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Vulnerability in Human Settlements Norway – MFA Workshop on ‘Role of Women in Humanitarian Disasters Challenges for Norwegian Policy – Norway – MFA Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Vulnerability in Human Settlements Norway – MFA Workshop on ‘Role of Women in Humanitarian Disasters Challenges for Norwegian Policy – Norway – MFA Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vulnerability in Human Settlements Norway – MFA Workshop on ‘Role of Women in Humanitarian Disasters Challenges for Norwegian Policy – Norway – MFA Workshop on ‘Role of Women in Humanitarian Disasters Challenges for Norwegian Policy – November 1, 2006

2 What is Urban Vulnerability? From UN-Habitat’s perspective: Land use Land use Building Regulations Building Regulations Security and Rule of Law Security and Rule of Law Governance Governance Economy Economy

3 Vulnerability Reduction or Crisis Response? Five Areas of intervention Five Areas of intervention Emergency and transitional shelter Emergency and transitional shelter Environmental protection, remediation and clean-up Environmental protection, remediation and clean-up Critical infrastructure Critical infrastructure Land use and occupancy rights Land use and occupancy rights Livelihoods Livelihoods

4 Sustainable Relief and Reconstruction UN-HABITAT’s challenge and mandate: To Link Emergency, Reconstruction & Development Phase Activities to Provide Sustainable Human SettlementsPhases: Emergency Phase0 – 6 m Emergency Phase0 – 6 m Reconstruction Phase0 – 24 m Reconstruction Phase0 – 24 m Development Phase6m  Development Phase6m  “Development begins at the beginning’’

5 Emergency Sectors 1. Emergency and transition shelter 2. Critical land use planning and rights 3. Environmental remediation/ clean-up 4. Restoration of critical infrastructure 5. Livelihoods restoration Land & Housing Tenure Cadastre GIS Housing constr/upgr. Evictions IDPs Public Works Environment Infrastructures Planning Human Cap. Safety Financing Employment Savings Credits Investments Reconstruction Sectors Emergency Sector Relation to Reconstruction Sectors

6 Land & Housing Services & Governance Financing & Investments Global Campaign of Secure Tenure Women inheritance/ownership AG on forced evictions/GLTN Cites Without Slums Program Tenure/property/rental rights Land Donor Coordination Global Campaign on Urban Governance Urban Water & Sanitation Urban Environment Urban Safety Sustainable Relief Training of LA’s SUF - The Slum Upgrading Facility Credits Economics Designed to link normative qualities to large-scale urban investments Legal reform MDG’s Reconstruction sectors, mirrored in Habitat’s Global Strategy & Programs Financing Employment Savings Credits Investments Public Works Infrastructures Planning Human Cap. Environment Safety Land & Housing Tenure Cadastre GIS Housing constr/upgr. Evictions IDPs

7 Linking emergency, reconstruction and development through a governance driven approach to initiating sustainable settlements development. Key Principles: 1. Whenever possible humanitarian ‘investment’ should be considered permanent, up-gradable, and planned within a sustainable, long term vision 2. In no manner should the above principle deter resources from life-saving operations 3. Coordination, planning, integration, and delivery of emergency humanitarian operations can be undertaken now

8 Human settlements in crisis: From action to policy Development Begins At the Beginning Thank you

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