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The Basics of CTS CTS Information and Discussion January 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "The Basics of CTS CTS Information and Discussion January 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Basics of CTS CTS Information and Discussion January 2011

2 3 types of pathways: exploratory specialized skill credentialed CTS Pathways BITHRHTMTNATMDC

3 a selection of two or more CTS courses may include courses from several occupational areas and clusters CTS Pathways BITHRHTMTNATMDC

4 exploratory pathways provide opportunities for students to experience a variety of career areas of interest and make choices Exploratory CTS Pathways

5 specialized skill pathways are exploratory pathways that focus student interest in career areas Specialized Skill CTS Pathways Exploratory

6 credentialed pathways are specialized skill pathways with courses selected to help students earn a credential or credit Exploratory Specialized Skill Credentialed CTS Pathways

7 CTS pathways build on existing high school CTS programs personalize learning in concert with other subject areas provide students with choice Exploratory Specialized Skill Credentialed CTS Pathways

8 Specialized Skill Pathways Specialized skill pathways can provide students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes for employment or further education. These pathways can be customized to meet student, school, or community program needs. Examples Health Care Aide Autobody Pre-Engineering Tin Basher Robotics Post-Secondary Preparedness Venture Capital Planning Foreign Aid Worker

9 Credentialed Pathways Credentialed pathways can provide students with post-secondary and/or business and industry credentials. Examples Medical First Responder CompTIA Network+ Child Development Assistant Adobe Certified Expert in Illustrator CS4 AB Conservation and Fishing Education Program Welder First Period Apprenticeship Hairstylist Journeyperson

10 Levels of CTS Courses 10 – introductory 20 – intermediate 30 - advanced

11 AB High School Diploma Requirements Students choosing to use CTS credits towards their high school diploma may use up to ten 30-level CTS credits.

12 Shift of Focus Requirements vs Pre-requisites Person-centered vs Program-centered Nature of credentials, certifications


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