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Justice Assistance October 5, 2010.  Continued Management Information System (MIS) improvements through the integration of all print, copy and fax capabilities.

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Presentation on theme: "Justice Assistance October 5, 2010.  Continued Management Information System (MIS) improvements through the integration of all print, copy and fax capabilities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Justice Assistance October 5, 2010

2  Continued Management Information System (MIS) improvements through the integration of all print, copy and fax capabilities.  MIS programming enrichment supported by a grant from the June Rockwell Levy Foundation.

3  Reconfigured and improved office space with particular focus on classroom and meeting areas.  Renewed 5-year lease at 943 Park Avenue.  Updated  Enhanced the organization’s ‘online giving’ development capabilities.

4  Continued to provide technical assistance to the State of Rhode Island Victim Assistance Portal.  Worked in partnership with the state court administration to access user end information to include previously restricted client data.

5  Concluded the sixth, and final year of the National Institute of Health study surrounding the causes and treatment of domestic violence in association with Brown University and Butler Hospital.

6  Representation on the State Justice Commission.  Representation on the Legislative Batterers Intervention Oversight Standards Commission.  Representation on the Commission to Study Sex Offender Legislation in Rhode Island.

7  76% of all domestic violence referrals complete batterers intervention program.  8% increase in restitution referrals with a 2% increase in the amount collected and a 235% increase in the average amount of restitution ordered per client.  7% increase in community service completion.

8  Improved wages for all professional and support staff for seventh consecutive year.  Salaries surpass 85% of the comparable state positions goal; exceed New England average of comparable positions by 27%.  Formalized in-house quality assurance and error-free evaluation process instituted to determine annual employee wage adjustments.

9  Increased our direct mail annual fund campaign by 200 prospects.  Improved Banking/Bookkeeping user fee income by 41%.  Funding from rental income remained stable.

10  30% decrease in private program income.  23% decrease in management and consulting fee contracts.  Organizational debt decreased by $4,529, or 28%.

11  Government support totaled 67% of the operating budget – 35% federal and 32% state.  23% decrease in service fee collection - transactions increased by 6%.  23% increase in special event fundraising.

12  Initiated a shared relationship with RIDOC and the state court to devise a referral method for misdemeanor sanctions to be managed by the organization.

13  Entered into a management agreement with the Contractor’s Registration and Licensing Board to collect restitution.

14  US Department of Justice entered into a one year contractual agreement with the organization to research offender tracking through technology, identify best practices and develop a design for realization.

15  Initiated steps to form a Political Action Committee to support the organization’s concerns at the General Assembly.  Formalized staff responsibilities and duties to attend to legislative interaction.

16  6,639 clients received program services in fiscal year 2010.  1,258 were new court-based enrollments.

17  $140,089 in restitution was collected in fiscal year 2010 – a 2% increase.  The number of restitution referrals increased by 23 clients, or 8%.  The average restitution ordered per client totaled $476.  The annual restitution collection rate totaled 62%.

18  12,465 community service hours were completed in fiscal year 2010 – a 7% increase.  The number of community service referrals increased by 106 clients, or 27%.  The average community service ordered per client totaled 25 hours.  The annual community service completion rate totaled 72%.

19  Domestic assault related offenses resulted in 667 referrals to specialized counseling.  507 clients, or 76%, of all referrals successfully completed the court ordered batterers’ intervention requirement.

20  205 clients who committed controlled substance related offenses were referred to treatment.

21  67 clients were referred to mental health counseling services.

22  288 clients submitted victim impact forms.  76 clients were provided with specialized crisis counseling.

23  944 clients were referred to other agencies for specialized services.  1,748 clients were notified of their case status in fiscal year 2010.  210 clients were provided follow-up services and justice system orientation.

24  FY06: 1,869  FY07: 2,006  FY08: 1,813  FY09: 1,548  FY10: 1,258 FIVE-YEAR COMPARISON

25  FY06: 284  FY07: 275  FY08: 287  FY09: 271  FY10: 294 FIVE-YEAR COMPARISON

26  FY06: $147,107  FY07: $129,632  FY08: $157,959  FY09: $137,568  FY10: $140,089 FIVE-YEAR COMPARISON

27  FY06: $ 518  FY07: $ 471  FY08: $ 351  FY09: $ 142  FY10: $ 476 FIVE-YEAR COMPARISON

28  FY06: 94%  FY07: 86%  FY08: 76%  FY09: 92%  FY10: 62% FIVE-YEAR COMPARISON

29  FY06: 648  FY07: 878  FY08: 579  FY09: 389  FY10: 495 FIVE-YEAR COMPARISON

30  FY06: 17,605 Hours  FY07: 29,555 Hours  FY08: 17,847 Hours  FY09: 11,660 Hours  FY10: 12,465 Hours FIVE-YEAR COMPARISON

31  FY06: 27 Hours  FY07: 34 Hours  FY08: 31 Hours  FY09: 30 Hours  FY10: 25 Hours FIVE-YEAR COMPARISON

32  FY06: 49%  FY07: 50%  FY08: 95%  FY09: 90%  FY10: 72% FIVE-YEAR COMPARISON

33  FY06: 635  FY07: 579  FY08: 659  FY09: 608  FY10: 667 FIVE-YEAR COMPARISON

34  FY06: 196  FY07: 234  FY08: 203  FY09: 213  FY10: 205 FIVE YEAR COMPARISON

35  FY06: 73  FY07: 68  FY08: 71  FY09: 71  FY10: 67 FIVE-YEAR COMPARISON

36  FY06: 41  FY07: 14  FY08: 17  FY09: 22  FY10: 5 FIVE-YEAR COMPARISON


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