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Future service planning for children and young people with Special Educational Need and Disability (SEND) Accelerating Achievement and improving the life.

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Presentation on theme: "Future service planning for children and young people with Special Educational Need and Disability (SEND) Accelerating Achievement and improving the life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Future service planning for children and young people with Special Educational Need and Disability (SEND) Accelerating Achievement and improving the life chances of children and young people with SEND Thursday 14 July 2015

2 The prevalence of SEND in Cambridgeshire

3 Children going to school in Cambs (Jan 2015) Around 13,000 children with SEND in Cambridgeshire schools in Jan 2015 (9900 SEN support/ SA+/SA, 2850 statement/EHCP) Around 210 children with statements placed out of county Source: Jan 2015 School Censuss + around 840 on Early Support caseload

4 The proportion of pupils with any type of SEND has been falling since a peak of 2010 Around 18% has become the standard for proportion of pupils with SEND in the important comparator groups Jan 2015 census – 15.6% of pupils in Cambridgeshire has SEND. January school census

5 But the proportion of pupils with a statement in Cambridgeshire has been increasing since a low in 2011 January school census Jan 2015 census – 3.5% of pupils in Cambridgeshire had a statement or EHCP

6 Therefore, the reduction in the proportion of pupils with SEND has come from a fall in the proportion with SA+ or SA Cambridgeshire started from highest in 2010 now lowest Jan 2015 – 12.1% of pupils had SEN support, SA+ or SA, reduction of ~ 2,000 pupils at Cambridgeshire schools since 2014 January school census

7 Some types of SEND are more prevalent in Cambridgeshire than statistical neighbours ‘Behavioural, emotional, social difficulties’, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, ‘specific learning difficulties’ are more prevalent than statistical neighbours average and England average Some types less prevalent, e.g. ‘Speech, language and communication needs’, ‘moderate learning difficulties’

8 Achievement of children with SEND

9 SEND makes more impact than FSM… and compared to national, the gaps are bigger in Cambridgeshire 79% of all pupils are non FSM and non SEN 73% of all pupils are non FSM and non SEN

10 Not Published 10 Not Published Source: DfE LAIT and SFRs 2014. The attainment of Cambridgeshire children with SEN is below that of their peers nationally.

11 (In 2014 assessments) SEND splits into groups - SA, SA+, Statement. Statemented children (at school in county) do about as well as would be expected anywhere in the country. But non-statemented children do worse (i.e. school support in new categories)

12 12 Not Published Source: DfE LAIT and SFRs 2014.

13 13 Not Published Source: DfE LAIT and SFRs 2014.

14 Funding allocated to SEND in local authority area

15 SEND financing system Much SEND funding comes from Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) straight from Government Complicated system, bound up with schools funding more generally and mix of responsibilities and statutory obligations Some uncertainty about whether that system will continue as it is

16 There is approx £100m in the system to support children with SEND (All CSC Disability budget) Approx £9m from E&PS budget – very difficult to separate out Mostly home to school transport for SEND Mostly SEND Placements (£700k of health funding not shown here) The first £6k of statements (appx £10m) and in- school support for SA and SA+ Overall, this suggests a maximum financial input of around £106m in a year, + £3-4m pupil premium for SEND+FSM Mostly SEND Specialist Teachers

17 Spend on Key Areas What areas from previous slide does this include? The 14/15 Spend includes elements of funding from within Strategy & Commissioning, self-managing institutions (special schools) and the Notional SEN as shown on the previous slide. Note on Funded Learners – these are ‘full time equivalent’ places – so the number of places that need to be open in order to meet demand at any given time during the year, NOT the number of children in placement over the year

18 Summary 13,000 approx with SEND + 210 out county The proportion of pupils with SA+, SA or SEN support level SEND is falling in Cambridgeshire faster than the national trend, but the proportion of pupils with statements going to school in Cambridgeshire is higher than elsewhere and seeming to rise over the last few years By 2021 there could be 3,130 pupils in Cambridgeshire schools with statements / EHCPs – a 10% increase from 2015. This could imply an increase in budget requirement for statements / EHCP of 10% over next 5 years. The total budget for SEND in the county could be as high as £100m. The bulk of this is spent on children with statements in county – although per pupil costs is much higher out of county SEND is correlated with low attainment and in Cambridgeshire, the attainment of children with SEN is lower than national. Around 20-25% of children with SEND also are eligible for FSM, and these children have a particularly high chance of not achieving attainment benchmarks. SEND is also correlated with lower attendance and a higher likelihood of exclusion.

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