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마스터 부제목 스타일 편집 3/03/10 KISA IP Team in 2010 Mar, 2010 Billy MH Korea Internet & Security Agency.

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Presentation on theme: "마스터 부제목 스타일 편집 3/03/10 KISA IP Team in 2010 Mar, 2010 Billy MH Korea Internet & Security Agency."— Presentation transcript:

1 마스터 부제목 스타일 편집 3/03/10 KISA IP Team in 2010 Mar, 2010 Billy MH Choen @ Korea Internet & Security Agency

2 3/03/10 KISA IP Team IP/AS Management IPv6 Promotion Development and Management of Internet Address Resources 4 6 IR Standardizati on 2 Standardization Forum and Association IPv6 project, IPv6 network Awareness for IPv6 IP/AS Member services Policy & System

3 3/03/10 Where are we standing?

4 3/03/10 Analysis IPv6 Soft Landing Global IPv4 Exhaustion Wireless Internet Infrastructure Last /8 APNIC, NIR, members Political Wireless Internet Infrastructure New IP management policy for post IPv4 exhaustion New IP fee schedule for post IPv4 exhaustion Publicity for multi- stakeholders Economic Social Technological New fee schedule IPv6 fee NRO 10% Campaign UN MDG New technology (IPTV, Smart phone …) end-to-end connection (Limits of NAT, DHCP)

5 3/03/10 Policy and publicity IP management Policy To strengthen local publicity for IPv4 exhaustion and IPv6 needs in stages - ISPs Equipment Vender, CP … End user (Company) To keep pace with global scheme for IPv4 exhaustion and IPv6 promotion Raising Awarenes s IP fee schedule To revise and develop the current local IP management policy - local IPv4 management & IPv6 promotion within Korea - service for members in post IPv4 exhaustion era, ex) RPKI, IRR etc. To revise and develop the current local IP fee schedule - PAF Tier based NRO 10 % Campaign Jan. 2010. G20 Nov. 2010. IPv4 Exhaustion Sept. 2011

6 3/03/10 Not able to use IPv6 based services No needs for IPv6 service No needs to provide IPv6 environment ISPs Public companies Private companies End users No investment Vicious circle IPv6 Promotion

7 3/03/10 Encourage investment First, public side ISP’s IPv6 deployment plan Use IPv6 based services Needs for IPv6 service IPv6 ready environment Virtuous circle ISP Public companies Private companies End users IPv6 readiness IPv6 Promotion projects with portal & news sites Awareness for IPv6 needs Investme nt IPv6 Promotion

8 3/03/10 IPv6 Promotion 220V 110V / 220V 110V KE PO C Ho me App lian ce

9 3/03/10 IPv6 Promotion IPv6 only IPv4 / IPv6 IPv4 only 서버 PCPC IPv4 서버 PCPC IPv4/IPv6 서버 PCPC IPv6 서버 PCPC IPv4 IPv6 Translator IPv4/IPv6 IS P Pub lic Priv ate

10 3/03/10 DNSPC2PC1MailWEBDNSPC2PC1MailWEBDNSPC2PC1MailWEB Overseas network IX ISP IXISP IPv4 onlyIPv4/IPv6 dualIPv4 only ISP IPv4/IPv6 dual IPv4 only IPv6 Promotion

11 3/03/10 Any Qs?

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