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Miami Marlins Lacrosse By: Marshall, Natalie, Hannah, Ellen, and Charlie.

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Presentation on theme: "Miami Marlins Lacrosse By: Marshall, Natalie, Hannah, Ellen, and Charlie."— Presentation transcript:


2 Miami Marlins Lacrosse By: Marshall, Natalie, Hannah, Ellen, and Charlie

3 Animation

4 Logo

5 The shoes

6 The Uniform

7 The shorts

8 Population Map

9 Why should you pick us? Miami Marlins Miami Marlins Cameron, Charlie, Ellen, Hannah, Marshall, Natalie Cameron, Charlie, Ellen, Hannah, Marshall, Natalie We want to put our lacrosse team in Miami because the state is highly populated and they have many childrens sports leagues, such as the Miami Lacrosse Association, the Miami Makos travel teams, and the Ransom Everglades Upper School. This makes Florida a great place for a lacrosse team. Our colors are blue, red and black and our team name is the Marlins. We want to put our lacrosse team in Miami because the state is highly populated and they have many childrens sports leagues, such as the Miami Lacrosse Association, the Miami Makos travel teams, and the Ransom Everglades Upper School. This makes Florida a great place for a lacrosse team. Our colors are blue, red and black and our team name is the Marlins.

10 Florida Facts Florida was named by Juan Ponce de León, who landed on the peninsula in the year 1513. Florida was named by Juan Ponce de León, who landed on the peninsula in the year 1513. Florida is the fourth most populous state in the United States of America. Florida is the fourth most populous state in the United States of America. It is believed that Florida had been inhabited for thousands of years before any European settlements were established. It is believed that Florida had been inhabited for thousands of years before any European settlements were established.

11 Work Cited Florida about-florida-2869.html Florida about-florida-2869.html

12 Thanks!!! By: Cameron, Charlie, Ellen, Hannah, Marshall, and Natalie!

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