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Oxford Mills Pathfinders & Rangers International Trip Unit Our Chalet Adelboden,Switzerland July 9 - 20, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Oxford Mills Pathfinders & Rangers International Trip Unit Our Chalet Adelboden,Switzerland July 9 - 20, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oxford Mills Pathfinders & Rangers International Trip Unit Our Chalet Adelboden,Switzerland July 9 - 20, 2016

2 Eligibility Must be GGC registered for seasons: 2014/15 AND 2015/16 Must be an Oxford Mills Pathfinder or Ranger Must have stayed at least 5 consecutive nights away from parents (preferably with Guider Ann and/or Guider Kristina) prior to departure Must be/will be in good physical condition

3 Why Our Chalet? First WAGGGS World Centre Exciting, Adventurous Outings Experience a contrasting culture Breath-taking scenery

4 Adelboden, Switzerland Population: 3,500 Time Difference: - 6 hrs Climate in July: H: 20 °C L: 9 °C Elevation: 1350m

5 Itinerary Sat. July 9 – leave Oxford Mills in a passenger van/bus to get to Toronto Airport Get on flight directly to Zurich, Switzerland (8.5 hours, hopefully landing around 3am/9am) Sun. July 10 - Travel by bus directly to Our Chalet (2.5 hours) Tour and relax at Our Chalet

6 At Our Chalet Mon – Hike along Engstligen River to Rehärti Adventure Park; Opening Ceremonies Tue – At Our Chalet for orienteering, geocachimng, pioneer camp skills; Swiss Culture Night Wed – Visit Schuh Chocolatier, view Trummelbach Falls/white water rafting; Games Night

7 At Our Chalet Thu – Hiking day to Elsigenalp, visit cheese maker, swim in glacial lake; WAGGGS Night Fri – “relax”; visit Adelboden village; Night Hike (optional overnight hike) Sat – Hike to a famous woodcarver’s workshop; Repel into the Choleren Gorge; International Night Sun – Visit Thun, a medieval town, travel to Niesen Peak (2362m) in a funicular; Closing Ceremonies


9 Leaving Our Chalet Zurich Youth Hostel Mon. July 18 - pack up travel to Zurich Tue. July 19 - Sight-seeing Bus Tour in Zurich, Dine Out (5pm/11pm)Taxi to airport; travel directly from Zurich to Toronto by plane, board bus to travel to Oxford Mills Wed. July 20 (6pm) – arrive at Oxford on- Rideau for pick-up!

10 Budget 1 Swiss Franc (1CH) = $1.21 CDN Cost per person Activity CH $CDN Bus Travel to and from Toronto83 Flight to and from Zurich1380 Public Bus to and From Our Chalet46.656.40 Swiss Challenge - 8 nights indoor accommodation, all meals, luggage transfer, 6 day programs & 7 evening programs11651409.65 Overnight hike to Bonderspitz (optional)1518.15 Bus Tour- Zurich120145.20 Youth Hostel Accommodations (2 nights - includes Breakfasts)8196.80 Meals & Tips in Zurich5060.50 Contingency (10%)324.97 TOTAL PER PERSON3574.67 Less: Participant Payments(900.00) Total Needed to be Fundraised2674.67 Mandatory Cookie Sales (25%)(668.67) Remainder to be Fundraised2006.00 Total Cases of Cookies needed to be sold 55 Cases per campaign (4 campaigns) 14

11 Personal Expenses = $300 - $600 Passport + photos =$75 (16+ = $135) Spending money = $100 - $250 Travel Insurance = $ 45 - $80 Notarized Letter of Travel = $0 - $15 Good Hiking Boots = $50- $100 Traders = $0-$30 Good Health = priceless

12 Uniform Expenses 10 shoulder flashes will be provided to each participant from their own Unit 1 International scarf is required 1 International polo shirt is required, an additional polo shirt is suggested The International jacket is optional Required (youth shirt + scarf) = $69.90 +$9 S&H + $7.06 HST = $85.96

13 The Plan to Get There EventOther Info$/# eventTotal$ Expected Hours expected/girl BBQs20 over 2 years 1503000 40 Roast Beef Dinner TheatreJan. 2015 (2 shows/1 night) 500500 12 *Note $100 ea. unit Roast Beef Wedding DinnerFeb. 7, 2015 (South Mountain) 1000850 10 *Note $150 to GG Pancake BreakfastsMarch 2015/2016 400800 10 Quilt Raffle May 2015/2016 40080020 Silent Auction1 per year 2015 200200 0 Bottle Drives3 per year 2015/2016 2001200 20 Car Washes4 per year 2015/2016 2001200 25 Revels 2 per year 2014-201610004000100 *plus task time Pampered Chef/ Regal/ Tupperware/ Candlelightvia websites over 2 years 5002000 10 Craft Shows2014/2015 250500 10 *plus crafting time Bake Sale/Pie Auction2014/2015 300600 10 *plus baking time Sing/Hike/Bowl-a-thon2015/2016 300600 48 Farmer's Market2015 500500 10 *plus gardening time Workshops4 per year 2015/2016 100800 20 *plus task time Birthday Parties10 parties over 2 years 75750 30 *plus task time GGC International Subsidy$125/girl 1251250 North Grenville Grant (Qualifying?) 500 10 *buffer/advertising Total 20050375+ HRS COOKIE SALES55 cases per girl6690

14 My Fundraising Contribution Funds will be allocated by a points system Where the more time and effort a participant puts into the trip’s fundraisers, the less her trip expenses will be Fee Payment Schedule of $900 may be adjusted following Jan 2016 Progress Report, however absolute minimum payment is $375.50 400+ fundraising hours may be used toward program Substitutions may be accepted if attendance is missed at fundraising event(s) 55 Cases of Cookies (14 cases/each of 4 campaigns)

15 Points System 1 hour at the event = 1 credit $10 donated item = 1 credit Updates provided on request and every 6 months Jan 2016 “top up” EventTOTAL ParticipantCREDITS $ EARNED Alyssa M17171.60 Jaelyn C650.79 MacKenzie12120.97 Trinity439.15 Gabby00.00 Sarah P214.40 Kendra00.00 Emily B455.64 Carli426.78 Renee223.00 Kristin651.53 Casey232.64 Justine00.00 Emily Y00.00 Allison00.00 Alyssa C00.00

16 What’s Next Participant Intent Agreement (due ASAP) IT.7 Form & $100 deposit (due Oct 14/14) Sell Cookies Fundraise!!!!

17 Questions ?

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