'a', 's', '\0' }; char city[] = "Dallas"; cout << city; char city[7]; city= "Dallas";

26 25 C-string using Pointer  Declare a string variable using a pointer char *pCity = "Dallas"; cout<<pCity; *(pcity)*(pcity+1)*(pcity+2)*(pcity+3)*(pcity+4)*(pcity+5)*(pcity+6)

27 26 Reading Strings  Using “cin”: can’t read in white space char city[10]; cin >>city;  Using “getline” : can read any character. a function defined in iostream cin.getline(char array[], int size, char delimitChar) char *city2; cin>>city2; No memory is allocated to store the content of city2. Where to stop? Where to store? The last character is reserved for '\0'. delimitChar is read but not stored. Default delimitChar is ‘\n’.

28 27 String Functions

29 28 Character Functions

30 §11.5 “struct” and Linked List  结构体类型 复合数据类型 包含多个并列成员 29 struct Name{ 类型 变量名; …… 类型 变量名; }; struct Student{ int std_no; char name[10]; int sex; int age; char dept[10]; };

31 Variable of struct 30 int main(){ struct Student liu; struct Student zhang= {20010346, ” Zhang ”, 1, 18, ” Computer ” }; liu.std_no = 0818976; strcpy(,“Liu Xiang”); cout<<<<“, “<<liu.std_no<<endl; } struct Student{ int std_no; char name[10]; int sex; int age; char dept[10]; }; struct Student stu1, stu2;

32 More Declarations 31 struct data { int day, month, year; } ; struct student { char name[20]; long num; struct data birthday; // 结构体嵌套 } ; struct student *pst; struct student st[2]; pst = new struct student;

33 Typedef  to assign alternative names to existing typestypes 32 typedef int km_per_hour ; typedef int points ; km_per_hour current_speed ; points high_score ;... struct var { int data1; char data2; }; struct var a; typedef struct var newtype; newtype b;

34 Case study 33 #include using namespace std; struct data { int day, month, year; }; struct student{ char name[20]; long num; struct data birthday; // 结构体嵌套 }; typedef struct student Std; void swapStd(Std st[], int size){ struct student *pst; pst = new struct student; for(int i =1; i<size; i+=2){ strcpy(pst->name,st[i-1].name); pst->num = st[i-1].num; pst->birthday.year = st[i-1].birthday.year; pst->birthday.month = st[i-1].birthday.month; pst-> = st[i-1]; …… } delete pst; } int main(){ Std st[2]; for(int i =0; i<2;i++){ cout<<"Input …:\n"; cin>>st[i].name; cin>>st[i].num; cin>>st[i].birthday.year; … } swapStd(st, 2); cout<<“…\n"; }

35 Linked List  链表: a data structure consisting of a group of nodes which together represent a structure nodes 逻辑关系用指针表示。 单链表、双向链表和循环链表等。 34

36 单链表  一个单链表结点,其结构类型分为两部分: 数据域:用来存储本身数据 链域或称为指针域:用来存储下一个结点地址 struct Node{ char ch; struct Node *next; } Head Tail

37 链表的操作  查找  插入  删除 先查找 再删除 581230 Tail Head 26 相等? 链表节点的访问都是通过指针!! struct Node{ char ch; struct Node *next; }

38 建立链表  在链表的头部插入结点建立单链表 每个结点的存储空间是运行时系统根据需求而生成的 从空表开始,每读入一个数据,申请一个结点,然后插 在链表的头部 ∧ 25 ∧ 45518 76 29 76 18 25 ∧ 455 18 25 ∧ 455 25 ∧ ∧ 455 L

39 建立链表 — 头插入 38 LinkList Create_LinkList1( ){ LinkList lst=NULL ; /* 空表 */ LNode *s; int x; /* 设数据元素的类型为 int*/ cin>>x; while (x!=flag){ s=new LNode; s->data=x; s->next=lst; lst=s; cin>>x; } return lst; } typedef struct node{ datatype data; struct node *next; } LNode , *LinkList ; struct node{ datatype data; struct node *next; }; typedef struct node LNode , *LinkList; typedef int* ip; ip p1, p2; typedef struct node *LL;

40 建立链表 — 尾插入  保持节点生成顺序与链表顺序一致  每次是将新结点插入到链表的尾部  需加入一个指针 r 用来始终指向链表中的尾结点 39 29761236589 ∧ L 头指针 H=NULL ,尾指针 r=NULL; 将新结点插入到 r 所指结点的后面; 然后 r 指向新结点;

41 建立链表 — 尾插入 40 LinkList Creat_LinkList2( ){ LinkList L=NULL; Lnode *s,*r=NULL; int x; /* 设数据元素的类型为 int*/ cin>>x; while (x!=flag){ s=new LNode; s->data=x; if (L==NULL) L=s; /* 第一个结点的处理 */ else r->next=s; /* 其它结点的处理 */ r=s; /*r 指向新的尾结点 */ cin>>x; } if ( r!=NULL) r->next=NULL; /* 最后结点的指针域放空指针 */ return L; }

42 节点查找 — 位置序号  get_Linklist(L, i)  算法思路:从链表的第一个元素结点起,判断当前 结点是否是第 i 个,直到表结束为止。  算法如下: 41 Lnode * get_LinkList(LinkList L, int i){ Lnode * p=L; int j=0; while (p!=NULL && j<i ) if (j==i) return p; p=p->next; j++; } return NULL; To search a key value?

43 节点插入 — 当前指针位置  p 指向插入位置, s 指向新节点  后插节点 将 *s 插入到 *p 的后面 ① s->next=p->next; ② p->next=s; // 两个指针的操作顺序不能交换。 42 p s × ① ② 前插节点 ?

44 节点插入 — 位置序号 43 int Insert_LinkList( LinkList L, int i, datatype x){ /* 在单链表 L 的第 i 个位置上插入值为 x 的元素 */ Lnode * p,*s; p=get_LinkList(L,i-1); /* 查找第 i-1 个结点 */ if (p==NULL) cout<<“error\n”; else { s=new LNode; /* 申请、填装结点 */ s->data=x; s->next=p->next; /* 新结点插入在第 i-1 个结点的后面 */ p->next=s; } return 1; }

45 节点删除  设 p 指向单链表中某结点,删除 *p 。  首先要找到 *p 的前驱结点 *q ,然后完成指针操作。 44 p q × q->next=p->next; delete p;

46 int Del_LinkList(LinkList L , int i) { /* 删除单链表 L 上的第 i 个数据结点 */ LinkList p,s; p=get_LinkList(L,i-1); /* 查找第 i-1 个结点 */ if (p==NULL) { cout<<“ 第 i-1 个结点不存在 \n”; return -1; } if (p->next==NULL){ cout<<“ 第 i 个结点不存在 \n”; return 0; } else{ s=p->next; /*s 指向第 i 个结点 */ p->next=s->next; /* 从链表中删除 */ delete s; /* 释放 *s */ return 1; } }

47 Notes  在单链表上插入、删除一个结点,必须知道其前驱 结点。  单链表不具有按序号随机访问的特性,只能从头指 针开始,一个个顺序进行访问。  查找及删除时,无需进行元素的移动操作。 46

48 §11.6 Function Pointer ( 函数指针 )  Entry address of function ( 入口地址 ) Address of the first instruction Represented by function name  Pointer of function Pointing to a function Containing the entry address of the function

49 Declaration of function pointer  Syntax functionType ( *nameOfPointer )( ParameterList ) E.g. :  Pointing to functions with matching header: Same parameter list and return type E.g. int max(int, int); int min(int,int); int (*p)(int, int); p = max; p = min; int (*p1)(int);

50 Invocation via function pointer  Similar to invocation via function name  Syntax: (*functionPointer)(acutualParameterList) ; *functionPointer(acutualParameterList)  另外一种格式 - 不推荐 函数指针名 ( 实参表 ) ; p =max; c = (*p)(a,b);  c = max(a,b);

51 函数指针示例 This is the print stuff function. The data to be listed is 6.28318 The data to be listed is 13 The data to be printed is 3.14159 int main(){ float pi = (float) 3.14159; float two_pi = (float)2.0*pi; void (*function_pointer)(float); function_pointer = print_stuff; *function_pointer(pi); function_pointer = print_message; *function_pointer(two_pi); *function_pointer(13.0); function_pointer = print_float; *function_pointer(pi); return 0; } void print_stuff(float dtoi){ cout<<"This is the print stuff function.\n“;} void print_message(float ltd){cout<<"The data to be listed is "<<ltd<<endl;} void print_float(float dtp){cout<<"The data to be printed is "<<dtp<<endl ;}

52 函数指针作参数 ( 函数回调)  实现函数地址传递 常用与事件处理等 subF( int(*p1)(int), int(*p2)(int,int)){ int a,b,i,j; …… a = (*p1)(i); b = (*p2)(i,j); …… } int f1(int); int f2(int, int); int main(){ …… subF(f1,f2); …… }

53 52 Summary  Concept of pointer  Declaring pointers  Indirection  Pointer vs. Array  Pointer as parameter and return value  C-string using pointer  struct and linked lists  Function pointer

54 Homework Questions  Q1. Write statements to declare: A) a pointer pointing to an array of three “int” elements. B) a pointer pointing to “int” variables. C) an array of pointers, each of which is a pointer of int.  Q2. Analyze and write down the output of the following codes. 53 #include using namespace std; int main() { char *p1, * p2, s[50]= "xyz"; p1 = "abcd"; p2 = "ABCD"; strcpy(s+2, strcat(p1+2,p2+1)); cout << s <<endl; } #include using namespace std; int main() { int x = 10, &y = x; cout << "x=" <<x << ", y=" <<y <<endl; int * p = &y; *p = 100; cout << "x=" <<x << ", y=" <<y <<endl; }

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