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22 Oct 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WGSalvatore Costa - Catania Status of Database Interface for Bonding Data Salvatore Costa University and INFN – Catania.

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Presentation on theme: "22 Oct 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WGSalvatore Costa - Catania Status of Database Interface for Bonding Data Salvatore Costa University and INFN – Catania."— Presentation transcript:

1 22 Oct 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WGSalvatore Costa - Catania Status of Database Interface for Bonding Data Salvatore Costa University and INFN – Catania

2 22 Oct 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG2 Salvatore Costa - Catania News Version 0.2 released on 17 Oct 2002 (eventually!) DEMO, but with same interactive look-and-feel of future real version for the User Takes into account all comments to previous v 0.1 (example: VIEW requires pw, so data are visible only within CENTER) [if not: complain] 11,000 lines of code (HTML, pl, XML)

3 22 Oct 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG3 Salvatore Costa - Catania Functional Description if op su man ENTER UPDATEVIEW SEARCH VALIDATE CREATE new file front page User’s Guide (in new window) data indb results ID_oper.dat ID_oper.xml BigBrowser ID_oper.xml.indb ParSet….xml.indb TrackerDB ParSet…dat ParSet...xml

4 22 Oct 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG4 Salvatore Costa - Catania Work in Progress on v0.2 Fix bugs [already fixed some] Soften bg colors (OK on LCD monitors, too bright on CRT) Add “defaults” to Forms for some CENTERS

5 22 Oct 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG5 Salvatore Costa - Catania Center “DB Readiness” CenterDB ResponsibleForm Defaults AachenWolfgang BraunschweigMISSING BariValeria RadicciOK CataniaSalvatore CostaOK CERNAlan HonmaOK FNALBill KahlOK FlorenceSimone PaolettiOK KarlsruheHans-Jürgen SimonisIN PROGRESS PadovaMaurizio LoretiMISSING PisaAndrey StarodoumovIN PROGRESS Santa BarbaraBill KahlOK StrasbourgPierre JuillotOK TorinoErnesto MiglioreOK ViennaThomas BergauerOK ZurigoKlaus FreudenreichOK

6 22 Oct 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG6 Salvatore Costa - Catania Work to do for v 1.0 Write User’s Guide Develop Installation procedure  dir designation and naming (results and indb must coincide with those declared when installing BigBrowser) BigBrowser on same machine or in machine mounting same dir  Web server configuration Authentication (pw) Authorizations (dir ownership and protection) Make it “Talk” to TrackerDB Extend to Hybrid Bonding…

7 22 Oct 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG7 Salvatore Costa - Catania “Talk” to TrackerDB… …to get List of Channels not-to-be bonded Sought solution: Download when entering Pre-Bonding  Try “Relay” application to query TrackerDB from User’s program Backup solution: Use BigBrowser to download SENSOR Tables, then filter list with script (Andrey Starodoumov helping) Will be documented in User’s Guide

8 22 Oct 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG8 Salvatore Costa - Catania “Talk” to TrackerDB… …to upload our data  No Relay application, AFAIK  Using a button in BigBrowser Will be documented in User’s Guide I need to determine exact XML file contents

9 22 Oct 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG9 Salvatore Costa - Catania … XML file contents

10 22 Oct 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG10 Salvatore Costa - Catania “Talk” to TrackerDB… …to pass List of Channels not bonded from Bonding Center to Bonding Repair Center In DEMO Bond Repair forms look in file created by Bond Forms  In v 1.0 must dowload from TrackerDB since Repair Center may be different than Bonding Center, just as has to be done for the list of channels not-to-be-bonded

11 22 Oct 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG11 Salvatore Costa - Catania Hybrid Bonding “8 th Section” in Interface?, such as Hybrid Bonding Enter Data Add or Change Data Validate Data Added to the “Bonding” Forms?  Most depends on when Hybrid bonding occurs, after Module is assembled or before?  To which OBJECT (as registered in TrackerDB) should we attach the info: MOD or HYB or...?

12 22 Oct 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG12 Salvatore Costa - Catania The 9 Bonding Tables PREBONDPOSTBOND BONDREPPULL “BOND” Composite BONDMACHINEBONDWIRE BONDLOGBONDSTATUS BONDPARAM

13 22 Oct 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG13 Salvatore Costa - Catania “PREBOND” Table DescriptionNameData TypeEntry Mode Pre-bonding Inspector nameINSPECTORVARCHAR(128)PULL-DOWN LIST WITH AUTOMATIC DEFAULT Receiving date& time (By Pre-Bonding Inspector) RECV_TIMEDATEPULL-DOWN LISTS WITH AUTOMATIC DEFAULTS Unpacking infoUNPACKVARCHAR(128)TYPE-IN Status found in pre-bonding inspection STATUSVARCHAR(384)TYPE-IN Comment on quick readout testQUICK_TESTVARCHAR(384)TYPE-IN Storage infoSTORAGEVARCHAR(128)TYPE-IN Release date & time (by Pre-Bonding inspector) SHIP_TIMEDATEPULL-DOWN LISTS WITH AUTOMATIC DEFAULTS Ready-for-Bonding statusREADY_FOR_BONDVARCHAR(64)RADIO BUTTON (default: NO)

14 22 Oct 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG14 Salvatore Costa - Catania “BONDMACHINE” Table DescriptionNameData TypeEntry Mode Manufacturer & ModelMFTMODVARCHAR(128)PULL-DOWN LIST WITH AUTOMATIC DEFAULT ID (seq n. to uniquely identify same-model machines) IDINTPULL-DOWN LIST WITH AUTOMATIC DEFAULT Tool ManufacturerTOOL_MFTVARCHAR(128)PULL-DOWN LIST WITH AUTOMATIC DEFAULT Tool TypeTOOL_TYPEVARCHAR(128)PULL-DOWN LIST WITH AUTOMATIC DEFAULT Jig numberJIG_NUMINTPULL-DOWN LIST WITH AUTOMATIC DEFAULT Machine-specific Parameter Filename PARAM_FILENAMEVARCHAR(128)TYPE-IN WITH AUTOMATIC DEFAULT Name of ProgramPROGRAMVARCHAR(128)TYPE-IN (default: “manual”)


16 22 Oct 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG16 Salvatore Costa - Catania “BONDLOG” Table DescriptionNameData TypeEntry Mode Bonding operator nameOPERATORVARCHAR(128)PULL-DOWN LIST WITH AUTOMATIC DEFAULT Receiving date& time (by Bonding operator) RECV_TIMEDATEPULL-DOWN LISTS WITH AUTOMATIC DEFAULTS Ambient TemperatureTEMP_CFLOATTYPE-IN Ambient Relative HumidityREL_HUMI_PERCFLOATTYPE-IN # bonds with tool thus farN_BONDSINTTYPE-IN # repaired failures during bonding N_REPAIREDINTTYPE-IN Release date & time (by Bonding Operator) SHIP_TIMEDATEPULL-DOWN LISTS WITH AUTOMATIC DEFAULTS Recommended repairsRECOM_REPAIRSVARCHAR(1024)TYPE-IN Ready-for-Post-Bonding Inspection status READY_FOR_POSTBONDSTRING(64)RADIO BUTTON (default: NO)

17 22 Oct 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG17 Salvatore Costa - Catania “BONDSTATUS” Table DescriptionNameData TypeEntry Mode Channels not bonded (PA to SEN) PA2SEN_NOT_BONDEDVARCHAR(4000)CLICK CHECKBOXES Channels not bonded (SEN to SEN) SEN2SEN_NOT_BONDEDVARCHAR(4000)CLICK CHECKBOXES

18 22 Oct 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG18 Salvatore Costa - Catania “POSTBOND” Table DescriptionNameData TypeEntry Mode Post-bonding Inspector nameINSPECTORVARCHAR(128)PULL-DOWN LIST WITH AUTOMATIC DEFAULT Receiving date& time (by Post-Bonding Inspector) RECV_TIMEDATEPULL-DOWN LISTS WITH AUTOMATIC DEFAULTS Status found in post-bonding inspection STATUSVARCHAR(384)TYPE-IN Packing infoPACKVARCHAR(128)TYPE-IN Release date& time (by Post-Bonding to Testing or Repair) SHIP_TIMEDATEPULL-DOWN LISTS WITH AUTOMATIC DEFAULTS Ready-for-Testing statusREADY_FOR_TESTVARCHAR(64)RADIO BUTTON (default: NO)

19 22 Oct 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG19 Salvatore Costa - Catania “BONDREP” Table DescriptionNameData TypeEntry Mode Bonding Repair operator nameOPERATORVARCHAR(128)PULL-DOWN LIST WITH AUTOMATIC DEFAULT Receiving date& time (by Bonding Repair operator) RECV_TIMEDATEPULL-DOWN LISTS WITH AUTOMATIC DEFAULTS Repairs doneREPAIRS_DONEVARCHAR(1024)TYPE-IN Release date & time ( by Bonding Repair operator) SHIP_TIMEDATEPULL-DOWN LISTS WITH AUTOMATIC DEFAULTS Ready-for-Testing statusREADY_FOR_TESTVARCHAR(64)RADIO BUTTON (default: NO) Bonding Repair Forms also write back into BONDSTATUS Table ( and increment VERSION ): Channels not bonded (PA to SEN) PA2SEN_NOT_BONDEDVARCHAR(4000)CLICK CHECKBOXES Channels not bonded (SEN to SEN) SEN2SEN_NOT_BONDEDVARCHAR(4000)CLICK CHECKBOXES

20 22 Oct 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG20 Salvatore Costa - Catania “PULL” Table DescriptionNameData TypeEntry Mode Pull Test operator nameOPERATORVARCHAR(128)PULL-DOWN LIST WITH AUTOMATIC DEFAULT Receiving date& time (by Pull Test operator) RECV_TIMEDATEPULL-DOWN LISTS WITH AUTOMATIC DEFAULTS Pull Tester typeTYPEVARCHAR(128)TYPE-IN Pull Tester IDIDINTPULL-DOWN LIST WITH AUTOMATIC DEFAULT # ND pullsND_N_PULLSINTTYPE-IN # ND challenging strengthND_STR_GFLOATTYPE-IN WITH AUTOMATIC DEFAULT # ND bonds breakingND_N_BREAKINGINTTYPE-IN # D pulls D_N_PULLS INTTYPE-IN D min strengthD_STR_MIN _GFLOATTYPE-IN D max strengthD_STR_MAX _GFLOATTYPE-IN D average strengthD_STR_AVG _GFLOATTYPE-IN D strength sigmaD_STR_SIGMA_GFLOATTYPE-IN D# bonds breaking by…D_N_FBHB…FLOATTYPE-IN Release date& time (by Pull Test operator) SHIP_TIMEDATEPULL-DOWN LISTS WITH AUTOMATIC DEFAULTS

21 22 Oct 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG21 Salvatore Costa - Catania “BONDPARAM” Table DescriptionNameData TypeEntry Mode Name of Machine-specific Parameter file PARAM_FILENAMEVARCHAR(128)Automatically generated Contents of the (text) filePARAM_SETVARCHAR(1024)Automatically generated by filling a form whose entries depend on CENTER, since relevant parameters may vary with machine Example: LOOP_HEIGHT: 6 um PULL_UP: 50 whatever PULL_DOWN: 99 Etc…

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