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To give special recognition to individuals who as members, sponsors, or players of Deep Run Valley Sports Association have made outstanding contributions.

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2 To give special recognition to individuals who as members, sponsors, or players of Deep Run Valley Sports Association have made outstanding contributions to the Dublin Little League, Deep Run Little League or Deep Run Valley Sports Association. Their contribution must have had a profound affect on the Organization and have set an outstanding example of leadership, sportsmanship and volunteerism to the youth of our community. 6:00 - 6:45Social Hour 6:45Welcome Invocation by Jon Kutzner 8:15 - 9:15Inductions 9:15 - 9:30A Look Ahead – Hans Sumpf, President 9:30Social / Photographs DRVSA began play as the Dublin Little League and soon Deep Run Valley Little League at two fields behind Goldie·s Diner in Dublin, PA in the spring of 1963, following a series of organizational meetings in 1962. The League initially had 4 Major teams and 5 minor teams. Expansion began in 1969 when the Major Division moved to 6 teams and the minors to two 4-team divisions. This expansion prompted the purchase of 16.5 acres in Hilltown for $10,000. With Softball and a Senior Division added in the early 70·s, Deep Run left sanctioned Little League and incorporated as the DRVSA. Continued on back page Following the inception of Soccer in 1976, a second floor was added to the clubhouse. Continued growth led to the addition of 3 acres from Carson·s in 1995 and 3 soccer fields on Telegragh Road. Currently more than 10 soccer fields and 9-10 ball fields are used annually. Most recently, major facilities improvements (press boxes & dugouts) have created quality playing fields for our various baseball/softball programs. Two pavilions (one donated by the Schramm Family in John·s memory) and a utility building are also used heavily. As our facilities have grown, our programs, too, have evolved. In 1990, the League returned officially to official Little League status for baseball and softball. Our affiliation with Connie Mack continues, and travel soccer has grown beyond our original Upper Bucks Soccer League membership. Finally, in the late 90·s a basketball program was instituted and has grown rapidly. DRVSA will be offering Lacrosse in the year 2007. This program had existed under PennValley Lacrosse for 3 years and now will merge with Deep Run. During 2006 DRVSA entered into an agreement of sale for the purchase of 10+ acres that we had leased yearly from Bernie Crawford. DRVSA again will have a mortgage but this time it will be $350,000. Through membership fee increases, donations, and fund raising we hope to have this paid off in under 10 years. Our Membership is closing in on 2400 families and the budget is over $550,000. Our membership fees and registration fees just barely cover the budget. We depend quite a bit on our sponsors, fund raisers, and donations to make ends meet. WE CONTINUE TO GROW!!! This brief historical overview shows that we owe a great debt to our founders and subsequent leaders, sponsors, coaches, participating families, and the community at large.


4 INDIVIDUALS Mark Phipps* Tom Cuffs Frank Buschman Bob Mills Evelyn Webb SPONSORS Quakertown National Bank News Herald Thompson Toyota Mark Phipps Jon Kutzner Dave Tyson Bill Smith Joan D’Aiuto Dave Nyman John Keim Sheila Moyer Dan Miller Dan Traynor Al Neppas Jim Northington Ed White Dave Donnelly Lou Reckner Chuck Hughes Bob Dupree Jules Tanghe Bill Innes Brian Flack Gerald May Harry Moore Lee Robinson The preservation of the past is important to the DRVSA Hall of Fame Committee. Please help us fill in the gaps in this list. We also would be interested in any old memorabilia or anecdotes to help fill in the history of our organization. Ed White Hans Sumpf Jon Kutzner John Keim David Nyman David Tyson Joan D’Aiuto

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