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DTP and AT: How can they be effective in learning? Class 3.

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2 DTP and AT: How can they be effective in learning? Class 3

3 Objectives  SWBAT understand the principles of DTP. This knowledge will be demonstrated via analysis of journals and creation of a DTP newsletter.  SWBAT assess different assistant technology solutions.  SWBAT understand the basic concepts of research

4 Logistics  Create Google Document for class  Go to your Google Account  Select “Documents”  Click “Create New”  Select document  Click the “untitled document” box (Next to the Google Docs logo) and name your document with “520_your last name”  Mine would be 520_Walker  Click “OK”  Share the document with me  Click “Private”  Under “Add People” type my email:  Click “share & save”

5 Desktop Publishing Basics By Gary Braman Modified by B. Sockman and C. Walker for 520

6 DTP Terminology What is Desktop Publishing? ? ? ? ? ?

7 DTP Terminology What is Desktop Publishing? DesktopPublishing Computer Software Laser printer

8 Why does it Matter? How do people learn? VISUAL INTELLIGENCE! Kinesthetic – IF making Motivation - Publishing on Amazon -

9 DTP Terminology Page Orientation Portrait Landscape

10 DTP Typography Arrangement or Column Structure Flush left, Rag right Flush right, Rag left JustifiedCenter The Elements of Style by Robert Bringhurst

11 DTP Terminology Column width Indent Run around or Text wrap Gutter Display type Bottom Margin Top Margin RightMargin Text type LeftMargin

12 Using Text Type Two type faces per document A SerifA Sans Serif

13 Using Text Type Use Serif type faces for PRINT Type

14 Using HeadingType Use San Serif type faces for HEADINGS Type

15 Using Text Type Use accent type sparingly to create a callout If everything is bold, nothing is bold.

16 Using Text Type Use Upper and lower case not all CAPs Type TYPE

17 Using Text Type Break up text with headings and sub-heads

18 Using Text Type Separate paragraphs with indents or space

19 Using Text Type Column width: 39 characters—Justified

20 Using Text Type Don’t use CAPS, bold or italics for blocks This is all bold. This is all bold. This is all bold. This is all bold. This is all bold. This is all bold. This is all bold. This is all bold. This is all bold. This is all bold. This is all bold. THIS IS ALL CAPS. THIS IS ALL CAPS. THIS IS ALL CAPS. THIS IS ALL CAPS. THIS IS ALL CAPS. THIS IS ALL CAPS. THIS IS ALL CAPS. This is all italic. This is all italic. This is all italic. This is all italic. This is all italic. This is all italic. This is all italic. This is all italic. This is all italic. This is all italic. This is all italic.

21 Using Display Type Use all CAPS sparingly Use for headings and titles

22 Using Display Type Use Thick sans serif type for reverse

23 Using Display Type May use initial caps to start story his is an example paragraph used to illustrate an effect. If you can read this, your eyes are quite good. Thanks for coming by today. T

24 Using Display Type No space between headings and text

25 Using Display Type Don’t mix decorative type faces

26 Word Processing Basics Use Tabs for alignment With tabs Item one Item two Item three Without tabs Item one Item two Item three

27 Word Processing Basics One Space between sentences One space between sentences. Not two spaces.

28 Word Processing Basics Spell check Spell Cheeck Spell Chek Spel Check Speell Check Spelll Cheack

29 Word Processing Basics Don’t use… Use Bold or Italic instead …for emphasis

30 Word Processing Basics Don’t use all caps in decorative type faces

31 Lists Use numbers, letters or symbols for bullets 1. Item one 2. Item two 3. Item three a. Item one b. Item two c. Item three Item one Item one Item two Item two Item three Item three

32 Lists Don’t use asterisks or hyphens for bullets * Item one * Item two * Item three - Item one - Item two - Item three

33 Lists Don’t mix symbols for bullets - Item one Item two Item two * Item three

34 Lists Don’t use bullets with center alignment Big item one Big item one Item two Item two Item three Item three

35 DTP Design One dominant element per layout Auto Show Cedar Falls Civic Center 347 Washington Street March 15 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Admission-$6.00

36 DTP Design Alignment—use a clear line to align items Auto Show Cedar Falls Civic Center 347 Washington Street March 15 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Admission-$6.00

37 DTP Design Grouping—group items that belong to together Auto Show Cedar Falls Civic Center 347 Washington Street Admission-$6.00 March 15 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

38 DTP Design Contrast—between elements and background Auto Show Cedar Falls Civic Center 347 Washington Street March 15 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Admission-$6.00 Auto Show Cedar Falls Civic Center 347 Washington Street March 15 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Admission-$6.00

39 DTP Design White space—leave some empty space Auto Show Cedar Falls Civic Center 347 Washington Street March 15 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Admission-$6.00

40 DTP Design Don’t have elements too close to the edges Auto Show Cedar Falls Civic Center 347 Washington Street March 15 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Admission-$6.00

41 DTP Design Don’t go “Box Crazy” Auto Show Cedar Falls Civic Center 347 Washington Street March 15 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Admission-$6.00

42 DTP Design Don’t use distracting borders Auto Show Cedar Falls Civic Center 347 Washington Street March 15 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Admission-$6.00

43 DTP Design Don’t place elements in the corners Auto Show Cedar Falls Civic Center 347 Washington Street March 15 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Admission-$6.00

44 DTP Design Don’t place images in the middle of text Thil asjidlu f aoiu hhgdki fhdai hdiu aidiif hiwou wnvc nious jaslkjf asj. Sjiwour jrndspacnz;ild cxajc it j ldjfajd. Jipad ul ema mncidsi. Kia;i i n cnjisusakud jfieknpanpa jfp iv wo npaoiwol kaud jnfk. Aakjdinf mxkon no omewk ndoa mdi f alidmopa fmoalf mfopo. Thil asjidlu f aoiu hhgdki fhdai hdiu aidiif hiwou wnvc nious jaslkjf

45 DTP Design Don’t mix alignments Auto Show Cedar Falls Civic Center 347 Washington Street March 15 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Admission-$6.00Center Left Center Left

46 TRUE OR FALSE There is no difference between portrait and landscape printing Use as many fonts as possible to keep the readers attention. Use italics and bold instead of FALSE TRUE Portrait Landscape Use as many fonts as possible to keep the readers attention

47 Which is Serif and San Serif? How many fonts per document? A Serif A Sans Serif 2

48 Adaptive Technology  What is it?

49 Areas of research for DTP  Organizing  Writing  Reading  Communication  Computer Use: Input Devices  Computer Use: Output Devices  Solutions for Gifted Students  Solutions for CLD Students

50 Assignment  Create Newsletter about Assigned Content  Wiki Page Wiki Page  Due next class

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