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Common Core State Standards Mathematics CCSSM October 27, 2011 Todd Lindbloom Senior Curriculum Specialist Pearson Northeast Region School Group.

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2 Common Core State Standards Mathematics CCSSM October 27, 2011 Todd Lindbloom Senior Curriculum Specialist Pearson Northeast Region School Group

3 Common Core Overview

4 Common Core State Standards Mathematics CCSSM 9/20/114 Common Core Development Initially 48 states and three territories signed on Initially 48 states and three territories signed on Final Standards released June 2, 2010 Final Standards released June 2, 2010 NY adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) July 19, 2010 NY adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) July 19, 2010 As of October 26th 2011, 45 states have officially adopted As of October 26th 2011, 45 states have officially adopted Adoption required for Race to the Top funds Adoption required for Race to the Top funds

5 Common Core State Standards Mathematics CCSSM 9/20/115 Each state adopting the common core either directly or by fully aligning its state standards may do so in accordance with current state timelines for standards adoption not to exceed three (3) years. States that choose to align their standards to the common core standards accept 100% of the core. States may add additional standards. Common Core Development

6 Common Core State Standards Mathematics CCSSM 9/20/116 Intent of the Common Core Common Goals for all students Common Goals for all students Coherence Coherence Focus Focus Clarity and Specificity Clarity and Specificity

7 Common Core State Standards Mathematics CCSSM 9/20/117 Common Core State Standards 1 Content Standards Standards for Mathematical Practice

8 Common Core State Standards Mathematics CCSSM 9/20/118 Standards for Mathematical Practice “Proficient students expect mathematics to make sense. They take an active stance in solving mathematical problems. When faced with a non-routine problem, they have the courage to plunge in and try something, and they have the procedural and conceptual tools to carry through. They are experimenters and inventors, and can adapt known strategies to new problems. They think strategically.”

9 Common Core State Standards Mathematics CCSSM 9/20/119 Section name 24pt bold Standards for Mathematical Practice 2 1.Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4.Model with mathematics. 5.Use appropriate tools strategically. 6.Attend to precision. 7.Look for and make use of structure. 8.Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

10 Common Core State Standards Mathematics CCSSM 9/20/1110 Standards for Mathematical Practice Choose one of the practices. Read the description of the practice. Complete the chart. Discuss your work with your tablemates. General sharing will take place.

11 Common Core State Standards Mathematics CCSSM 9/20/1111 Common Core State Standards Grade 7 2005 New York State Standards Grade 7 Solve real-life mathematical problems using numerical algebraic expressions and equations. Solve multi-step real-life and mathematical problems posed with positive and negative rational numbers in any form (whole numbers, fractions, and decimals), using tools strategically. Apply properties of operations to calculate with numbers in any form; convert between forms as appropriate; and assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies. (Common Core State Standard Initiative 2010b) Algebra Translate two-step verbal expressions into algebraic expressions Solve multi-step verbal expressions by combining like terms, using the distributive property, or moving variable to one side of the equation. (NYSED Math Standard, Grade 7)

12 Common Core State Standards Mathematics CCSSM 9/20/1112 3 William McCallum The University of Arizona Grouping the Practice Standards

13 Common Core State Standards Mathematics CCSSM 9/20/1113 Tools for the Common Core Standards The Importance of Mathematical Practices Video So what will instruction look like? What will students be doing? http://commoncoretools.wordpress.com

14 Tools for the Common Core Standards analysis-tool/ Curriculum Analysis Project Curriculum Analysis Tools PowerPoint presentation Common Core State Standards Mathematics CCSSM 9/20/1114

15 Common Core State Standards Mathematics CCSSM 9/20/1115 mon-core-standards So what will instruction look like? What will students be doing? Inside Mathematics Noyce Foundation Video 9 th /10 th Grade MP1

16 Where is New York Now? School Year 2011-2012 RFP for CCLS Curriculum Modules in ELA, Math, Arts is released and includes two exemplary CCLS-aligned curriculum modules in ELA and Math Recommend initial phase of CCLS implementation: every teacher is delivering at least one CCLS-aligned unit each semester Math and ELA tests continue to be aligned with 2005 Standards Vendors for curricular modules in ELA, Math, and the Arts are chosen between September and January and their submissions (several exemplary units) are immediately made available to the field Common Core State Standards Mathematics CCSSM 9/20/1116

17 Common Core State Standards Mathematics CCSSM 9/20/1117 ml So what will instruction look like? What will students be doing? Where is New York Now? Video

18 Common Core Standards for Math: Designing High School Math Courses While the focus of this document (CCSSM) is on organizing the Standards for Mathematical Content into model pathways to college and career readiness, the content standards must also be connected to the Standards for Mathematical Practice to ensure that the skills needed for later success are developed. In particular, Modeling (defined by a * in the CCSS) is defined as both a conceptual category for high school mathematics and a mathematical practice and is an important avenue for motivating students to study math, for building their understanding of math, and for preparing them for future success. Development of the pathways into instructional programs will require careful attention to modeling and mathematical practices. Assessments based on these pathways should reflect both the content and mathematical practices standards. © 2011 EngageNY Common Core State Standards Mathematics CCSSM 9/20/1118

19 Common Core State Standards Mathematics CCSSM 9/20/1119 Knowledge of Common Core Standards Professional Development Action Steps Implementation So what will instruction look like? What will students be doing? Where is Your District Now?

20 Common Core State Standards Mathematics CCSSM 9/20/1120 How Can Pearson Help? Provide Professional Development for: Provide Professional Development for: Implementation Support Transition Support Assessment Support

21 Resources tool/ Acknowledgements tool/ National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Common Core State Standards THANK YOU!

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