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Gifted and Talented Educational Services Mrs. Joanna Espinoza Gifted and Talented Specialist 817-698-1141 Revised August 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Gifted and Talented Educational Services Mrs. Joanna Espinoza Gifted and Talented Specialist 817-698-1141 Revised August 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gifted and Talented Educational Services Mrs. Joanna Espinoza Gifted and Talented Specialist 817-698-1141 Revised August 2013

2 State Definition of Gifted “Gifted and talented student” means a child or youth who performs at or shows the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment and who: (1) exhibits high performance capability in an intellectual, creative, or artistic area; (2) possesses an unusual capacity for leadership; or (3) excels in a specific academic field. (Texas Education Code 29.121) Revised August 2013

3 NISD Core Beliefs We believe that… kids come first. kids come first. continuous improvement is critical for success of the Northwest Independent School District. continuous improvement is critical for success of the Northwest Independent School District. the success of each student is the shared responsibility of students, families, schools and communities. the success of each student is the shared responsibility of students, families, schools and communities. environment influences learning. environment influences learning. Revised August 2013

4 District Advanced Academics Mission Statement The Advanced Academics Department, in partnership with parents and community, will engage students in a premier education, preparing them to be successful, productive citizens. The Advanced Academics Department, in partnership with parents and community, will engage students in a premier education, preparing them to be successful, productive citizens. In the Northwest Independent School District, the Advanced Academics Department provides direction and leadership to K-12 advanced academics programs. The Advanced Academic services provide support for the multi-faceted gifted education programs which include: Gifted and Talented Program Education Services (GATES), Advanced Placement (AP), and Pre-Advanced Placement (Pre-AP) classes, UIL activities, Academic Decathlon, and Destination Imagination. In the Northwest Independent School District, the Advanced Academics Department provides direction and leadership to K-12 advanced academics programs. The Advanced Academic services provide support for the multi-faceted gifted education programs which include: Gifted and Talented Program Education Services (GATES), Advanced Placement (AP), and Pre-Advanced Placement (Pre-AP) classes, UIL activities, Academic Decathlon, and Destination Imagination. Advanced Academics Website: Revised August 2014

5 GATES Vision The best and most sought-after advanced academics program in Texas where every student is future ready: Ready for College Ready for College Ready for the Global Workplace Ready for the Global Workplace Ready for Personal Success Ready for Personal Success Revised August 2013

6 State Goal for Services for Gifted/Talented Students: Students who participate in services designed for gifted/talented students will demonstrate skills in self-directed learning, thinking, research, and communication as evidenced by the development of innovative products and performances that reflect individuality and creativity and are advanced in relation to students of similar age, experience, or environment… Revised August 2014

7 GOAL STATEMENTS To provide differentiated educational services promoting critical and creative thinking skills. To provide differentiated educational services promoting critical and creative thinking skills. To engage students in an academically challenging and motivating program. To engage students in an academically challenging and motivating program. Revised August 2013

8 GOAL STATEMENTS To identify and implement best practices in teaching gifted students. To identify and implement best practices in teaching gifted students. To support the needs of highly able students by providing training for teachers. To support the needs of highly able students by providing training for teachers. Revised August 2013

9 District Curriculum Philosophy Statement At Northwest I.S.D., the education of identified gifted students is based on the following six areas of emphasis: At Northwest I.S.D., the education of identified gifted students is based on the following six areas of emphasis: Problem Solving Problem Solving Critical Thinking Critical Thinking Creative Thinking Creative Thinking Research Skills Research Skills Independent Learning Independent Learning Communication Skills Communication Skills Revised August 2013

10 What does gifted mean? The United States Office of Education definition (Marland 1982) suggests gifted and talented students are those "who have outstanding abilities, are capable of high performance and who require differentiated educational programs (beyond those normally provided by regular school programs) in order to realise their contribution to self and society". The United States Office of Education definition (Marland 1982) suggests gifted and talented students are those "who have outstanding abilities, are capable of high performance and who require differentiated educational programs (beyond those normally provided by regular school programs) in order to realise their contribution to self and society". The last element, that of the need of this group of children for differentiated educational response, is of course the prime reason why gifted children need the label - it is not a label to be worn proudly as if earnt, but rather an indication of special need, even if this special need is different from those who are more often associated with the "special needs" label. The last element, that of the need of this group of children for differentiated educational response, is of course the prime reason why gifted children need the label - it is not a label to be worn proudly as if earnt, but rather an indication of special need, even if this special need is different from those who are more often associated with the "special needs" label. Revised August 2013

11 A Parent’s Role Identification by parents is often accurate, despite the myth that parents always think their children are bright. Parents are in the best position to know the child and its inner strivings, and their major difficulties are often not having a ready comparison (particularly in the case of only or eldest children), and of overcoming, when appropriate, the desire not to appear to be "pushy". Behavioural checklists often assist with the first difficulty, and a consideration of the alternatives, particularly with problems at school, generally encourages some sort of advocacy role. Identification by parents is often accurate, despite the myth that parents always think their children are bright. Parents are in the best position to know the child and its inner strivings, and their major difficulties are often not having a ready comparison (particularly in the case of only or eldest children), and of overcoming, when appropriate, the desire not to appear to be "pushy". Behavioural checklists often assist with the first difficulty, and a consideration of the alternatives, particularly with problems at school, generally encourages some sort of advocacy role. © David Farmer 19 February 1997 - This piece has been adapted from text I wrote for an educational video/booklet package Meeting the Needs of Gifted Students in the Regular Classroom Revised August 2013

12 Different Types of Learners – Bertie Kingore Revised August 2013

13 Different Types of Learners (cont.) – Bertie Kingore Revised August 2013

14 Some Typical Characteristics Because gifted children are so diverse, not all exhibit all characteristics all of the time. However, there are common characteristics that many gifted individuals share: Unusual alertness, even in infancy Rapid learner; puts thoughts together quickly Excellent memory Unusually large vocabulary and complex sentence structure for age Advanced comprehension of word nuances, metaphors and abstract ideas Enjoys solving problems, especially with numbers and puzzles Often self-taught reading and writing skills as preschooler Deep, intense feelings and reactions Highly sensitive Thinking is abstract, complex, logical, and insightful Revised August 2013

15 Idealism and sense of justice at early age Concern with social and political issues and injustices Longer attention span and intense concentration Preoccupied with own thoughts—daydreamer Learn basic skills quickly and with little practice Asks probing questions Wide range of interests (or extreme focus in one area) Highly developed curiosity Interest in experimenting and doing things differently Puts idea or things together that are not typical Keen and/or unusual sense of humor Desire to organize people/things through games or complex schemas Vivid imaginations (and imaginary playmates when in preschool) Reproduced by permission from: Webb, J., Gore, J., Amend, E., DeVries, A. (2007). A parent's guide to gifted children. Tuscon, AZ: Great Potential Press, - See more at: characteristics-gifted-individuals#sthash.jgTf7EoV.dpuf Revised August 2013

16 Other Checklists Duke TIP: neral%20Intellectual%20Ability Duke TIP: neral%20Intellectual%20Ability neral%20Intellectual%20Ability neral%20Intellectual%20Ability Mensa: ifted-youth/insights-into-gifted- youth/gifted-characteristics/ Mensa: ifted-youth/insights-into-gifted- youth/gifted-characteristics/ ifted-youth/insights-into-gifted- youth/gifted-characteristics/ ifted-youth/insights-into-gifted- youth/gifted-characteristics/ Revised August 2013

17 Nomination Deadlines Fall Nominations: Sept. 18 Fall Nominations: Sept. 18 Grades 1, 3, 4, 5 Grades 1, 3, 4, 5 Kindergarten Nominations: Dec. 4 Kindergarten Nominations: Dec. 4 Spring Nominations: Feb. 5 Spring Nominations: Feb. 5 Grades 1, 3, 4, 5 Grades 1, 3, 4, 5 Revised August 2013

18 Nomination to Identification 1. Visit Mrs. Espinoza’s webpage for a nomination form ( 2. Receive confirmation from Mrs. Espinoza with a “Permission to Asses” and “Confidential Parent Questionnaire” to be completed and returned. 3. Assessments administered and shipped for scoring by the publisher. 4. Scores received by the campus and reviewed by the identification committee. 5. Parents notified of scores and results in writing with invitation to conference. Revised August 2013

19 NISD Qualifications Minimum of 3 Criteria for Quantitative Data Minimum of 3 Criteria for Quantitative Data CogAT and/or Naglieri CogAT and/or Naglieri ITBS ITBS Minimum of 2 Criteria for Qualitative Data Minimum of 2 Criteria for Qualitative Data Kingore Observation Inventory (KOI), Gifted and Talented Education Scale, Slocumb/Payne, NISD Parent Checklist, student work samples Kingore Observation Inventory (KOI), Gifted and Talented Education Scale, Slocumb/Payne, NISD Parent Checklist, student work samples Revised August 2013

20 Assessment Information Cognitive Abilities Test: s/cogAT7/learnmore.html Cognitive Abilities Test: s/cogAT7/learnmore.html Iowa Test of Basic Skills: s/ia/learnmore.html Iowa Test of Basic Skills: s/ia/learnmore.html Revised August 2013

21 Other Opportunities for all students Duke TIP-4 th and 5 th only Duke TIP-4 th and 5 th only Rising Stars Destination Imagination-K-2 nd Rising Stars Destination Imagination-K-2 nd Destination Imagination-3rd-5th Destination Imagination-3rd-5th UIL-2 nd -5 th UIL-2 nd -5 th Campus Clubs (ie., Art club, choir, Student Council, Chess Club, and Battle of the Books) Campus Clubs (ie., Art club, choir, Student Council, Chess Club, and Battle of the Books) Artistic Contests-PTA Reflections, NISD Holiday Greeting Card, Art Show Artistic Contests-PTA Reflections, NISD Holiday Greeting Card, Art Show District Events-Night of No Limits and TechnoExpo District Events-Night of No Limits and TechnoExpo Community/Summer Opportunities-Community link on NISD website (includes TechnoCamp and PBL Camp) Community/Summer Opportunities-Community link on NISD website (includes TechnoCamp and PBL Camp) Revised August 2013

22 Questions, answers, concerns… Revised August 2013

23 Exit Ticket- What topic (ie.-perfectionism, underachieving, anxieties, needs of gifted learners, etc.) would you like to know more about related to your gifted learner? Thank you so much for your valuable time!

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