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Applied Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED IOUW 2000 Managing Oracle and Other Cool Things You Can Do with PERL John D. Groenveld Manufacturing Systems Division.

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Presentation on theme: "Applied Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED IOUW 2000 Managing Oracle and Other Cool Things You Can Do with PERL John D. Groenveld Manufacturing Systems Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 Applied Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED IOUW 2000 Managing Oracle and Other Cool Things You Can Do with PERL John D. Groenveld Manufacturing Systems Division Applied Research Laboratory - Penn State University

2 Applied Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED Introduction 0001 #!/usr/bin/perl -w 0002 0003 use strict; 0004 0005 print "Hello World\n"; Using the Perl Programming Language to… Manage your database Develop applications Client/Server Web-based

3 Applied Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED Perl Larry Wall Practical Extraction and Report Language Not just for UNIX weenies Modular, Object-Oriented styles CPAN archive of reusable code CGI, libwww, Net::*, ActiveState PPM for Windows Perl’s Plain Old Documentation, perldoc

4 Applied Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED Perl (example) 0001 #!/usr/bin/perl -w 0002 0003 use strict; 0004 use File::Copy; 0005 use FileHandle; 0006 use Date::Format; 0007 use Net::SMTP; 0008 0009 my $oracle_home = "/opt/oracle8/product/8.0.6"; 0010 my $oracle_sid = "IOUW8"; 0011 my $smtp_server = "localhost"; 0012 0013 my $alert_log_dir = $oracle_home. "/rdbms/log"; 0014 my $alert_log = $alert_log_dir. "/alert_". $oracle_sid. ".log"; 0015 my $date = time2str("%Y%m%d", time()); 0016 my $backup_log = $alert_log.".". $date; 0017 die "can't find ". $alert_log unless -f $alert_log; 0018 0019 # move the alert log 0020 move($alert_log, $backup_log) or die $!; 0021

5 Applied Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED Perl (example continued) 0022 # parse the log file for Oracle errors 0023 my $fh = new FileHandle $backup_log, "r"; 0024 die $! unless defined $fh; 0025 my @errors = grep /^ORA/, ; 0026 $fh->close; 0027 0028 # notify the DBA 0029 if (@errors) { 0030 my $smtp = new Net::SMTP($smtp_server); 0031 $smtp->mail('oracle'); 0032 $smtp->to('oracle'); 0033 $smtp->data; 0034 $smtp->datasend(qq{To: "Oracle DBA" \n}); 0035 $smtp->datasend(qq{From: "Oracle DBA rotate script" \n}); 0036 $smtp->datasend(qq{Subject: "errors in $backup_log\n}); 0037 $smtp->datasend("\n"); 0038 $smtp->datasend(@errors); 0039 $smtp->dataend; 0040 }

6 Applied Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED DBI / DBD::Oracle Perl4 extensions (oraperl, ingperl, sybperl, etc) Tim Bunce Database Independent Interface to DB Dependent Drivers Pro*C / ODBC style interface DBD::(ODBC,DB2,Informix, mysql, Xbase,CSV) DBD::Ram DBD::AnyDB PerlDB O’Reilly Programming the Perl DBI

7 Applied Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED DBI / DBD::Oracle (example) 0001 #!/usr/bin/perl -w 0002 0003 use strict; 0004 use DBI; 0005 0006 my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:IOUW8', 0007 'scott', 0008 'tiger', 0009 { AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 1 } 0010 ); 0011 0012 my $sql = qq{ 0013 SELECT * 0014 FROM emp 0015 WHERE job = :p1 0016 }; 0017 my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); 0018 $sth->bind_param(':p1', 'CLERK'); 0019 $sth->execute();

8 Applied Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED DBI / DBD::Oracle (example continued) 0020 my @row; 0021 my $col; 0022 while ( @row = $sth->fetchrow_array ) { 0023 foreach $col (@row) { 0024 print defined($col) ? $col : ""; 0025 print "\t"; 0026 } 0027 print "\n"; 0028 } 0029 $sth->finish; 0030 $dbh->disconnect;

9 Applied Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED Perl / Tk Tcl/Tk Cross-platform GUI language Nick Ing-Simmons O’Reilly Learning Perl/Tk

10 Applied Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED Perl / Tk (example) 0001 #!/usr/bin/perl -w 0002 0003 use strict; 0004 use DBI; 0005 use Tk; 0006 0007 my ($username, $password); 0008 0009 # Create a Tk window to Login (lw) 0010 my $lw = new MainWindow; 0011 $lw->title(" Login "); 0012 my $frame = $lw->Frame->pack; 0013 my $ul = $frame->Label( -text => "Username",); 0014 my $ue = $frame->Entry( -textvariable => \$username,); 0015 my $pl = $frame->Label( -text => "Password",); 0016 my $pe = $frame->Entry( -textvariable => \$password, -show => "*",); 0017 Tk::grid($ul, -row => 0, -col => 0); 0018 Tk::grid($ue, -row => 0, -col => 1); 0019 Tk::grid($pl, -row => 1, -col => 0); 0020 Tk::grid($pe, -row => 1, -col => 1);

11 Applied Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED Perl / Tk (example continued.1) 0021 $lw->Button( 0022 -text => "Connect", 0023 -command => [\&fetch_login], 0024 )->pack(-side => 'bottom'); 0025 MainLoop; 0026 0027 sub fetch_login { 0028 # before I destroy, I should probably test the user/pass 0029 # As my CS prof used to say, that's left as an exercise 0030 $lw->destroy if ( defined $username && defined $password ); 0031 } 0032 0033 # fetch something 0034 my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:IOUW8', 0035 $username, 0036 $password, 0037 { AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 1 } 0038 );

12 Applied Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED Perl / Tk (example continued.2) 0039 my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT table_name FROM user_tables"); 0040 $sth->execute; 0041 my $row_ref; 0042 my @list; 0043 while ( $row_ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) { 0044 push @list, $row_ref->{TABLE_NAME}; 0045 } 0046 $sth->finish; 0047 $dbh->disconnect; 0048 0049 # Create a Tk window with a Listbox 0050 my $mw = MainWindow->new; 0051 $mw->title( "Hello World" ); 0052 my $lb = $mw->Scrolled("Listbox")->pack; 0053 $lb->insert("end", @list); 0054 $mw->Button( 0055 -text => "Done", 0056 -command => sub{ exit }, 0057 )->pack(-side => 'bottom'); 0058 MainLoop;

13 Applied Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED Orac / PerlDBAdmin Andy Duncan Enterprise Manager Extensible Framework Other related projects Karma Web-based DB OracleTool Web-based DBA tool E/R Tool?

14 Applied Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED Orac / PerlDBAdmin (demo)

15 Applied Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED Apache open source web server module API Jakarta / Tomcat JSP, Java Servlets XML

16 Applied Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED mod_perl Doug MacEachern Apache::DBI (persistant connections) Apache::DBILogin (Oracle Authentication) Apache::Session (Session Management) Apache::OWA (OAS, PL/SQL cartridge) O’Reilly Writing Apache Modules with Perl

17 Applied Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED HTML::Mason Jonathan Swartz Reusable Components Component Cache Templates Web Developer friendly Content Management System Staging area Revision control

18 Applied Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED HTML::Mason (example Header) 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 $title 0013

19 Applied Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED HTML::Mason (example search_form.html) 0001 "IOUW2000 Example: Search Staff Expertise Database" &> 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 %foreach my $row_ref (@{$expertise_table_ref}) { 0009 [0] %>"> [1] %> 0010 %} 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021

20 Applied Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED HTML::Mason (example search_form.html continued.1) 0022 0023 my $data_source = $r->dir_config('IOUW_data_source'); 0024 my $username = $r->dir_config('IOUW_username'); 0025 my $password = $r->dir_config('IOUW_password'); 0026 0027 my $dbh = DBI->connect($data_source, $username, $password, {RaiseError => 1}); 0028 0029 my $sql = qq{ 0030 SELECT id, description 0031 FROM iouw2000.expertise 0032 }; 0033 my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); 0034 $sth->execute; 0035 my $expertise_table_ref = $sth->fetchall_arrayref; 0036

21 Applied Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED HTML::Mason (example search.html) 0001 "Search Expertise" &> 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 LastName 0012 FirstName 0013 Department 0014 Resume 0015 0016 %foreach my $row ( @{$results} ) { 0017 0018 {LASTNAME} %> 0019 {FIRSTNAME} %> 0020 {DEPARTMENT} %> 0021 0022 0023 %} 0024

22 Applied Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED HTML::Mason (example search.html continued.1) 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 my $dbh = DBI->connect($r->dir_config("IOUW_data_source"), 0031 $r->dir_config("IOUW_username"), 0032 $r->dir_config("IOUW_password"), 0033 { RaiseError => 1, LongReadLen => 1024 ** 2 } 0034 ); 0035 0036 my @expertise = ( ref $ARGS{Expertise} ) 0037 ? @{$ARGS{Expertise}} 0038 : $ARGS{Expertise}; 0039 my $binding = join ',', map {sprintf "\?"} @expertise; 0040 0041

23 Applied Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED HTML::Mason (example search.html continued.2) 0042 my $sql = qq{ 0043 SELECT DISTINCT lastname, firstname, department 0044 FROM iouw2000.staff_users, iouw2000.staff_expertise, 0045 iouw2000.staff_info, iouw2000.department 0046 WHERE staff_users.empno = staff_expertise.empno 0047 AND staff_users.empno = staff_info.empno 0048 AND staff_info.deptno = department.deptno 0049 AND staff_expertise.exp_id IN ( $binding ) 0050 }; 0051 my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); 0052 $sth->execute(@expertise); 0053 my $results = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}); 0054 $dbh->disconnect; 0055

24 Applied Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED Conclusions Use Perl! Questions? John D. Groenveld (814)863-9896

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