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Win32 Programming Lesson 22: DLL Magic Part Deux All your base are belong to us…

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1 Win32 Programming Lesson 22: DLL Magic Part Deux All your base are belong to us…

2 Where are we?  We’ve looked at injection techniques in general  But now it’s time to get specific

3 Remind Me…  What’s the trick we’re trying to pull off?

4 Injecting DLLs using a Remote Thread  Remember, we’re trying to get a DLL into another process’ address space  One way to do this is to create a thread in a remote process  And Windows provides an easy way to do this…

5 So…  HANDLE CreateRemoteThread( HANDLE hProcess, PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES psa, DWORD dwStackSize, PTHREAD_START_ROUTINE pfnStartAddr, PVOID pvParam, DWORD fdwCreate, PDWORD pdwThreadId);  Look familiar…?

6 Problems?  Troy, does this solve all our problems?  Casey?  Chris?  Invisible Dan? ……

7 Bingo!  This only works if we have code in the remote thread that we want to execute to load our Trojan DLL…  Hmmm… can we fix it?  How do you load a DLL during program execution?

8 Right: LoadLibrary  But LoadLibrary doesn’t exist (someone tell me why?)  So basically, we want to execute a line of code which looks like this: HANDLE hThread = CreateRemoteThread( hProcessRemote, NULL, 0, LoadLibraryA, "C:\\MyLib.dll", 0, NULL ); BUT this is still wrong… why?

9 Right: Real address  The address of LoadLibraryA as a function won’t be the same because of relocation  But the *real* address of LoadLibraryA in KERNEL32.DLL will be the same (provided it loads in the same location)  So, how do we get that?

10 Right: GetProcAddress…  GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(TEXT(" Kernel32")), "LoadLibraryA");  Easy eh?  Predicated on the identical loading of Kernel32… but that’s quite common  But it still doesn’t work right… there’s still one string attached to this idea…

11 Right: The STRING “c:\\mylib.dll”  The String exists in Process A’s address space, but we need it to exist in Process B’s  Hmmm  How can we fix that?

12 Right: VirtualAllocEx  Bingo!  PVOID VirtualAllocEx( HANDLE hProcess, PVOID pvAddress, SIZE_T dwSize, DWORD flAllocationType, DWORD flProtect );

13 But we’re still not done  Processes boundaries stop one process writing to another…  So we need a function which can read and write Process memory  And Windows gives us such a function…

14 Memory…  BOOL ReadProcessMemory( HANDLE hProcess, PVOID pvAddressRemote, PVOID pvBufferLocal, DWORD dwSize, PDWORD pdwNumBytesRead ); BOOL WriteProcessMemory( HANDLE hProcess, PVOID pvAddressRemote, PVOID pvBufferLocal, DWORD dwSize, PDWORD pdwNumBytesWritten );

15 7 Step Process  Use the VirtualAllocEx function to allocate memory in the remote process’s address space.  Use the WriteProcessMemory function to copy the DLL's pathname to the memory allocated in step 1.  Use the GetProcAddress function to get the real address (inside Kernel32.dll) of the LoadLibraryA or LoadLibraryW function.  Use the CreateRemoteThread function to create a thread in the remote process that calls the proper LoadLibrary function, passing it the address of the memory allocated in step 1.

16 Continued…  Use the VirtualFreeEx function to free the memory allocated in step 1.  Use the GetProcAddress function to get the real address (inside Kernel32.dll) of the FreeLibrary function.  Use the CreateRemoteThread function to create a thread in the remote process that calls LoadLibrary function, passing the remote DLL's HINSTANCE.

17 Lastly…  hProcess = OpenProcess( PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD | // For CreateRemoteThread PROCESS_VM_OPERATION | // For VirtualAllocEx/VirtualFreeEx PROCESS_VM_WRITE, // For WriteProcessMemory FALSE, dwProcessId );

18 Next: The Trojan DLL  Replace some DLL you want…  But you have to export all the same functions

19 Injecting a DLL via a Debugger  Tricky and processor-specific  But can work well, as Debuggers have special privileges

20 Injecting Via CreateProcess  Have your process spawn the child process suspended.  Retrieve the primary thread's starting memory address from the.exe module's file header.  Save the machine instructions at this memory address.  Force some hand-coded machine instructions at this address. The instructions should call LoadLibrary to load a DLL.  Resume the child process’s primary thread so that this code executes.  Restore the original instructions back into the starting address.  Let the process continue execution from the starting address as if nothing had happened

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