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PLUG IN TO THE WIRELESS WORLD Open-AT V1.1 10/00 Open-AT presentation

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1 PLUG IN TO THE WIRELESS WORLD Open-AT V1.1 10/00 Open-AT presentation

2 CONFIDENTIAL - No diffusion allowed without Wavecom permission O verview Software mechanism allowing a customer to embed an AT commands based application into a Wavecom product Customer application to be developped in C language Specific development and debug tools provided by Wavecom Available on all Wavecom dual band products starting from Q1/01

3 CONFIDENTIAL - No diffusion allowed without Wavecom permission P rinciple EmbeddedApplicationEmbeddedApplication Wavecom Core Software Wavecom External application driving the Wavecom device through the serial link External application driving the Wavecom device through the serial link

4 CONFIDENTIAL - No diffusion allowed without Wavecom permission S oftware architecture Wavecom API Layer Wavecom Core Embedded Application Wavecom Core Software Embedded software WAVECOM MODULE AT Command API OS API Wavecom library Embedded API Layer Embedded Core Application Mandatory API AT Cmd Embedded API Standard API OS API

5 CONFIDENTIAL - No diffusion allowed without Wavecom permission O perating modes  The Open-AT facility supports several operating modes : stand alone mode  A stand alone mode: the embedded application drives the Wavecom device on its own « dual » mode  a « dual » mode : the embedded application co-operates with an external application standard mode  a standard mode in which the external application drives the Wavecom device (no interaction with the embedded application)

6 CONFIDENTIAL - No diffusion allowed without Wavecom permission S tand-alone mode send and receive AT commands primitives  The embedded application drives the Wavecom Core software through an internal mechanism based on send and receive AT commands primitives

7 CONFIDENTIAL - No diffusion allowed without Wavecom permission C ooperative mode (1) cooperate  The embedded application can be used to cooperate with an external application

8 CONFIDENTIAL - No diffusion allowed without Wavecom permission C ooperative mode (2)  The embedded application can then filter:  The AT commands sent by the external application to the Wavecom core (pre-parsing)  The responses received from the Wavecom core (post-parsing) to take control of the serial link  The Open-AT facility also allows the embedded application to take control of the serial link application specific  The data flow can then be fully application specific

9 CONFIDENTIAL - No diffusion allowed without Wavecom permission T echnical overview  The following resources are available for the embedded application: Memory size   512 kBytes ROM   32 kBytes RAM Processing power   0.5 MIPS during GSM communication  1 to 2 MIPS when no GSM com. active

10 CONFIDENTIAL - No diffusion allowed without Wavecom permission T ools  In order to ease the development Wavecom provides debug tools running on PC:  Embedded application simulator  External execution environment for the embedded application  Terminal emulator  Traces monitoring software

11 CONFIDENTIAL - No diffusion allowed without Wavecom permission P rimitives  The main API primitives available are:  AT commands related API  Send AT command  Subscribe to unsollicited indications,…  OS related API  Start/Stop timer  Read/Write data in Flash memory  Init/Get/Release memory,…

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